I'VE SPENT TODAY (Friday) doing other things.
Like, er, scraping off wallpaper, watching multiple episodes of Prisoner (women in prison, and one of the few decent things to come out of Australia), and tonight, the last season of The Wire (I can't actually cope with the excitement. I'm on episode 4: first Butchie, now Proposition Joe... this beef between Omar and Marlo is getting uglier by the minute).
As a result, I haven't been online reading and researching, except to moderate comments here. One of those comments was left by Mr. Jones, whose blog is Surrealistically Speaking, which is pretty damn good. It's one of those blogs where the tone and content just sits right. (Mr. Jones is an Americanite, but I swear his banner features a TfL bus. Mr. Jones, if you're reading this, that is a TfL bus, isn't it? Not that there's anything wrong with that. My banner features CocoDorm, and sadly I'm not there either.)
What was this article supposed to be about?
Oh yeah, B2K nekkidness.
Remember the Raz-B/Chris Stokes episode of Christmas Eve '07? Of course you do.
Well, Raz-B can now be seen naked. And I mean naked. Full tit and minge, as Edina out of Absolutely Fabulous once said, although we're not talking minge here, we're talking dick.
It's not a bad piece, Raz-B. We're not talking Jovonnie here, but it's nothing to be ashamed of. Except the cum shot. Yikes. Cum only looks good when it's thick, white and in mid-air. Not a grim murky slick around the head. That just looks nasty.
If you want to see the pictures you'll have to head over to Surrealistically Speaking. We don't do nudity here at ka-ostheory...
Previously - B2K
Elsewhere - I Blame YOU Chris Stokes!: Raz-B (formerly of B2K) Leaks Naked Pics

Yeah that cum shot does like kinda gross...
Everything else sorta works out though!
his pix where like dude what are doing to yourself? oh that's what you are doing? okay then...cool...
IS he straight?!? Those pictures convinced me otherwise.....!!!!!
Adore The Wire and Omar, although McNulty runs a very close 2nd. Watched it late last year, total addict. Just loved those long, slow story arcs.
Ahhh...a shout out on just the 3rd or 4th comment. I'm honored. As an aside, I may come across as snarky at times, but I make a point to let folks know when I'm being serious and I'm being serious when I say I really do appreciate that and the kind words.
Back to the post. The Wire in the bomb. I own all the seasons on DVD. It may not accurately depict all aspects of life in my fair city, but it's still a great show. The pics of Raz-B are much too much. That cum shot is just...yuck.
As for my banner, IIRC there was what us Americans simply call a double-decker bus in there before I butchered it in Photoshop. LOL. I adore the UK. Ireland and Scotland not so much, but certainly England. So, I guess that means I just adore Great Britain. LOL.
Oh and as a heads up, Jovonnie penis is a TOTAL waste. He may play the part on screen, but both he and City Bwoi are TOTAL ladies. They're such a lesbian couple. It's sickening how all that goes to waste. LOL.
Mr Jones - I'd be curious to know what The Wire gets wrong about Baltimore. I've never heard a charge of inaccuracy levelled against it. "I adore the UK. Ireland and Scotland not so much, but certainly England."
You and me are gonna fall out with talk like that. The English are mostly jerks, it's the Celtic people who're the best part of Britain and Ireland. Grrrr...
AND WHAT!! WHAT?!! Tell me more about Jovonnie and City Bwoi. By total ladies you mean their really bottoms? If so, you've just made my day...
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