• Disney: Ex-gays a "nuance" that can't be accommodated. Brilliant.

• US soap One Life To Live's gay couple Kyle and Fish are being written out and will be off screen by mid-April.

• Proposed Florida bill denies tax breaks to films that feature gay characters.
• Bromosexuals: openly gay, but forever mistaken for straight.

• Former Colorado Christian school principal Daniel Brock (right) is acquitted of "sexually touching" and "fondling" two male students; one of the students committed suicide a week after the principal's acquittal.

• Washington DC: Marriage license applications surge from about 50 to nearly 500 in the first week gay marriage became legal.

• OMG... A rainbow coalition of male flesh parade in Calvin Klein underwear, in the full-length X campaign video featuring Mehcad Brooks, Kellan Lutz, Hidetoshi Nakata and Fernando Verdasco. I'm dizzy and going for a lie down. See it full screen here.

• Uganda: ABC's Nightline video report on the anti-gay bill.
• Uganda: Homophobia a sign of impending genocide?
• Uganda: Being Gay in Uganda - One Couple's Story.

• Kenya: A Christian Radio Station in Mombasa is continuing to broadcast threats against local the LGBT community.
• Malawi: Peter Tatchell has urged Amnesty International to regard jailed couple Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga as "prisoners of conscience" in their campaign for their release.

• They shipped the Bel Ami boys in for Gay Pride in Cape Town. If I could be bothered, I could say something about them being just the right shade for our Afrikanner friends, but I can't.
• Gay Jamaicans attacked by mob.

• Butt Magazine interviews Singaporean filmmaker and part-time go-go boy Loo Zihan.
• Gay couples find surrogate mothers in India, where commercial surrogacy is a booming industry.
• 27-year-old Saudi man sentenced to 1,000 lashes, a year in jail and a fine of 5,000 riyals ($US1,330) after appearing in a humourous, amateur gay video.
• Buenos Aires: Judge revokes same-sex marriage decision, orders return of marriage licenses. Paul from California comments, "How Christian to forcibly annul the partnership, deny them the legal benefits, and publicly humiliate them. I'm sure God is smiling."

• At least it wasn't one of their police officers. They're all lard arses, apparently.
• And now a speedo break from Made In Brazil.
• Pope's brother admits abusing children, and ignoring the victims of child abuse.

• Czech Railways is controlled by homosexuals, apparently. I have visions of the Bel Ami boys and a big shiny steam train...

• Are the Outgames and the Gay Games merging?
• Australia's opposition leader feels threatened by gays.
• Every secondary school in Scotland is to receive a copy of Rikki Beadle-Blair's anti-homophobia film FIT (left). Beadle-Blair said: "When on tour I would ask the kids how many people thought homosexuality was wrong. In every single school the vast majority, about 80 percent, would put their hands up. But kids would come up after the performance and say quite openly, 'I walked into this room homophobic and will leave it a changed person.'"

• Cyberbullying leads to depression in LGBT youth.
• Man on trial for biting longterm partner's cheek after a threesome with a man they met online.
• Gay Asian men in Yorkshire are facing increasing racial abuse from within the gay community.
• What's that they say, "you can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep?" The Conservative Party's closest political allies, the Ulster Unionist party, are rabidly homophobic.
• Escort ads in gay magazines may become illegal.
• The job advert that discriminates against straights.

• Homophobic Christian registrar Lillian Ladele (left) has been refused permission to appeal to the Supreme Court. She was dismissed by London's Islington Council after refusing to carry out gay civil partnership ceremonies.

• Why forcing churches to hold gay civil partnership ceremonies is a victory for religious freedom.
• It's Ronan Keating - but not as you know him.
• Northern Ireland: Two Lithuanians are jailed for life for the homophobic killing of supermarket boss Shaun Fitzpatrick two years ago. Article includes video report.
• David Vilaseca, a professor in Hispanic studies and critical theory, "produced original and innovative studies of a number of writers, mostly gay, and exiles from their native land or language". Vilaseca was killed last month.

• Colonialism never dies: Zimbabwe's white farmers plan to seize Zimbabwean-owned property in South Africa.
• Speaking of colonialism... I'm not the only one who thinks living in Australia sucks. But just how irritating are the people who do move there?
• The real Australia: Two Aussie teenagers charged over brutal attack on disabled tourist.
• 2010 Carnival, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 7th March, in pictures. Left, right and below; thanks to Mario Sessions for the pictures.
• The Big Picture: Chile, nine days later, below left and right (41 pictures).

• The end of the road for Barack Obama?

• Maybe when that time comes, more people will buy black Barbie dolls, and Walmart won't have to sell them at half the price of white dolls. Pretty clear cut commercial decision here, but it presses all the right buttons.
• Salt ban for New York eateries?
• London to Beijing in two days on new high-speed trains that travel almost as fast as aeroplanes.

• We're constantly told why gay couples shouldn't be allowed to adopts, or have children of their own. Here's the latest example of heterosexual familial abuse.
• AIDS virus can hide in bone marrow, and circumcision may not cut the spread of HIV among gay men.
• Latest laser eye surgery "practically painless".
• Get your trainers on: Joggers have more sex.
• Stressed men "make odd sexual decisions".
• Bring me fun bring me sunshine and bring me love... Vitamin D triggers and arms the immune system. Bad luck if you live in Finland.

• Good news for Rosé-glugging slappers in town centres across Blighty! Wine doesn't make women fat.
• Warning: Drunks!

• Black penguin.
• Squirrels with hats.
• Dogs in make-up.

• Just how much will sell for?
• And the 10 most expensive domain names...
• ...and could .gay, .islam and .xxx soon become a reality?
• Google wants to take over TV too.

• Introducing the Microsoft Courier - the iPad challenger.
• Imaginary Architectures, a collection of blown-glass installation

• Fixing the world with Lego (11 more pictures).

• Sales of vinyl records, cassette tapes rise; CD sales continue to fall.
• Shiny Shiny: A Future History of the CD Revival, dated March 2022. Brilliant!

• Meet London MC Tinie Tempah.

• JLS condoms are too big for Mr Average.
• Charlie Brooker reviews Sky's Pineapple Dance Studios. Scratch that, Charlie Brooker tries to make sense of Sky's Pineapple Dance Studios. I've seen it. I'm scarred for life.

• Wizard of Oz set for 3-D in not one but two remakes.
• Newly ripe Taylor Lautner has threatened to lose weight - and muscle - if a role requires it.
• Tron: Legacy, trailer:
• Diesel Washington asks...
• And finally, help Davey Wavey find his fetish.
(What do all the headlines for each edition of
The News According To Garçon Stupide have in common?)
ka-os|theory is not responsible for the content of external websites.
"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come.
The whole thing's been ridiculous."
© 2010
I agree with Washington that these guys today are not porn stars. The guys ten years ago those were porn stars. I grew up in a time where if you were a porn star you had to do all the stuff he mentioned.
Call em out. lol
Congrats to that Guyanese singer
good job mr kaos
Mister Washington indeed speaks the truth. He really does take seriously the business of giving the audience what it wants.
Compare him to that pointless waste of space Babyboy at CocoDorm, who holds back on everything and does nothing, believing we, the audience, are lucky to even have his presence...
And I love Diesel's voice. In fact I love Diesel fullstop. *Sigh*
And the John Barrowman comment was funny!
oh. i miss kenya. unfortunately their population growth of 4% had destroyed the country. people seem to be everywhere there now. the pics tell the story - people and animals - who's more important?
i was on south georgia last month, but i didn't see the black penguin. but i did see LOTS of penguins and seals. cool place.
Diesel Washington voice of authority - back when porn was still on DVD in 2006? WTF - I haven't watched a porn on DVD since 2004.
Over-population is the biggest problem facing the world that no one wants to talk about. Try telling straights to stop breeding though...
LOL... If I had a bigger budget I think I'd still buy porn on DVD - quality stuff worth paying for like Kristen Bjorn, Bel Ami and Enrique Cruz. But I don't so I can't.
So it turns out that Jack from Will and Grace is actually gay in real life...
Right then
I know. It's staggering, isn't it? Who'd have thought?
Maybe Graham Norton will come out next, or Dale Winton.
I know right...
In other news, the new Sean Cody model... There's nothing else to say.
Nooooo Taylor Noooooooo! Don't lose that body.
On that note it is really sad that I'm anticipating Twilight 3 just so I can see his abs and arms.
Damn you Taylor Lautner. God Damn you.
How long do you think it'll be before he plays a gay role?
I think in a few years. Once it sets in that all the little gay boys of the world love him he'll probably be in Another Gay Movie 3.
LOL LOL LOL... Another Gay Movie 3? That's a bit optimistic... Still, with that franchise's tradition of also casting porn stars (Matthew Rush then Brent Corrigan), we can now imagine who he'd get paired up with.
Personally, I'd like to see him bent over by Diesel Washington.
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