*Half of college football players say they have a gay teammate.
*"A high school student from Minnesota, US, was harassed by two teachers who believed he was gay, according to the state's Department of Human Rights." The teachers, Diane Cleveland and Walter Filson, "made derogatory remarks about the boy's perceived sexual orientation in class and allowed other students to make similar comments." Neither teacher has been dismissed.

*"Once, I was hog tied to a chair, rolled across the base, and left in a dog kennel with feces. I was forced to simulate sex acts, on camera, to armed service members with trained attack dogs in the room. Men with hoses sprayed me down in full uniform." Joseph Christopher Rocha (left) talks about his time in the US navy.
*The solution to gay cruising in parks? Set the dogs on them! "With a little instruction, dogs could be taught to severely dislike the gay lovers in Burruss and Wildwood and bite them in the fanny and do what City Council should have done years ago - chase them off to Atlanta where they belong..."

*Pack your gaydar away with your VCR and answering machine. It ain't no good anymore: "Gay men are butcher than they used to be, and straight men aren't as inclined to butch it up as much."

*If you're averse to misogyny, look away now, because here comes another vomit-inducing article from some smug bint for whom gay men are merely fashion accessories. "They revere Madonna as a demigod," she says. Oh f**k off. In between applying Vagisil, you've yapped about what Gay Boyfriends do for you - but of what possible use is a straight woman to me?

*What's happening in Malta?
*"The IDF [Israeli Defence Forces] assigns soldiers to posts based on military needs and the soldiers' personal abilities, not based on their sexual orientation or their gender. Any statement to the contrary represents personal opinion and not official IDF policy." The Rabbi ain't happy about gay soldiers being featured in the amry magazine.
*Gay rights campaigners in Zimbabwe are hopeful that the country's new constitution will grant them protection.
*Swine flu hysteria puts a dampener on Mumbai gay pride.
*The long uphill battle faced by our brothers and sisters in Asia.

*Serbian football clubs have a change of heart on gay-hate graffiti in Belgrade.
*"This is going to be the first male strip club in Tennessee. We cater to anybody who wants to come see men dance naked." That would be me then. Can I get directions?
*OMG! American could run out of sugar!

*Mass redundancy (right), Singapore style.

*Don't mug your boss off on Facebook (left). When you've added him as a friend.
*The California Institution for Men currently holds 5,877 prisoners. The facility was designed to hold 2,976. California's prisons are in crisis.
*The little boy in a big suit, talking to the big man.
*I thought Americans were all for freedom of speech? I guess this is the exception to the rule...

*You may remember last week's top story about male rape in Congo. This week, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton demanded an end to the rampant sexual violence in the war-torn country.

*The plastic soup of waste (right) that's twice the size of the United States, and stretches from Hawaii to Japan. And it's getting bigger.
*Still, not to worry, because it's the end of the world, in four month's time. According to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

*Alton Towers - the theme park - has banned Speedos and other types of tight swimming trunks on grounds of taste. That might be a good idea. The people who ought to wear them never do, and those who do, shouldn't.
*Britain's laziness epidemic.

*Remember the shopgirl who Abercrombie & Fitch hid away in a stock room because of her prosthetic arm? She's won her case for wrongful dismissal.

*Bgay.com looks at Soho, London's gay village.
*Maria Cox has photographed 264 London Underground staff (or one from each station) for her project, The Face Behind The Station.

*Facebook lite, like Twitter.
*Google caffeine.
*The Top 100 Search Terms Queried by Kids. Number 4 on the list is sex, number 6 is porn. Fred is number 9...
*Renewed plans to pay-per-email.
*Microsoft banned from selling Word in the US.

*The car that gave communism a bad name: the Trabant is put-putting back.

*Punching through the ring (no laughing at the back). What's happening on Saturn? (And you thought I was going to say Uranus.)

*Boffins have created a lab rat with no functioning immune system.
*350 new species have been discovered in the Himalayas in the last decade.

*The calf with two heads!

*Dog on a train!
*Giant wall of fish.
*Alcohol is to blame for the number of 40-somethings developing cancers of the mouth, tongue, lip and throat, which has increased by a quarter in the past decade.
*The gel that could be used as a vaginal condom. Not much good to me, but pass it on.

*How much sleep you need depends on your genes.
*"A belly is a male privilege of long standing... a symbol of prosperity in most cultures and of freedom from anxieties about body image." Apparently, it's hip to be round.
*Brown fat: it makes you thin.
*Britain's first eyelash transplant.
*Men with asymmetric faces more likely to get dementia.
*"East Asian people struggle to recognise facial expressions that western Caucasians attribute to fear and disgust. By focusing on eyes and brows, Asians miss subtle cues conveyed via the mouth." Why facial expression aren't universal.
*Swine flu: what the experts are doing to prepare their families.

*Michael Jackson's death has generated $80 million in marketing, merchandising and film deals.
*Popjustice talks to sexy big lad Marvin (right) from JLS, and wonder if he was worried that they'd be called shirt lifters for, er... lifting their shirts.

*Charlie and Rodrigo have a(nother) lover's tiff.

*A former contestant on the Russian version of Big Brother is suing after allegations that he is gay and worked as a prostitute.
*What happens when Muslim boy meets boy? Faith and desire meet in EastEnders.

*This Tuesday saw the taping of the last ever episode of Guiding Light, which has been cancelled after 72 years on air.
*No politics, we're doctors. Ironic really, given the current hoo-ha.

*"As much male nudity as female nudity..." WOOF! Spartacus: Blood and Sand debuts next year, and will feature multiple male same-sex relationships.
*What sort of people do you think will respond to this request? They won't make us proud, I promise you that.

*No bullying of Walter the Softie in a new BBC version of Dennis the Menace.
*Rappers declined gay role in Fox's Lie to Me. "Agents were concerned about even bringing the proposal to their clients for fear of a, you know, 'Are you crazy?' backlash. It was very, very disappointing."
*Butt Blog premiere In Their Room, a web documentary series which explores "the similarities and differences in one niche demographic, 'linking people together through their shared artifacts and interests.' " Video.
*"For whatever reason, brothers just are not successful in porn right

*Protect Me From What I Want (right); trailer.
*50 small film companies have collapsed in the past 18 months.

*Naked young people in caves. It's art, innit.
*If you're in New York, pop long to a free reading of Accidentally, Like a Martyr, a new

*Potatoes in Chicago's Jackson Tunnel (right).
*Music Cage.

*Microsoft Internet Explorer has encountered a prostate and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience:

*Carpet (right).
*Remember last week's story about the shirtless Tennessee Volunteers? They've got nothing on Georgia Tech (below)! WOOF!

On the cover: Zack Clark, by Greg Vaughan.
"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."
"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."
I love youe Week According To... segments. They're soooo informative. Like, real talk. I feel kinda badly that I, a gay American, learn more about gay America by reading your blog than I do by just living life. LOL. However, I can deal.
Can't wait for the SPARTACUS series! Yummmmm
Thanks again another spectacular The Week According To... And I'll be traveling to Cuba in November, so special thanks for the TP tip!!
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