a news compendium
with a gay bias
issue 64 | May 2010
a news compendium
with a gay bias
issue 64 | May 2010

||| "On some level, you could argue that twincest is this idealized version of gay sex. These guys are basically having sex with themselves." Salon.com looks at the extraordinary story of Milo and Elijah Peters, Bel Ami's infamous twincestuous moneyspinner.
||| Boys get anorexia and bulimia too, apparently, and it's all the fault of male models.
||| Gay boys who love transmen. "It's juvenile to have a fear of biological woman parts," says one such he-she fan. Don't you love how bisexuals and other supposedly enlightened super-beings like to look down on those of us whose stomachs flip at the thought of gash? Not juvenile, mate - just a preference.

||| American director Gregg Araki (left) was awarded the first Queer Palm at the Cannes film festival on Saturday.
||| The Gay Files: History's grim closet. "Tracking the subject of homosexuality in these formerly 'Eyes Only' secret documents, reveals an often malicious national security and political obsession with homosexuality at the highest levels of the US and British governments."

||| Coming out to a shrug: "Barely five months into the year, several high-profile people have come out, from Ricky Martin, to the Will and Grace star Sean Hayes, to the country music singer Chely Wright. Yet Americans greeted the news largely with a shrug."
||| The kids are coming out sooner.

||| Put some glasses on her and lose the bad wig (it's gotta be a wig, right?) and this bint could be Seinfeld's George Costanza. In actual fact, it's Michigan state Rep. Kim Meltzer (left), a gay immigrant's worst nightmare.

||| George Rekers tortured a 4-year-old "effeminate boy" in supposed scientific experiments that eventually led to the boy attempting suicide.

||| What will the American view of homosexuality be in 2050?

||| The world's oldest sex toy.
||| Remember Mithly, Morocco's recently launched first gay magazine? Just 200 copies have been sold in Morocco since April, but Islamists are warning of a threat to traditional family values.
||| Anti-gay laws in Africa are the product of American religious exports. Tell us something we don't know. Also: Africa's gays pay the price for battle between US liberals and Conservatives.
||| African homophobia: To combat it we must understand religion, history and gender politics all play a part. Essential reading.
||| The Guardian: The church must not be complicit in gay persecution in Africa.
||| Zimbabwe: Police have arrested two employees of Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe.

||| Kenya: The church for "the other sheep" - the church for the GBLT community.
||| Malawi: UK ministers call for human rights review in Malawi following sentencing of Tiwonge Chimbalanga and Steven Monjeza to 14 years in jail.
||| Malawi: The world reacts.

||| Malawi: "As a homosexual couple in Malawi start 14 years' hard labour, we talk to gay activists across Africa about why they're prepared to risk so much."

||| Malawi: Are Tiwonge Chimbalanga and Steven Monjeza a gay couple, or something else? Jim Burroway writes at Box Turtle Bulletin: "As I said, we have avoided describing Tiwonge and Steven as a 'gay' couple, but we've also avoided describing Tiwonge as intersex, transgender or transsexual, and for good reason. None of these terms may describe Tiwonge very well because they speak to a Western, Euro-centric understanding of sexuality and gender, and not an African one."

||| Malawi: Britain may reduce aid if Chimbalanga and Monjeza are not set free.

||| Malawi: Canada denounces the sentence.
||| Malawi: UN Chief Navi Pillay denounces the sentence.
||| Malawi: Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement calls it "horrific".
||| Malawi: Even Grandma's got the hump about the decision, releasing a strongly worded statement slamming the decision.
||| Malawi: Protesters demand the couple's release at the Malawian High Commission in Pretoria, above.

||| Jamaica: Human rights and gay activists held a short protest outside Emancipation Park in New Kingston to coincide with International Day Against Homophobia.
||| Colombia: Kiss-in on the International Day Against Homophobia:
||| 90% of gay men in the Asia-Pacific region denied access to HIV/Aids help because of discriminatory laws.
||| Singapore: Pink Dot 2010. 4,000 pink-attired people gather to form a giant pink dot in a show of support for inclusiveness, diversity and the freedom to love. Lovely.
||| Portugal: Gay marriage law ratified, despite opposition from the Pope. Bad luck, old man.

||| Gay Pride Bratislava: What went right. In pictures.
||| Gay Pride Bratislava: Gay pride, Slovak shame.

||| Gay Pride Bratislava: Neo-Nazis attack, police admit to being unable to ensure safety of attendees.
||| Australia: Homophobia rife in sport.
||| Australia: More beautiful hypocrisy. A family

||| UK: Virtually all gay asylum-seekers sent back to persecution; Britain's immigration system guilty of institutional homophobia. Ekklesia has more on this.

||| "As a gay asylum seeker, I was lucky," an anonymous correspondent writes in The Guardian. "Granted refugee status more on account of my political activities than my sexuality, many others are less fortunate."
||| Islamists, their victims, and hypocrisy: Britain gives refuge to Islamic fundamentalists, while deporting GBLT men (and women) who've been brave enough to challenge Islamism back to certain death. Above right, gay teens Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni, moments before they were hanged in Iran on July 19 2005.

||| Liberal Democrat MP claims there will be no rollback on equality under the new coalition government. Uh huh.
||| Scotland: First openly gay church minister boosts congregation by 5%.
||| Stonewall, the UK-based GBLT charity, is 21.
||| Why won't you hold your boyfriend's hand in public?
||| Badass rainbows.

||| Why are whites five times richer than blacks in the US?

||| Just half an hour of mobile use a day increases brain cancer risk.
||| Can animals be gay? (Or, DUH! Why wouldn't there be gay animals?)
||| The spike-nosed tree frog and tame woolly rat: The jungle paradise in Indonesian New Guinea that offers a vision of life on earth without humans.
||| Watch it and ooh and aah with me: The Aviaros del Caribe sloth sanctuary in Costa Rica, the world's only sloth orphanage.

||| Rebrand ocean destroyer BP! Greenpeace are running a competition to redesign the global polluter's inappropriate friendly green logo. More entries here.
||| Facebook, or Openbook?
||| Apple's top man (hehe) promises a world "free of porn" with his iPad, in email exchange with blogger.

||| The Royal Institute of British Architects in London have announced the winners of this year's RIBA Awards. Left, the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, by Rick Mather Architects.

||| Rapper Wale cancels DC Black Pride appearance, claims he didn't know it was a GBLT event.
||| A JLS tour bus singalong. With added shirt-ripping...

||| Yikes! The killer preacher is

||| A cave painting created 7,000 years ago bear's a striking resemblance to Doctor Who's TARDIS. Or a Police Box. (This story, in The Sun, is

||| Hollywood continues to pander to homophobia, Brent Corrigan writes. ||| Doily art.
||| Driving license fail.

||| And finally, Afraid To Be Gay, a documentary screened earlier this month in the UK.
||| READ THE LAST EDITION ||| ka-os|theory, ONE YEAR AGO: 23.05.09
15 - 23 May 2010 - plus some stuff I missed!
ka-os|theory is not responsible for the content
of external websites.
"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come.
The whole thing's been ridiculous."
© 2010
"The Guardian" article on why the Malawian Church is homophobic ought to be read by all. What it does not outline, however, is the principles (so-called) of these churches. It states the cynical nature of the religious: homophobia is a powerful recruitment strategy-- prejudice has always been attractive to the religious! Recently, one of the main and extremist Charismatic churches, largely responsible for the hatred caused, was found guilty of embezzlement. Wealth and life-style fuel evil beliefs. It isn't incidental that the Malawian blogs higlight the "illiteracy" and "streetboys" nature of Steven and Tiwonge. Homophobia is spoken as a status discourse: to hate is to be literate and respected.
If I had a sloth I'd name him Yoda.
Thanks for highlighting the Jamaican issue.
I knew that the Jamaica issue would be mentioned here...THANKS FOR THAT!
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