*UGANDA: Homophobia and History.
*JORDAN: My Kali - the first gay magazine in Jordan. Yes, Jordan, as in Middle East Jordan.
*INDIA: Gay movement out of control - it's even reached as far as Chhattisgarh!
*ITALY: The Vatican's official newspaper praises famous homosexual Oscar Wilde, hailing him as "an aesthete and a lover of the ephemeral".
*LITHUANIA: Schools can now demonise homosexuality following the passing of the 'Law on the Protection of Minors against the Detrimental Effect of Public Information.'

*US: Baller (left) says he's not gay. I don't know who he is and I could care less about this story, but he's hot and this section of the news needs hot pictures. It's this or a photo of Bill Clinton.
*US: Bill Clinton says we should be allowed to get married. Aww, gee whiz Bill! Ain't that swell. Easy to say now you're not in office.
*US: No barebacking here! No, siree, none at all!
*US: Bishops in the Anglican Church approve, in principle, services for same-sex partnerships. Bible-based conservative evangelicals aren't very happy about it.

*US: And there's more kissing protests in El Paso, Texas.
*US: A vigil for murdered Navy Seaman August Provost, in pictures.
*UK: Members of faith groups are entitled to holidays for religious events - so should there be a gay religion?
*UK: Oh the Home Office, those razor sharp wits! You need to get up pretty early in the morning to get one past them, what! Lesbianism is a ruse in order to stay in the country, they say of a Jamaican woman who's appealing her deportation from Blighty. Furthermore, the Home Office point out that she only had relationships with women because there were no men in prison. Right, then...

*UK: Meet Delores (left), the renegade MI5 agent.
*UK: Liberty and the Campaign for Homosexual Equality fall out over confusion between homosexuality and paedophilia.
*UK: The Conservatives join forces with a political party whose leader said the following: "The affirmation of homosexuality will lead to the downfall of civilisation. We can’t agree to it." Yet you can bet plenty of stupid faggots will vote for David Cameron in the next election.
*UK: The Torys also want the gay partners of parents to have less rights.
*UK: Dr Amanullah De Sondy on the the story of the destruction of Sodom: "It is often said to illustrate God's disapproval of homosexuality. But on closer inspection it is about his disapproval of the rape of young boys. There is a big difference." He says homosexuality is not incompatible with Islam.

*UK: 13.5 per cent rise in homophobic hate crimes reported across London.

*KFC's chicken ain't fresh and they can't say it is.
*Bah! Humbug!
*The 10 best summer white wines... Calling all drunks (and unfit mothers).

*"...A bull got separated from the pack and gored a runner repeatedly, throwing him into the air and plunging a horn into his thigh and chest." Good, that'll learn him.
*Goey, gunky, hairy and odorous - no, it's not Jasmyne Cannick, it's "huge blobs of floating goo" in the Arctic sea. Scary.
*The cure for internet addiction? Electro-convulsive therapy. At least, that's what the Chinese think.
*Meanwhile, the Muslims are flogging women to death for wearing trousers. Trousers! The sheer cheek! They deserve everything they get, those filthy infidels.

*War, what is it good for? Remember that Seinfeld episode where Jerry convinced Elaine that that was the original title for War & Peace? War, what is it good for? I ask you... Well, "veterans aged 18 to 23 are up to three times more likely to commit suicide than their civilian counterparts". I guess that answers the question.
*"10 reasons the Apollo landings were faked".
*Sextortion at Eisenhower High: an insight into the mind-boggling world of the American education system. Towleroad say: "Last year, Stanci blackmailed dozens of fellow male students into the school into sending him naked photos of themselves and performing sex acts after posing as a female classmate and then threatening to expose them..."

*An English country pile plays host to "group sex of bacchanalian proportions".

*A third of Milan 11-year-olds suffer alcohol related problems. And I thought I had a liquor problem!
*Garden gnome gives the Nazi salute - but is it art?

*Manuelle Gautrand Architecture have designed an Automotive Showroom and Leisure Centre for Cairo (left).
*'What word do you hate and why?' Poets have come up with the likes of 'pulchritude' and the Government's recent contribution, redacted. I'd certainly second that nomination. I've always loathed the word basin, but that's about the only thing I can think of right now. The Australians are fond of their Rock "Eisteddfod". Now that's a revolting ensemble of letters, particularly when tortured by the Australian tongue.

*London Underground - London's mass transit subway - is nearly 150 years old, and the work to regenerate a network starved of investment for decades has been dogged by criticism. BBC London spends a night on the Northern Line. In pictures.

*The black cab cabal.

*Creativity influenced by a genetic mutation linked to psychosis and schizophrenia. Hmm... that explains a lot.
*Humans will soon be able to live forever - but do we want to?
*The girl with two hearts (and no, her name isn't Romanadvoratrelundar).

*Travelators slow us down. (Actually that's not true - stupid lazy people standing still on them like it's a fairground ride slow us down.)
*The sun might not be the bad guy when it comes to skin cancer.
*Cocoon III: The Alcoholics.
*The calorie delusion.
*Is swine flu mutating, and how worried should we be?

*10 Ways To Change Your Life In 59 seconds. (Including "Buy experiences not goods". Yes kids, ditch the CocoDorm subscription and hire a few tricks for a DIY orgy instead).

*Egg cups on Mars.

*The Robot Hall of Fame - up close.
*This house will send you a text if you forget to lock the front door.

*There's more to life than Google. Really, there is. Here's the Top 100 Alternative Search Engines.
*The collapse of illegal sharing. Really?
*And 73 per cent of music fans prefer CDs to downloads. Even more intrigingly, 66 per cent of 14 to 18 year olds prefer CDs, and just over half of all people listen to CDs everyday.

*No one wants Windows 7.
*Why sex has driven the technological advances we take for granted.
*The fancy boy with realistic moving parts is hard at it in Ireland. Look, see? He's really going at it.
*Shark on a beach.
*Squid on a beach.

*Giant worms in Idaho!

*I always said cats are wrong 'uns. Now we know they're deceitful, cheating wrong 'uns too.
*The crazed world of penguin burrow-hopping: love, sex, betrayal and violence!

*Soulja Boy shows us his thang (right).
*Nelly's also packing heat.

*Michael Jackson's gay lovers: a half-Asian construction worker, and a Hollywood waiter, apparently.
*Michael Jackson's bad hair day. Sorry, that was uncalled for. However, has anybody not seen the really very disturbing footage of THAT Pepsi stunt gone awry?
*Michael Jackson's portrait - by Andy Warhol. It's been pulled from an auction due to enormous interest. Isn't that the point of auctions?

*Another American import is RuPaul's Drag Race, coming to E4 in August.
*Life imitates art for The Wire's Jamie Hector.
*Speaking of The Wire... "British actors are overpaid, oversexed and over there, stealing all the best television roles from under the noses of slowpoke, gum-chewing Yanks."
*Coronation Street is to appear on Google's Street View.

"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."
Always amusing.
Those crazy twins.
LOL @ US baller.
Yay! to half-asian construction workers.
The moon landing is real, dammit!!!! LOL!!
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