• Black, gay New Yorkers fight back against Donnie McClurkin's deranged message of hate. Transracial has additional commentary.

Some black youth feel more at home in Boystown, but get chilly reception. A tale of straight and white versus young, gay and black.

Evan Low becomes
America's youngest, openly gay Mayor. Pretty easy on the eye to, if you ask me; video.

• Justin from Justin's HIV Journal talks about World AIDS Day, the harm the black church is doing...

• Rotten apple: no equality in New York.

• Getting away with it: pastor's anti-gay rant not a hate crime after all. Apparently.

• Tasteful nudity
at the opera.

Are gay books an endangered species?

• White trash slime trail Eminem
disguises 'faggot' slur on new song. Oh, and threatens to shake a baby to death. All that botox must has gone to his head.

• A London minicab driver
is on trial for rape, two attempted rapes, sexual assault and false imprisonment. The male victims were picked up from Heaven nightclub (left).

• Peter Tatchell:
The equality bill is less than equal.

Sir Ian McKellen: 'Not telling parents I was gay remains my greatest regret'.

• Georgi Dochev (right)
sells his story of the night he spent with Stephen Gately and Andrew Cowles to the tabloids.

• Christian relationship counsellor (left) loses appeal over gay couples.

• Australian government
rejects marriage equality bill. Rallies held in various cities.

• "Transsexuals and homosexuals will never enter the kingdom of heaven and it is not me who says this, but Saint Paul. People are not born homosexual, they become homosexual, for different reasons: education issues or because they did not develop their own identity during adolescence. It may not be their fault, but acting against nature and the dignity of the human body is an insult to God." That's Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan in Vatican City. Just off the phone to Saint Paul, apparently.

• But a spokesman has distanced the Vatican from the comments, saying he's
not considered to be an authority on "complex and delicate issues such as homosexuality".

• Israel's first club for bears.

• Gay Buenos Aires couple (left)
pursue the Mayor who refused to marry them.

• Portugal likely to allow gay marriage within months. Who's gonna be first to slip a ring on the finger of its most famous export?

• Danton Remoto (right), chairman of gay group Ang Ladlad, is to
run for senate in Manila.

• Uganda: Anti-homosexuality bill will be approved...

• ...prompting Sweden to
threaten a cut to aid.

• Uganda: Last week, coverage of the Uganda news led to reader Joseph pointing out, "The sponsors of this cruel legislation is a vile allegedly "Christian", capitalist-fundamentalist, conquer-the-world-power-hungry organization called the Fellowship, or the Family, with headquarters in Washington DC, and several members of Congress as members, both republican and democrat."

• Uganda:
Unjust and infamous.

• Uganda: "I will only die once". A gay Ugandan speaks out.

• Uganda:
Archbishop of Canterbury in 'intensive and private' talks over Uganda's gay law.

• Uganda:
British homophobia's African problem.

• Uganda: has this:
Meet the U.S. politicians who want to see gay people dead in Uganda. Towleroad has extensive coverage of this subject too.

• Sweden's lifted restrictions on gay men giving blood. Kinda.

• When it's time to
let go.

• Burj Dubai, the tallest building in the world, is nearing completion;
in pictures.

What happens when the oil runs out?

• Actor David Suchet - best known for his portrayal of Belgian detective Hercule Poirot - says Christianity is
under attack in Britain.

One in four teenagers admit "sexting", the headline breathlessly proclaims. What's the big deal? Of course teens "sext" - it's just the 21st century equivalent of passing notes in class, drawing penises in text books and writing suggestive messages on the walls of toilet cubicles.

• Young criminals can no longer be referred to as "youths". The Government has rebranded them Young Persons.

• The Nissan Cube (above)
will launch in the UK next year. Cute cute cute!

• Habitat, the home furnishing chain, is
to be sold. The store is owned by the Kamprad family of Sweden, who have given up on the retailer after "years of losses". The Independent has more.

Whiteleys: the decline of an icon.

• It's been a year since Woolworths went bust, after nearly one hundred years of trading. Someone might want to tell the landlord of the former Ipswich branch: "Interior lights illuminating bare shelves are still turned on by an automatic timer every night... Shoppers have also been amazed to see the distinctive two foot high red letters spelling out the Woolworths name being lit up outside the store at night." Just lovely. Although this article is from June, it was reported again in the Metro newspaper last week as ongoing... It's like that scene from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when the Wonka sign comes on.

• Boffins have "grown" meat
in a laboratory...

• ...but
would you eat it?

• How to
capture a rainbow.

Teenagers in Brazil rafael

• World Aids Day 2009: teenagers in Brazil. Above, Rafael. Below, Ignacio. Both boys are 17-years-old.

Teenagers in Brazil ignacio

• There's a new disease plaguing HIV-positive gay men.

The Aids denialists. "Why does a small band of scientists and campaigners persist in denying the link between HIV and Aids?"

• Sudhir Paul: The man who could
cure AIDS?

• Pink news has a comprehensive round-up of this year's biggest stories in HIV and AIDS.

• "We started our research seeking men in their 20s who had never consumed pornography," said Montreal University associate professor Simon Louis Lajeunesse. "We couldn't find any." Yes,
all men watch porn.

• Gay by nature: what's the hard science behind the causes of homosexuality? Part one and part two.

Men eat more processed meat but don't understand cancer risk. (Not this one.)

• Exercise
no cure for a hangover.

• A couple of weeks ago we learnt that white wine is bad for teeth. Boffins now say the opposite is true of
red wine...

Loneliness spreads like a disease.

Breaking up hurts just like physical pain. As if we needed boffins to tell us...

Friendly polar bear.

• The dumbest snake on the planet.

• Peacock

• Australia
plans a camel bloodbath.

Dog shoots men. (They were hunting geese - karma's a bitch, ain't it?)

animal pictures of the week cub

• Animal pictures of the week (30 pictures).

• Everybody in love... with the JLS calendar!

JLS 'compete over most popular member'. Not as good a headline as "Which JLS boy has the most popular member..."

• JLS's Aston proves how
agile he is...

• ...and the boys take time out to
visit sick children in hospital.

• Lil Wayne: "I got
raped when I was 11... And I loved it."

Q artists of the century

• Music magazine Q gives the last decade in music a whitewash. "Black people? They do basketball, right?" F**king pathetic.

• Gay comedian Stephen K. Amos (left) is to get his own show.

• "Intensely beautiful"
gay vampire in the forthcoming third season of True Blood.

• This week's Gays of our Lives, with Anthony D. Langford. A round-up of gay characters in soaps around the world, with video. Right, Fer kisses someone who's not his boyfriend in Física o’ Química.

Family Ties mom Meredith Baxter
comes out.

Big Brother Yahoo! UK's
top search request this year. Channel 4 announced earlier this summer that the show's 10th series in 2010 will be its last.

Doctor Who Christmas ident:

Coronation Street is now on Google Street View.

• Maggie Jones,
in pictures.

• "It's not a lifestyle choice, Bella. I was born this way."
Why the wolf boys of New Moon only have eyes for each other.

• Pierre et Gilles
lense François Sagat for Italian Vanity Fair.

• Forget where's Wally (or Waldo, as the Americans like to say)? The amazing work of
camouflage artist Liu Bolin.

Vodka pill.

20 secrets your waiter will never tell you.

Dezeen's top ten: Dubai projects.

• Looking for a new desk?
Look no further!

• And lastly, a word from Timaya...

This edition of World Outside My Window (The Week According To Garçon Stupide) refers to the week 28th November-04th December 2009.

"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."


Eric Arvin said...

The Uganda affair is unbelievably disturbing!

Corve DaCosta said...

timaya rocks

Mike said...

Meredith Baxter (Bernie) told her kids: ‘I think I’m gay,’ and her oldest boy said, ‘I knew.'

It's a sad day when child knows, before the mother? LOL

Trojan Gordon said...

as always a great round up of the week!

Unknown said...

You never let me down...all the snippets I see on the net, I get here...

Cup-o-Noodles said...

There's no need for me to read CNN, BBC, or USAToday anymore. I'll just wait until the weekend and read your news recap!!!

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