• National Equality March draws tens of thousands.
• National Equality March: pictures and videos.

• Peter Tatchell: What is stopping the President from striking down this ban?

• Judge in Proposition 8 legal challenge asks lawyer for anti-gay Protect Marriage side, "What is the harm to the procreation purpose you outlined of allowing same-sex couples to get married?"

• "And most of the people that come and watch the gay Halloween parade, where all those excesses are on display, those are straight families, and they think it's funny. But what people don't think is so funny is when two middle-aged lawyers who are married to each other move in next door to you and your wife and they have adopted a Korean girl and they want to send her to school with your children and they want to socialize with you and share a drink over the backyard fence. That creeps people out, especially Christians. So, I don't think gay marriage is a conservative issue. I think it's a radical issue." Edmund White talks to Salon.com.
• Orlando: Come Out With Pride draws 50,000 (above right).
• The gay guys who're more homophobic than straight guys. You know the type...

• Shareholders ask Walt Disney to include "ex-Gays" in company's non-discrimination policies.
• Why have vampires "overwhelmed pop culture"? I frequently wonder myself - the genre leaves me cold (although I've recently discovered True Blood). It's because "young straight women want to have sex with gay men".

• Buju Banton meets with San Francisco gay activists...
• ...but don't get too excited. He later says, "There is no end to the war between me and faggot."

• Cancel Buju Banton is keeping tabs on the tour with a full list of canceled shows (and those that have been rescheduled).

• The Conservative MP responsible for creating Section 28, David Wilshire, has been forced to stand down following revelations that he stole taxpayer money. Wilshire has opposed every piece of pro-LGBT legislation.

• Peter Tatchell: We are making huge strides in the battle against homophobia.

• Lord Waheed Alli, a gay success story.

• How class background affects male sex workers.
• JO over a train set, kick them around a bit, and crab meat too. Not for me, really - anyone interested? The ad is here.
• "I've hit my boyfriend. I've plonked him on the head." With a meat cleaver.
• Plastic-face X Factor judge Dannii Minogue generates nearly 4,000 complaints following her "joke" about Danyl Johnson's sexuality.

• Three teenagers - two 17-year-old females and one 18-year-old male - have been arrested in connection with the murder.
• A vigil will be held between 2000-2200hrs on Trafalgar Square, Friday, 30th October.

• Stephen Gately: Twitter and Facebook outrage over Jan Moir's Stephen Gately article.

• Stephen Gately: Derren Brown says, "No use just being cross. Complain where it matters."
• Stephen Gately: Stephen Fry weighs in with, "I gather a repulsive nobody writing in a paper no one of any decency would be seen dead with has written something loathesome and inhumane."
• Stephen Gately: the repulsive nobody herself responds.
• Stephen Gately: No marching or shouting but Stephen Gately was a gay rights hero.

• Remember last week's news about the Muslim football team, Bebel, who refused to play against Paris Foot Gay? "Bebel director Zahir Belgharbi insisted there had been 'a misunderstanding' and sent out a statement through club lawyer Benedicte Puybasset indicating they were indeed ready 'to play the match'."
• But it's too little too late. Bebel have now been "excluded from the Leisure Football Commission for making discriminatory comments and refusing a match."

• International human rights groups unite to challenge Uganda's new anti-gay laws.

• Australian immigration officials conspire to humiliate refugee Bangladeshi couple.
• India's first old age home for gay men.
• Iran executes another man for homosexual acts.
• Swedish sixth graders file a gender discrimination complaint against Toys"R"Us. The complaint was upheld.
• The warship built from pieces of the World Trade Center's Twin Towers.
• Barack Obama: Top 10 unfulfilled pledges.
• Barack Obama: fourth grader asks, "Why do people hate you?

• Barack Obama: Joe Biden - the worrying rise of Barack Obama's Mr Wrong.
• Barack Obama: Fox News 'waging war against Barack Obama'.
• Remind me, what year is it again? I could have sworn it was 2009, not 1909: US mixed race couple denied marriage licence. "I'm not a racist. I just don't believe in mixing the races that way," justice of the peace Keith Bardwell said. "I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else."

• Stephen Fry has something to say about Chinese and Japanese eating habits.
• The Big Picture: China, as seen by Elizabeth Dalziel (38 pictures).
• Love jihad: Muslim fundamentalists use boy hunks as bait.
• God is not the Creator after all! OMG!

• Louis Smith's qualifying performance (video) on Tuesday was "devastatingly absorbing stuff". Just like the boy himself.

• But does the whistleblower have a grudge?
• Buy a gold bar off the shelf at Harrods. A snip at £250,000.

• The // is the least of the web's problems. I hadn't realised it was one to begin with.

• Giant TVs: California set to ban 'em.
• Air Multiplier: but does it work?
• Is your living room stuck in a technology time warp?
• "Well, that's one way of solving your energy crisis."
• Global

• A sexual tsunami!
• Thai HIV vaccine: was it all hype?
• Eating chocolate blunts pain.
• Stephen Gately: what is fluid on the lungs?
• Animal pictures of the week (28 pictures). Above right, and below, vet Nguyen Viet Hai plays with a moon bear in Hanoi, Vietnam. Lucky bear.
• Cows have psychological needs that must be met.
• City of Stockholm is a bunny boiler.
• 100 Facts About Pandas. Now that's my kinda book.
• Albino animals!
• The Big Picture: World Animal Day 2009 (41 pictures). This is a particularly stunning set of pictures, above and below.
• Does Dizzee Rascal like money?

• Stephen Gately: 10 other mysterious celebrity deaths.
• Stephen Gately: a life in pictures.
• Stephen Gately: funeral, in pictures.

• True Blood: is a gay sex scene on the cards? And if so can it be a threeway featuring Jason Stackhouse, Lafayette Reynolds and Eggs?

• Queer As Folk's former supertwink Randy Harrison to play Andy Warhol "Pop!"

• And another bisexual of yesteryear, This Life's Ferdy Garcia, is recalled, with actor Ramon Tikaram cast in EastEnders.

• Beverly Hills 90210, Melrose Place... Now Dallas is set for a re-launch.

• Furniture II (left), a collection of furniture by Atelier Van Lieshout.
• PARCS (right), a collection of modular furniture by London designers PearsonLloyd.

• Slit Court (left), in Japan.
• 41 Cooper Square (right), New York.
• This fireplace is the most beautiful object in the world. Apparently.

This edition of
The Week According To Garçon Stupide
was built from articles collated during the week
10th-16th October 2009.
The Week According To Garçon Stupide
was built from articles collated during the week
10th-16th October 2009.
"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come.
The whole thing's been ridiculous."
"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come.
The whole thing's been ridiculous."
I was raised a Jehovah's Witness. I should sue them for all the damn therapy I've had to go through...lol....Hmmm...that's not a bad idea!
Seriously, it's a bigoted mess of a religion.
Obama is so childish sometimes. Fighting Fox News is a failed war. He will never win the media unless he has a network. OOPS he has CNN and MS NBC
As always, it's very entertaining and insightful!
God didn't create the world after all...LOVED IT!!!
Yes. That cult is dangerous to individual thought. They've long decried higher education, though resently claim to have changed this policy (which is bull, as you can see). Higher education and all sources of information (the internet) not produced by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (a billion dollar publishing empire) are all frowned upon - lest their 6 million global leemings/slaves/faithful wake up from their beautiful dream that the earth will one day be a paradise where lions only eat Mangos.
*sigh* Religion sucks the big one.
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