Issue 276: Karnage, Grenfell, Mimi Imfurst, Rachel Dolezal, DragCon, Pose, Westworld, Corbin Colby, Kristen Bjorn, and more...

Left &

Is punk the new f word? "The word has been used to bully gay black boys for decades."

Is "dyke" still relevant? "Queer women weigh in on the d word."

Eighteen homophobic leaders who turned out to be gay or bi.

Have patience with the Pope. "The Roman Catholic Church wasn't built in a day, so don't expect it to drop its homophobic habits overnight."

These are the trans people killed in 2018.

GLAAD gives major film studios "insufficient", "poor", and "failing" ratings for LGBT representation in 2017.

Five ways Harvey Milk defined the LGBT equality movement.

Straight people can apparently be twinks now – according to the New York Times.

What do you say to a four-year-old white supremacist? "A child’s uncensored racist commentary is a harsh reminder that while society has moved forward, the book on discrimination isn’t closed yet."

How white women weaponise their tears and femininity to assert their power over people of colour.

The best of Cookout Beckie – the wildest memes.

The legal difference between sexual misconduct, assault, and harassment, explained.


Has the term "straight white male" really become an insult? "A lot of straight white men seem to think so – but others point out they’ve just never had their privilege questioned."

The terrifying trend of white men radicalised online becoming IRL terrorists.

Islamophobia is real. Stop the obsession with semantics. "The idea that those who engage in Islamophobia or deny its existence should be driving our word choice is ludicrous."

Young Muslims talk about cheating on Ramadan.

What is the future of news? Bleak, probably.

How TV trivialised our culture and politics.

Long read
The trouble with charitable billionaires. "More and more wealthy CEOs are pledging to give away parts of their fortunes – often to help fix problems their companies caused. Some call this ‘philanthrocapitalism’, but is it just corporate hypocrisy?"


How did a young gay man Aaron Salazar wind up burned and unconscious on train tracks?

Transgender man Nino Fortson shot to death in Atlanta.

Gay men fired from the Peace Corps after they tested positive for HIV.

Police are mislabeling homophobic hate crimes as anti-heterosexual.

George Takei’s accuser fabricated elements of story, admits sexual assault may not have happened.

RuPaul's Drag Race star Mimi Imfurst "deeply sorry" after sexual harassment allegations.

Gay couple ordered out of Lyft car after they kiss.

Vile bigot Aaron Schlossberg claims "I am not a racist."

The full story of the white woman arrested for petting a black woman’s dog is even wilder (and whiter) than you think.

Florida grocery chain Publix backs down when faced with Parkland protesters.

Two years after the Pulse massacre, a national die-in is planned for Washington D.C.

The recent mass shootings in the US all have one thing in common: misogyny.

Hawaii bans "ex-gay" therapy on minors.

The growing number of lawsuits against opioid companies, explained.

We may never know the truth, but Moses Farrow is clearly a victim too. "Moses contradicts his sister Dylan about the Woody Allen sexual abuse claims. How desperately sad."

Long read
Driven to despair. "Doug Schifter waged a one-man campaign to stop Uber from putting his fellow black-car drivers out of business. Then he decided to take his own life."

A white woman called the cops on a black real estate investor. Police defended him.

Republican Dana Rohrabacher thinks homeowners should be able to discriminate against LGBT people.

The definitive story of how Trump’s team worked the Trump Moscow deal during the campaign. “While fragments of the Trump Moscow venture have trickled out — most recently in a report last night by Yahoo News — this is the definitive story of the Moscow tower, told from a trove of emails, text messages, congressional testimony, architectural renderings, and other documents obtained exclusively by BuzzFeed News, as well as interviews with key players and investigators. The documents reveal a detailed and plausible plan, well-connected Russian counterparts, and an effort that extended from spearfishing with a Russian developer on a private island to planning for a mid-campaign trip to Moscow for the presidential candidate himself.”

Surprise! Trump doesn’t know the difference between HPV and HIV.

Surprise! Trump lied when he said he knew nothing about Weinstein.

Sad! Federal judge rules Trump can't block anyone on Twitter anymore.

Congrats! Trump congratulates America on the "greatest witch hunt in history..."

...And most Americans don’t realise Robert Mueller’s investigation has uncovered crimes.

The untold story of Robert Mueller's time in combat. "Robert Mueller’s job is to make sense of how Russia hacked the 2016 election. But to make sense of Mueller, you have to revisit some of the bloodiest battles of Vietnam."

Impeaching Trump: could a liberal fantasy become a nightmare? "The process presents a constitutional and political dilemma, and a brilliant new book unpacks just how risky it is."

“The president of the United States is lying to us over and over and over and over again. We’ve all seen it with our very own eyes and we’ve heard it with our own ears.” And Stephen Colbert on Trump and Fox crony Hannity: “They’re like the Gayle and Oprah of angry old white men.” Meanwhile, Seth Meyers picks apart Trump’s claim that he’s "draining the swamp" - and picks over "spygate".

Gay man loses primary bid to unseat vile bigot Kim Davis.

The problem with Democrats is substance, not style. "Following Trump’s election, US liberals have blamed their failure on rhetoric. But politics is about much more than baiting voters."

Rachel Dolezal facing felony theft charges for welfare fraud. “Former Spokane Chapter NAACP President Rachel Dolezal is now facing legal trouble that could land her behind bars. KHQ has confirmed that Dolezal, who legally changed her name to Nkechi Diallo in 2016, is accused of 1st Degree Theft by Welfare Fraud, Perjury in the 2nd Degree, and False Verification for Public Assistance. Her potential punishment under RCW 74.08.331 could include up to 15 years in prison.”

Longtime gay bar Denver Wrangler closing its doors after more than twenty years.

New York City LGBTQAI+ Muslims and Allies Eid al-Fitr event to be held again on 7th June.

Meet Cory Booker: the senator who conducted New Jersey’s first same-sex marriage ceremonies.

The bullhorn used by Harvey Milk to rally crowds in San Francisco is now displayed in the Smithsonian Museum.

LGBT military members honoured in Fifth Annual Gala. In pictures.

Long Beach Pride, in pictures. More here.

DragCon LA, in pictures.

On the queer heroes of America's territories. "Activists and LGBT leaders in the American territories have to work even harder sometimes. Here are just a few leaders leading the good fight."

4.5 percent of Americans identify as LGBT and most-ever (67 percent) support same-sex marriage.

U.S. Naval Academy freshman in Annapolis compete in the annual Herndon climb.


The hashtag #BeMoreMartyn paying tribute to gay Manchester Arena attack victim Martyn Hett, a year after his death.

Men in clown masks who terrorised and robbed gay men they met on Grindr jailed.

Vile Tory bigot Jacob Rees-Mogg lashes out at liberal "bigotry" after facing questions on marriage equality.

Theresa May’s letter to the LGBT community criticised as "empty PR" by Labour MP Dawn Butler.

Why the British media is so transphobic.

Gay teacher launches network to help British LGBT colleagues. "Event for new support group, LGBTed, coincides with section 28 anniversary and aims to create role models in schools."

Long read
How a champion boxer got caught in Britain’s immigration dragnet. "A little-known Home Office scheme designed to deport more ‘foreign criminals’ has left Kelvin Bilal Fawaz – and many others like him – living in an endless limbo."

Grenfell Tower fire inquiry opens with tributes to seventy-two victims, as it happened.

Intimate, harrowing Grenfell testimonies make victims real, not just a number. "The Grenfell Tower inquiry has heard tributes to an incredible array of people, their journeys and achievements."

Grenfell tower victims: telling the story of the 72 lives that were lost. "Our nine-month project remembers every person who died in last year’s disaster through interviews with family and friends."

Sierra Leonean athlete can stay in UK after three-year legal fight. "Jimmy Thoronka, who was found sleeping rough a year after competing at Commonwealth Games, granted leave to remain."

Black students are right to want to see black therapists. "Cambridge University’s minority ethnic students can now request to see a BME counsellor. This should happen elsewhere."

Britain’s wealth was built on black backs. Windrush is a scandal of forgetting.

London activists paper over TV show poster of actors pointing guns.

Is social media really fuelling the rise in London's violent crime?

Remembering Wardour News, another lost cultural institution.

How rape suspect Julian Assange became an unwelcome guest in Ecuador's embassy.

Why does Ecuador want rape suspect Julian Assange out of its London embassy? "The Ecuadorian president is losing patience with the WikiLeaks founder, whom he calls his ‘inherited problem’."

Two men in Scotland - Mohammed Khan, and a 17-year-old Slovakian (who for legal reasons cannot be named) - have been jailed attacking and raping two men they met on Grindr.

This is Andy Millin, and his boyfriend Cameron Stringer. The gay couple were attacked in Edinburgh for holding hands.

Northern Ireland
Anti-gay church that believes headaches are caused by demons has site approved in Belfast.


On the Irish referendum result. "The majority in favour of repealing the eighth amendment reveals how far attitudes have changed – and the waning influence of the church."

Gay taoiseach (prime minister) Leo Varadkar jubilant after nation overturns abortion ban.

"We thought slavery had gone away": African men exploited on Irish boats. "Joseph and Isaac had hopes of a better future in Britain but ended up doing ‘the heaviest jobs’ 20 hours a day on Irish trawlers."

Paris in flames as communards vanquished. "The fighting throughout the day has been desperate and bloody beyond precedent." (May 1871)

Anne Frank's "dirty" jokes found on diary pages she covered over...

...But publishing her "dirty" jokes demeans the human who wrote them. "There is no justification for publicising material she had hidden – it dehumanises her and diminishes the facts of the Holocaust."

Law voted in to make sex illegal without consent.

Life, loss and abandoned steel mills. In pictures.

Ministry of Internal Affairs lashes out at British Embassy for flying a rainbow flag for the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia.


Police demand Israeli gay pride parade erect a high fence and stay away from ultra-Orthodox.

Long read
A suicide in Gaza. "How the death of a talented young Palestinian writer brought to light a sharp rise in suicides."

Everyone is welcome: the only gay hangout in the Arab world. "From giving refuge to offering makeup sessions, Helem is an umbrella for some of Lebanon’s most marginalised people."

The opioid popularised by a Nazi doctor ravaging Africa. Seven in ten boys are abusing drugs like Tramadol.

How to topple a dictator: the rebel plot that freed the Gambia. "After 22 years, Yahya Jammeh seemed unassailable. His brutal and reckless rule was finally ended by a small but courageous resistance."

Inside the world’s largest refugee camp: "We just want to go home". "South Sudan’s civil war has driven a quarter of a million people into a Ugandan camp the size of a city – here are some of their stories."

Indian LGBT activists open up about some of the horrific abuse they’ve received for daring to be out.

A front row seat to Tokyo's vibrant rainbow pride.

The last of the samurai, in pictures.

Vile bigot Margaret Court named homophobe of the year.

The gay, transgender and bisexual men on Manus are forced into silence. "Alex was one of those men, experiencing even greater torment than other refugees because of his sexual orientation."

One million fled the economic crisis-hit country for Colombia in past year. "Red Cross says with the crisis intensifying, an estimated 37,000 people were now crossing the Colombian border each day."

On the need for profound change, not a sham poll. "The country is on its knees and Nicolás Maduro, its president, seems ill-equipped to offer salvation."

Venezuela has fallen to a dictator. But we can help to restore democracy. "Nicolás Maduro has brought the country to its knees. The international community must support Venezuelans trying to restore democracy."

Hunger Highway: desperate Venezuelans take hard road to Brazil. "Venezuela holds elections on Sunday but 5,000 people a day are leaving – many trekking a 215km route through the Amazon."

No food, no water: African migrants recount terrifying Atlantic crossing. "Men rescued off Brazil after 35 days at sea tell of harrowing 3,000km journey on which some drank urine to survive."


This livestream of Hawaii's volcanic eruption is strangely hypnotising.


Has the decline of the seal hunt saved the polar bear? "Despite vanishing sea ice and shorter winters, Labrador’s polar bear population is among the healthiest in the world – and it could be thanks to the harp seals."

These two angry, yelling lynx are probably fighting about sex.

The week in wildlife, in pictures.



Is it ever okay to publicly out someone as HIV-positive? Even if they're a sex offender?

How HIV lies dormant in brain, increasing risk of dementia.

It's time to talk to queer youth about PrEP.

What is it like to be on PrEP? Phil Samba explains.

Treating alcoholism has multiple rewarding outcomes for poz people. "Addressing a person's alcoholism can lead to increased condom use, and improve HIV medication adherence."

Are we eating at the wrong time for our body clocks?

How our beds are dirtier than chimpanzee nests. "A new study has revealed that a third of the bacteria in our beds is from our own bodies and may be causing health problems – while chimps’ nests are almost spotless."

How to get yourself to exercise if you're depressed.

An egg a day to keep the doctor away?

Autistic and LGBT: This is what it’s like to be queer and have an autistic spectrum disorder.

Psychopaths may have an evolutionary advantage.

Why do humans have such huge brains? Scientists have a few hypotheses.


The party where strangers bang with bags over their heads.

What it means when couples constantly post pictures of each other on social media.

Queer women are better at breakups.

Twenty-one things to know before losing your gay virginity.

Gay people masturbate more than straight people.

The sadness of living without sex.


What it’s like to share art and letters with queer prison inmates. "LGBT pen pals talk about art, discrimination, TV, prison showers and more."

Go see
Lost and Found: Safer Sex Activism, an exhibit featuring LGBT safer sex materials, at ONE Gallery in West Hollywood, until 24th June.

Lost, stolen, blown up and fed to pigs: the greatest missing masterpieces.

Will this three-storey slice of British brutalism be the toast of Venice? "It was meant to spark a high-rise revolution. But it ended up as rubble. Is this salvaged chunk of Robin Hood Gardens, about to be unveiled at the Venice Biennale, all that’s left of bold social housing in Britain?"


Out footballer Robbie Rogers has inspired a young adult novel, Julian Winters' Running With Lions, about LGBT soccer players.

The new book exploring the history of the most legendary dance clubs.

The House of Impossible Beauties, by Joseph Cassara. "A vibrant tribute to the stars of a cult queer documentary about New York’s ball scene in the 80s."

The Affliction, by C. Dale Young. "A haunting book, one that is rooted in a binding beautiful magic. Quite like Young’s characters, we are left charting their connections to the beauty and loss found on each page."

Talking to Marlon James and Alan Hollinghurst.

Talking to North Morgan, about his latest novel, Into?

Talking to Bret Easton Ellis. "Look, there is no way of saying that gay rights, culminating in gay marriage, and that sort of freedom is a bad thing. Or you could say that the great gay subculture is gone. Is there going to be another [Robert] Mapplethorpe? Another Tennessee Williams? Is there going to be another Kenneth Anger? Is everything now really under the umbrella of a corporate mandate that says we all have to be the same–gay people and straight people?"

An excerpt from upcoming novel The Jigsaw Jungle, by Kristin Levine.

We Used to Have Money, Now We Have You! - the bedtime story we all secretly tell our kids.

Eleven LGBT-themed books for kids.

Interview magazine closes, ending a 50-year survey of Manhattan cool. "Magazine founded by Andy Warhol closes after months of turmoil, including a lawsuit brought over back pay and the resignation of a fashion director."

Interview magazine: A view on the inside.

On the rag - your guide to the gay weeklies.

At Night

A brief herstory of drag-queens. "RuPaul’s Drag Race is arguably the show on everyone’s radar right now. However, drag has been a part of our culture for centuries and the queens who came before Ru are crucial to the art-form’s success today."

Why the gay men of The Boys In The Band still matter. "Nine out actors join together for an incredible, all-queer revival of The Boys In the Band. We spoke to all of them about why Boys remains as powerful and topical a half century later."

Talking to Andrew Rannells. "The Boys in the Band actor says not much has changed in how gay men treat one another since the play's 1968 premiere."

Talking to Charlie Carver. "The out TV star discusses his new Broadway production and what it says about gay life."

Talking to Matt Bomer. "The out actor discussed his role of Donald in The Boys in the Band, which showcases a stubborn mean streak in gay culture."

Talking to Jim Parsons. He "is offering Hollywood — and the rest of America — a different style of manhood. And it’s not a moment too soon."

Talking to Brian Hutchison. "The stage and TV actor talks about femme-phobia and how it relates to his deeply conflicted The Boys In The Band character."

Talking to Tuc Watkins. "The out father of twins returns for the 50th anniversary of The Boys in the Band, bringing wisdom and knowledge to a universal struggle."

Sprawling epic of gay life The Inheritance to transfer to West End. "Matthew Lopez’s sold-out two-part play at the Young Vic will move to the Noël Coward Theatre in September."

Go see
Paterson Joseph's single-hander, Sancho: An Act of Remembrance, in which the son of slaves overcomes prejudice.


Frank Ocean to star in forthcoming movie, Ships Passing in the Night, from Korean-American director Michael Kang.

How unearthed art by teenage Basquiat inspired this exciting documentary BOOM FOR REAL: The Late Teenage Years of Jean-Michel Basquiat. "A trove of early Basquiat works rescued from an East Village bank vault inspired a filmmaker to explore the artist's formative years."

How cinema is fighting back against streaming.

LGBT characters in film fall to record low...

...And how Disney is failing LGBT kids – despite "cashing in" on Pride merchandise.

Timothée Chalamet as a suburban-teen-turned-meth-addict in forthcoming movie Beautiful Boy; Kanarie trailer; Hooked trailer.

The Misandrists: Bruce LaBruce critiques radical feminism from a feminist viewpoint. "The director's film about feminist revolutionaries is laced with campy humor and a critique of trans exclusion."

The Misandrists. "Violent, funny, and explicit, LaBruce glides delicately between swooning romanticism and roaring camp satire typified by one-liners such as 'The quickest way through a man’s heart is through his chest!'"

Jason Statham apologises for homophobic slurs on his movie set — but is it enough?

Nine standout Cannes movies you’ll be hearing about this year.

Early warning: why are films about childhood in crisis looming over Cannes? "From shoplifting kids to a girl growing up in the wild, a crop of films at Cannes focus on children finding unusual ways to navigate a terrifying modern world."

Spike Lee’s BlacKkKlansman draws a ham-fisted line from white supremacy’s past to its present. And it lets white audiences off the hook.

The world needs this documentary about Twin Peaks log lady Catherine Coulson.

Blink and you'll miss Freddie Mercury's queerness in Bohemian Rhapsody trailer. "Rami Malek is a ringer for Freddie Mercury in the high-energy teaser trailer for the film about him, but his queerness and battle with AIDS are almost nonexistent."

HBO's Fahrenheit 451 translates a sci-fi classic for the modern day with mixed results.

Solo screenwriter Jonathan Kasdan: Lando Calrissian is "pansexual".

Every Star Wars film – ranked!

Talking to Anthony Hopkins. "Alcoholism and ambition fuelled the actor’s rise to the top. He talks masculinity, fame – and why he’s finally ready to play Lear."

Unseen on screen: the secret movie cameos you might not know about.

The original Picnic at Hanging Rock is the dreamiest nightmare ever.


All the canceled and renewed TV shows from the 2017-’18 season.

Reboot, revive, repeat: has retromania really taken over TV? "Modern culture has long been accused of failing to move on from the past – and new versions of The Generation Game and The Price is Right would suggest that TV is no different. But in fact the opposite is true."

Netflix puts content above costs but is the policy sustainable?

TV wars: why Australia’s messy streaming landscape isn’t getting better anytime soon. "Netflix’s comedy favourite Arrested Development makes its return next week. So why will its Australian subscribers need Foxtel to see it?"

How bisexuality on TV evolved from a favorite punchline to a vital storyline.

Steven Canals, creator of Ryan Murphy’s Pose, on how his own experiences growing up an Afro-Latinx queer man in ’80s New York inspired the show. “POSE centers and celebrates identity, making no apologies about our race, gender, sexual orientation, class and community. Currently, we are in production in my native New York, some locations mere blocks away from where I grew up, watching television, hoping to feel, to be seen. We all have our own stories to tell, and they deserve to be told. POSE is the story that my younger self deserved but never received. I realize now, that it is not impossible for someone like me – a cisgender Afro-Latinx queer man from the Bronx – to tell this story – our story.”

Hugh Grant discusses gay sex scenes with Ben Whishaw: "We just went for it. I got a rash from Ben’s beard."

Queer Eye season 2 gets premiere date on Netflix - and will see the show's first makeover of a transgender man.

Talking to Monet X Change. "If you are a black person in any business, you have to work twice as hard to get half as much."

Talking to Monét X Change.

RuPaul’s Drag Race introduces first trans Pit Crew member.

RuPaul’s Drag Race: Makeover recap. "I can’t even type 'Frankie Grande' without dry heaving a little. He’s insufferable."

RuPaul’s Drag Race star Gia Gunn shares her transition journey.

13 Reasons Why says it’s confronting tough truths about suicide and bullying. It’s not.

Westworld annoys the hell out of me – but is it OK to give up on it? "It is not easy to quit a series you once loved, but in the age of peak TV, there is no time for hate-watching shows that no longer rock your boat."

Westworld recap: season 2, episode 5 – Maeve the merciful. "Welcome to Shogun World, a place where our Westworld escapees are put in the custody of their twins."

Westworld's Shōgun World was everything I expected it to be, but not much else.

The Expanse just recharged all its storylines, and now it's better than ever.

This episode of The Expanse is a fantastic example of why canceling it was so dumb...

...But fear not, Amazon has picked the series up for a fourth season.

Colony finally showed us a damn alien, and it was good.

Streaming service Twitch to stream over five hundred episodes of (1963 to 1989) Doctor Who.

The next Homeland? The problems with Fauda, Israel's brutal TV hit. "The Netflix smash – about a ruthless Israeli unit hunting down terrorists – has been praised for its evenhanded portrayal of the Palestinian conflict. But are there glaring omissions?"

Bad boys: Bulletproof and the rebirth of the British buddy-cop show. "Sky1’s new police drama starring Ashley Walters and Noel Clarke has taken its lead from US counterparts such as Lethal Weapon, but does it work and is it better than The Sweeney?"

Why Miranda is the only redeemable Sex and the City character.

From Grange Hill to Press Gang: which are the best teen shows ever? "Teen shows have long held their own in the TV schedules, thanks to gritty issues such as bullying, drugs and sex mixed with melodrama. But what are the definitive shows?"


The trailer for sizzling new webseries Dirty Talk; the latest Steam Room Stories; and the trailer for Our Tough Love.

Beats, Rhymes
& Life

Just when you thought he couldn't get any lower, Kanye West has used a picture of Whitney Houston’s drug strewn bathroom as album art.

Pioneering, fearless artist Karnage is taking the fight to the streets, breaking out of the gay ghetto and scoring a spot in the grime mainstream. "I need you all to realise that this is the first time an openly gay grime artist has been put on any of these Grime platforms," Karnage says. "These platforms are homophobic and extremely hyper masculine. This is a massive deal for our community, but without all of your support, it means nothing."

Kendrick Lamar is right about white fans rapping. The N-word is off limits.

Akala: "As I grew up, I became embarrassed by my mother’s whiteness." "At five, the hip-hop poet was racially abused at school. Could his mother ever really understand?"

A Tribe Called Quest’s Ali Shaheed Muhammad and Adrian Younge issue anti-police brutality call to action with new track.

Frank Ocean's Blonde dissected: A cultural artefact that deserves to be studied. "Cole Cuchna of the podcast Dissect is devoting his third season to Frank Ocean deep dives – and aims to unpack a record extraordinarily rich in detail."

How we made TLC's Waterfalls.

Lenny Kravitz on thirty years in music: "I did whatever I had to do to survive". "The soulful rock star picks his favourite songs from his back catalogue – from those trying to win his wife back, to those reflecting on his mother’s death."

Singing the blues: Study of pop music finds rise in sadness.

Talking to Troye Sivan. “With people like Hayley Kiyoko and Brockhampton, we’re starting to get, finally, a diverse group of different LGBTQ perspectives. That’s why I politely don’t want to take on that ‘gay icon’ thing. I’m one voice of so many that are missing, and so I’m just trying to tell my story, and right now I’m having so much fun in my life, I feel confident, I’m just enjoying myself, and so that was really important to me to express….And I don’t. I just don’t represent everybody, because I’m extraordinarily lucky. I come from a middle-class white family in Australia, and all of my dreams have come true by 22. I had the easiest coming out in the world… I don’t ever want to take that on really, because there are plenty of other people who need to be heard first.”

It could all be so simple … why did Lauryn Hill disappear? "The artist – who has announced a string of arena dates – retreated after the release of her seminal album. What happened?"


Bisexual college track hurdler H. David Rials on finding strength from his supportive teammates.

Donation fund created for LGBT youth after death of gay sports writer Bo Churney, who committed suicide earlier this week.

More warnings for LGBT fans ahead of Russia World Cup.

Premier League footballer Shane Duffy slammed for series of homophobic tweets.

New documentary Alone in the Game features a gay Division I football player.

ISIS threatens to behead Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi at World Cup.

Land Rover confiscates vile rugby star Israel Folau's car following his homophobic comments.

New Zealand rower Robbie Manson says Folau’s hateful comments have done the LGBT community a favour.

Race and football: why NFL owners are so scared of Colin Kaepernick.


Mental illness is killing porn stars and the industry is taking action.

A black male porn star is suing after his white female costar called him the n-word during filming.

Reporter who tried to expose Nica Noelle reveals new details on how she kept her Icon Male porn shoots a secret from the homeowner she was defrauding.

Imprisoned Jarec Wentworth is trying to appeal his conviction.

Former gay-for-pay model Kurtis Hartman - who appeared on the website English Lads - convicted in revenge porn case.

Helix model Cole Claire celebrates the release of his final scene for the studio by wishing for sacks of shit to be set on fire...

...whilst Angel Rivera - another model at the scandal beset studio - announces hiatus from social media.

Ryan Rose announces gay porn retirement.

Talking to Kristen Bjorn.

Ashley Ryder to appear in new UK documentary series about what it’s really like to work in adult film industry...

...And Sleazy Michael, the 59-year-old gay escort who makes £100 an hour having sex, also appears.

Prowler European Porn Awards 2018, in pictures.

Rafael Alencar claims he bedded Patrick Swayze, fingered his own father, and more! Plus: Davey Wavey talks to Alex Mecum and Thyle Knoxx.

Meet new BelAmi model Niccolo Neri.

Behind the scenes with Alam Wernik, Ryan Rose, Jon Kael, Adam Archuleta, Serge Cavalli, Andrei Karenin, Joaquin Arrenas.

Behind the scenes with Skyy Knox and Remy Cruze.

Andre Donovan and Klim Gromov do it.

Jae Gorgeous delights in Sketchy Sex free for all.

Corbin Colby and Tyler Hill do it.

Corbin Colby, Joey Mills, Angel Rivera, Josh Brady, Cameron Parks, and Luke Wilder do it.

Jacen Zhu and Troy Accola do it.

Alex Roman and Devon Lebron do it.

François Sagat and Ricky Roman do it.

Alam Wernik, Logan Moore and Danny Gunn do it.

Quin Quire and Forest do it.

Ken Ott and Diego Sans do it.

Bushwig Brooklyn - "NYC's annual festival of Drag, queer performance and music" - Faultline bar weekend, in pictures.

Daddy Issues pool party, in pictures.

DragulaWorld, in pictures.

The White Heat
of This Revolution

Gay teens are using Grindr to find boyfriends - and friends.

Hate once again monetised on YouTube.

Facebook’s plan to stop revenge porn may be even creepier than revenge porn.

As Facebook becomes better policed, bad actors are moving to WhatsApp.

Google has removed its "don't be evil" clause from its code of conduct.

Ignore the hype over big tech. Its products are mostly useless. "It’s years since Silicon Valley gave us a game-changer. Instead, from curing disease to colonies on Mars, we’re fed overblown promises."

Should Africa let Silicon Valley in? "Some believe that big tech offers developing economies a global platform. But others say ceding control of data and markets to the west could cripple societies."

The app that helps you curb your smartphone addiction.

Meet the microgrid, the technology poised to transform electricity.

Planes, Trains
& Automobiles

Why fewer Londoners are taking the Tube – a transport researcher explains.

Part of Hudson Yards Tunnels is nearly done. Now it sits, unused.

How cheap dockless hire bikes are flooding the world. "Cycling around cities may have been pioneered by the Dutch, but a new high-tech way of hiring bicycles is bidding to bring a pedal power revolution to cities around the world."

An expert explains how not to get sucked out a plane window...

...So, what are your chances of being sucked out of a plane?


When being queer means you don’t fit your job’s "aesthetic".

Talk to Deliveroo couriers. See a dystopia that could be your future.

Why the robot revolution risks an economic "death spiral" for Australia.

The secrets of the staff room - what teachers talk about when you can't hear.

I Own 51% Of
This Company!

Starbucks says everyone’s a customer after Philadelphia bias incident.

Shoppers desert the UK's high streets, putting more jobs at risk.

Seven reasons why Marks & Spencer is in trouble. "The internet, along with younger, sharper rivals, threaten the dominance of the grande dame of retail."

Six reasons why Britain’s retailers can’t make ends meet.

UK DIY chain Homebase sold to Hilco for £1 putting jobs and 60 stores at risk. "Acquisition of DIY chain ‘an unbelievable disaster’ for Australian group Wesfarmers."

I won’t cry for Homebase, but I fear for our high streets. "The home and DIY chain is the latest to succumb to a crumbling industry – but with so many closures and profit losses, will retail manage to survive?"

Tesco abruptly shuts its non-food website, Tesco Direct.


Ready or not, Michael Twitty is changing the face of food media. "If I was a cisgender, heterosexual-looking, gay-appealing naked white man with a chiseled body who was cooking, I’d be the darling of gay media."

How salad became a major source of food poisoning in the US.

This is how bad your avocado obsession is for the world. "Feel bad, millennial. Not only have you caused the housing crisis with your avocado obsession, you've also harmed Mother Nature."

Supermarket sausages rated.

Long read
Has wine gone bad? "‘Natural wine’ advocates say everything about the modern industry is ethically, ecologically and aesthetically wrong – and have triggered the biggest split in the wine world for a generation."


Primark’s Pride collection is made in countries where it’s illegal to be gay.

H&M to release its first ever Pride collection.

Nike’s BeTrue line gets a pink and lavender makeover for 2018.

Talking to André Leon Talley about racism in the fashion industry.

Look what came in the post: the rise of subscription shopping. "Imagine a package of tempting goods, tailored to your exact needs, arriving at your door each month. Subscription shopping services are booming. But do they give you what you want? Or are they just a waste of time and tissue paper?"

broke&living, the gender-fluid fashion line with the capes and kimonos you need in your life.


Meet Fwee Carter, the 90's superhero toy collector who is also an erotic photographer.

Ask the Aunties (KAOS crush Karnage is one of said Aunities) Plus: the latest from Walter, older gay men try out the younger generation's slang - and Durand Bernarr has a PSA.

Issue 276: 15-26 May 2018
On the cover: Karnage, shot by Elise Rose.

Read the last edition

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"You know, we might just as well not have
bothered to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."

© 2018


Gilbert said...

Epic, as always.

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