Issue 281: Orlando Boldewijn, Dyllon Burnside, Ryan Jamaal Swain, François Sagat, Michael B. Jordan, Ephraim Lewis, and more...

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Racial sexual preference isn’t a crime.

Like many gay Muslim people, I have no faith in Pride. "The London march is being hollowed out by corporations, and its militant secularism excludes people of faith."

No, I don't want your rainbow T-shirt. "We want corporate America truly standing behind us, not just showering us with Pride magnets."

How protest groups are rising up to reclaim Pride this year. "In cities across the country, organisers are demonstrating against the corporatisation of Pride and racism within the LGBT community. Will queer people listen?"

Why police should have a place at Pride. "Banning bad cops from Pride celebrations is understandable, but banning all cops isn't." (Image)

Honour the radical legacy of Pride by bailing out LGBT people.

Transgender identity not a mental illness, World Health Organisation declares.

Trans women and the police: Cairo, Amman, London, San Francisco.

The responsibility of men in #MeToo.

How state violence affects black people’s psyche.

Being black in America can be hazardous to your health. "In Baltimore and other segregated cities, the life-expectancy gap between African Americans and whites is as much as 20 years. One young woman’s struggle shows why."


New York Gov. proclaims Edie Windsor Day.

Utah Gov. Gary Herbert has thanked hero Terrance Mannery, who stopped a homophobic mob during Utah Pride..

Gay veteran harassed by homophobic neighbours receives Pride present.

Discounted phones save lives of homeless LGBT teens — now they might be taken away. (Image)

Federal Court again refuses to let trans military ban take effect.

The U.S. Supreme Court declines to hear the appeal of convicted murderer Charles Rhines.

America is no longer a safe country and we should say so.

LGBT groups condemn US exit from UN Human Rights Council.

United Methodist Church: Jeff Sessions's immigration policy is child abuse.

George Takei: Trump's child separation "is worse" than Japanese internment camps.

Rachel Maddow sobs while describing Trump's camps for babies, young children.

Gay man shuts down Fox News pundit who mocked caged migrant child.

Trump and the disturbing power of dehumanising language.

Trump’s child cruelty shocks us, but it shouldn’t surprise us. "The policy of separating families has the president’s name written all over it. But it also has an awful American pedigree."

How the world is reacting to Trump’s family separation policy.

Trump's "inhumane" executive order will keep families together in jail...

... and misspelled “separation.”

Trump tells ridiculous lie about German crime to argue against taking in asylum-seekers.

The price of James Comey’s integrity. "The former FBI director's mistaken sense of integrity brought us Donald Trump."

Michael Cohen quits RNC committee, distances himself from Trump.

Trump is creating his American caliphate, and democracy has no defence.

The end of civil rights. "Across immigration, policing, criminal justice, and voting rights, attorney general Jeff Sessions is pushing an agenda that could erase many of the legal gains of modern America's defining movement."

Europe and North America need to stay united – now more than ever. "Political differences are putting Nato under strain, but all parties must realise that the transatlantic union makes us safer."

French President Emmanuel Macron replaced by North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un in White House photo gallery.

Deranged Trump announces the creation of a "Space Force."

Low-income black fathers want to be good dads. The system won't let them. "Working with low-income black fathers in Chicago, I have long seen how counterproductive policies punish them for trying."

Texas GOP endorses "ex-gay" therapy, hate-crimes law repeal, marriage reversal.

Gay Indiana mayor Peter Buttigieg – who Obama tipped to one day be president, marries partner then goes to Pride.

Boise Pride, in pictures.

Stonewall Columbus Pride, in pictures.

Pridefest Milwaukee, in pictures.

St. Charles, in pictures.

Alaska Pride, in pictures.

Iowa City Pride, in pictures.

Denver Pride, in pictures.

Portland Trans Pride, in pictures.

Kentuckiana Pride, in pictures.

Rainbow crosswalk vandalised just one day after it was painted.

Justin Trudeau promised to protect indigenous rights. He lied, again.


Will Brexit mean no LGBT rights protections? "The EU Charter is the only international human rights law to include sexual orientation, and the UK is about to lose it."

Gay army veteran steps in to stop homophobic attack on London bus.

Gay doctor Tamas Nyary, who lied about having HIV, avoids jail.

One in three employers admit they are "less likely" to hire a transgender worker.

Horrifying: three graffiti artists killed by train in south London.

If walking around JezFest is anything to go by, the Tories have little to fear. "Yes, the Magic Numbers turned out for Corbyn on the big day. But politics isn’t about singing to the choir."

Grenfell Tower: what happened.

Grenfell Tower: combustible materials were added to cladding.

The London housing blocks at risk of catastrophic collapse.

Suicides raise alarm about UK's treatment of child refugees. "Three Eritrean teenagers killed themselves after travelling to Britain without their parents."

Deaths of mentally ill rough sleepers in London rise sharply.

Smartphone use blamed as water feature is bricked up.

Christian protester provides perfect backdrop for Pride selfies.


Homophobia costing homophobic countries billions.

Where LGBT war refugees finally feel safe.

It's 34,361 and rising: how the List tallies Europe's migrant bodycount. "The deaths do not just occur at sea – but in detention blocks, asylum units and even town centres. Here’s how the List is put together."

Drowned, restrained, shot: how these migrants died for a better life. "We may never know the life stories of the many thousands who died trying to reach Europe. But this is a tiny snapshot of some of the names on the List."

Minister for Justice Charlie Flanagan apologises to the entire LGBT community for the country previously outlawing homosexuality.

Silent march to take place in memory of Rotterdam 17-year-old Orlando Boldewijn, who was murdered after meeting someone on Grindr in The Hague.

Why Dutch teenagers are among the happiest in the world. "Teens in Netherlands regularly top life satisfaction tables, with schooling playing a big role."

Official sparks outrage by telling gay couples they can only adopt ‘atypical’ children

Sitges Pride, in pictures.


Safe house for LGBT World Cup fans is shuttered.

The secret gay history of Russia.

Police detain dozens of far-right protesters before Kiev Pride.


Pride at Kakuma refugee camp, home to many LGBT people who have had to flee homophobic regimes...

...But attendees have since been threatened with death.

More pictures of the march here.


Three gay rights activists shot to death.

Gay couple jailed after being told they were "loitering" outside friend’s apartment.

Lawyer finds unlikely ally in Duterte in fight to legalise gay marriage. "Jesus Falcis has taken his battle to the supreme court, backed by a president who regularly clashes with the Catholic church."

Hong Kong
LGBT kids' books removed from library shelves after complaints.

Deaths in offshore detention: the faces of the people who have died in Australia's care. "Twelve refugees and asylum seekers have died while in Australian immigration detention on Manus Island and Nauru."


Z is for Zora: An Alphabet Book of Notable Writers from Around the World, the children’s book celebrating black authors.

How the self-publishing industry changed, between my first and second novels.

At Night

Sugar in Our Wounds, and Pass Over. "Love between black men faces impossible odds... with bracing and powerful new plays that opened off-Broadway this week."

Broadway Bares, in pictures.

Michael Jackson musical to hit Broadway in 2020.

Coach Signature Ball, in pictures.

Talking to veteran vogue commentator Dashaun Wesley about how ball culture has changed since the era of Pose.


Russell Tovey splits with rugby player fiancé Steve Brockman.

Love, Simon wins Best Kiss at MTV Movie Awards.

Antonio Marziale, gay star of Alex Strangelove, quiz's his straight co-star on LGBT terms.

Daniella Pineda confirms her Jurassic World character was de-gayed.

Talking to Denis Côté explores the world of bodybuilding in A Skin So Soft.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is the feel-bad blockbuster of the summer.

Scotty Bower arranged sex dates for closeted gay movie stars and here’s his story.

Twenty reasons The Birdcage is still hilarious over twenty years later.

The best films of 2018 so far.

Here's Michael B. Jordan in the first poster for Creed II.

Here's the trailer for Travis Mathews's Discreet, starring Johnny Man, Atsuko Okatsuka, and Jordan Elsass; and A Skin So Soft.


Netflix addiction is real – we are entertaining ourselves to death. "Entertainment has always been about escapism, but the streaming service has made binge-viewing the opium of the masses."

From Brooklyn Nine-Nine to Lucifer: TV shows have become unkillable. "Where once cancellation meant the end for a TV series, now streaming services are ensuring a second life for all shows great or small. But some things should be left to rest in peace."

RuPaul wants a different approach to stopping Trump: "You cannot shame the shameless."

Asia O'Hara was nearly burned to death when he was eleven.

ABC put a flat earther convicted of groping on The Bachelorette. "Lincoln Adim has become the latest in the long-running franchise's string of controversial contestants. How did he get on the show?"

Walking Dead actor Daniel Newman shares pictures of him posing Sean Cody model Tanner.

Queer Eye's Karamo Brown met with Karen Pence - but fellow castmember Jonathan Van Ness isn't impressed. "She doesn’t like you girl. She don’t like us."

Queer Eye's Karamo Brown wishes he'd learned this in sex ed.

Queer Eye's Antoni Porowski on his cooking abilities criticism.

Roseanne Barr could still win an Emmy, despite calling a black woman an ape.

Pose, episode three. "Ryan Murphy did his fair share of mash-ups on Glee, but with his talented team of collaborators, Pose continues to hit even higher notes."

Talking to Ryan Jamaal Swain about Pose and the radicalness of being a normal teen.

Talking to Pose star Dyllon Burnside, and Ballroom Culture staple and Producing Consultant, Twiggy Pucci Garçon.

How Pose is changing media representation of gender confirmation surgery.

Christopher Meloni joins Pose.

Riverdale star KJ Apa wants to be part of a gay storyline.

Cattleprods! Severed tongues! Torture porn! Why I’ve stopped watching The Handmaid’s Tale. "The new season is unrelentingly bleak – gone is Atwood’s astute social commentary, turning the audience into rubberneckers peering at the carnage."

Beats, Rhymes
& Life

Perfectionism and poverty: why musicians struggle with mental health.

The brief life and tragic death of Ephraim Lewis. "He’d been going around the West Hollywood gay scene. He’d been really enjoying that side of himself which he hadn’t been able to before. The West Hollywood gay bar scene is far more open and active than any British equivalent. Its casual sex and drug use are almost politically correct rites of passage for many young LA gays. And Lewis had become militant about his new sexual identity. 'He wanted to be a positive gay black role model because there are so few in the black community.'" (March 2010)

Ephraim Lewis: LA police blamed for singer's death fall. (April 1994)

Now you can take a course on Frank Ocean at UC Berkeley.

Homophobic rapper XXXTentacion shot dead in Florida; Onfroy had boasted about brutally beating a gay cell whilst in prison.

XXXTentacion: a hyperfast life of trauma, endured and inflicted. "The Florida rapper was famous for his brutality and celebrated violence in song; gaining a fandom that didn’t seem to care about his crimes."

XXXTentacion: controversy rages after rapper's shooting death. "The killing of US rapper XXXTentacion has set social media ablaze: vicious arguments have broken out about how to memorialise such a problematic figure, as fans pore over conspiracy theories about the perpetrator and even question if the rapper was killed at all."

XXXTentacion: stop pretending you actually gave a shit about his "growth" and potential.

Jimmy Wopo death: rapper shot dead within hours of XXXTentacion killing.

Michael Jackson's personal photographer: "He didn't identify as one gender."

Nina Simone: the growing legacy of a dazzling, defiant talent.


St Kilda football club achieves top ranking at Pride in Sport awards.

World Cup orgnisers FIFA to investigate Mexico fans homophobic slurs.

World Cup countries ranked by LGBT rights and acceptance.

Why puto chants haunt Mexican football. "El Tri’s victory over Germany on Sunday was marred by alleged homophobic chanting. It’s a common trend across stadiums in the Americas."

Gay college football player found a team after nearly quitting sports.

This former Kentucky football player is coming out publicly to inspire others.

Openly gay Olympic skater Jorik Hendrickx was happy not being in the spotlight.

Caster Semenya to challenge new IAAF testosterone rules.

Transgender student athletes' success stirs uproar in Connecticut.

Soccer star Mo Salah’s massive popularity is changing perceptions of Muslims in the UK.


Pheonix Fellington shuts down trolls with one Twitter post.

François Sagat makes his gay porn bareback debut with Knockout.

Gay porn before and after: Blake Mitchell 2014 vs. 2018.

Jay C and Manny Killa do it.

Jeff Mirren and Orri Aasen do it.

Josh Farve and Collin Simpson do it.

Newcomer Parkey Payne leaks sizzing sex tapes.

Flesh at Folsom St. East, in pictures.

LA Pride Tea Dance, in pictures.

Pride by the pool, in pictures.


The vast majority of cis people won't date trans people.

The HIV-positive person's guide to sex and dating. "Your sex life doesn't stop after HIV — in fact, it could actually get better."

Freckling is latest dating trend and it could leave you heartbroken by the end of the summer.


HIV vaccine to begin human trials in 2019.

Two-drug regimen proves to be effective in controlling HIV.

Bone and muscle frailty twice as prevalent in men living with HIV.

Gilead's massive PrEP ad campaign.

Meet two-time cancer survivor Kierran Jarrett.

Your voice actually changes when you talk to someone intimidating.


Mexico and Michigan suffer deluges as fires scorch Colorado. "In US states, floods, huge sinkholes and wildfires, while along Mexico’s south-west coast Storm Carlotta packs a punch."

Hawaii's natural wonders claimed by lava. "The Kilauea eruption has wiped out rare sites and whole ecosystems. As the island mourns a tragedy, it also accepts the brutal cycle of nature."

Seven things to know about volcanoes.

How trying to stay cool could make the world even hotter.

Mozambique: the secret rainforest at the heart of an African volcano.


Where have all our insects gone? "There is a crisis in the countryside – and a massive decline in insect numbers could have significant consequences for the environment."

The White Heat
of This Revolution

Former Google and Instagram engineers got millions to take TV into the future — here's what it looks like.

Are video games really addictive? "‘Gaming disorder’ is now a medical diagnosis. But evidence of real harm is scant, and gaming can have real benefits."

I Own 51% Of
This Company!

Costa Coffee social media account calls rainbow cup pure marketing. "Instagram account based in France also called gay man who was bullied out of his job incompetent."

The last days of Target. "The untold tale of Target Canada’s difficult birth, tough life and brutal death."


From overnight oats to boiled eggs – is meal prep taking the joy out of eating?

The return of Soave, a much maligned style. "These wines from the Veneto went all watery and weak, but now we see a graceful revival."

Don’t eat before reading this. A New York chef spills some trade secrets. (April 1999)


Opening Ceremony's Hanky Code Collection, in pictures.

Changing English fashions cause bemusement. "Swimming trunks printed in designs as colourful and exotic as those on American ties are yet another revolution in men’s fashion." (June 1950)


Meet disable, gender-nonconforming model Aaron Philip.

Finally, the latest with Ask The Aunties, and Walter; plus James, and Mac.

That's all for this week - please like, follow and share!
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Issue 281: 16-20 June 2018
On the cover: Ryan Jamaal Swain and Dyllon Burnside in "Pose".

Missed the last edition? Get it.

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