*Last week we talked about the woman who bit off her boyfriend's tongue. Continuing that theme, we'll now discuss two Polish boys and what happened when they got into a heated debate over a... er, trailer.

*Just what in God's name are we eating? The FSA is here to tell you! (I guess I'll be depressed to discover just how much salt/saturated fat/Other Bad Things feature in my favourite KFC family size bucket.)
*First big budget flick for the ugliest place on Earth. The A-Rabs are plotting other escapades too. They want to rip her wings off and ship her out to their tawdry, slave-built concrete horror. Don't let them get Concorde!

*So the Met police killed an innocent man. What's new?
*Aww, Uncle Tony hasn't gone away, he's just been resting up for a while. And now he's back wagging his finger at the Pope. Naughty Pope!
*BNP could gain seats in the European Parliament in June. File under: That Can't Be Good.

*Beware the forked tongue. There's no such thing as moderate Islam, but there is such a thing as a Trojan horse. And that's what Tariq Ramadan is.
*Speaking of which, the Americans might have ousted a dictator, but they left intact an even more wretched force: Islam. The New York Times reports on the deaths of 25 boys and men accused of being gay.
*Meanwhile in another backward hellhole, two brothers are fined for popularizing homosexuality. Their crime? They had organised demonstrations protesting against homophobia.

*And whilst NYC is goes all pink, Japan goes green.
*Back in Blighty, the Tate Modern gets planning permission for its extension. Looks alright, I suppose.
*Hugh Jackman's got the hump about his unfinished Wolverine getting leaked by some jackass (ha ha, geddit?) I don't blame him.
*The end is nigh as the first of four Doctor Who specials airs tonight. "The Doctor’s facing the end of his life, it’s going to get dark," showrunner Russell T. Davies says of the future. And The Times quotes Paterson Joseph, the first black Doctor who never was, saying, "That nobody was up in arms over a black actor being considered is a great change from 20 years ago."
*Coronation Street to get a big old lezzer? Well, it's only taken 49 years.
*Gays will panic: NBC threatens an SVU minus Christopher Meloni.
*OMG! Sydney didn't die after all!

*And since we're on the subject, they ought to use anti-hate laws to lock these pr**ks up. They're inciting violence. Oh, except America's got freedom of speech laws instead, so you're allowed to do that there. Doh!

*We need more boy bands/all male singing groups - but maybe not this? This isn't 1998. We don't need groups with really bad puns for names. I mean, really, As Bro? (Still, I'd happily do the four on the right. Not so much the one on the left.)
*Aww, Bow Wow, you so cute, you so gay. So when's the next sleepover with Omarion? Or are you banging Romeo these days? I can't keep up with you fast'n'easy young 'uns!
*A 100ft Dalek!

*Gay pizza!
*Gay elephant!
*Sex for meat!
*A megamouth for greedy mouths.

*How To Spot A Lame, Lame Argument.
*And finally, just for a laugh, "a new McDonald's outlet has been inundated with job applicants, among them bankers... and accountants". Boo-hoo! Breaks your heart, doesn't it? It'll probably be the first honest days work any of them have done.
I so enjoy your weekly recaps. They're very neat and compact. Just like I like it.
I forgot if I commented already or not. Did I?! I'm in a blurred state. Your news clips, as always, are interesting and make my head spin.
And interesting new banner....
Mr Jones, I usually prefer it big and bootiful, myself. But shucks, thanks :)
Dusty, you did. And I'm usually in a blurred state if I can help it. But my news playlist isn't intended to make your head spin. We don't want that.
(And interesting good, or interesting bad...?)
ka-os: interesting good.
Took me time to read the whole article, the article is great but the comments bring more brainstorm ideas, thanks.
- Johnson
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