a news compendium
with a gay bias
issue 68 | July 2010
a news compendium
with a gay bias
issue 68 | July 2010

||| You'll hear a lot about Gay Pride in this issue - boys, girls (and boy-girls) across the globe are celebrating it. But some of us already have Gay Pride Parade fatigue. The Chicagoist talks to Cyon Flare about why Gay Pride parades still matter.
||| Who hates gay people: Youth, "orthodox Christians and Muslims, the low-skilled and some immigrant groups".

||| A gay Filipino shipyard worker (is it just me or does that sound so hot?) has lost his job for allegedly "offering a male co-worker oral sex, calling his crewmembers 'hot' and taking pictures of his crewmembers and posting them on social networking sites". And the problem is...?

||| Coming out stories: "The story tellers are getting younger," Taylor Siluwé writes. "Maybe its the gadget generation, because there were young stories before (we all have them) but they were never recorded. I wish I had a recording of my coming out in the 80's..." Make sure to check out the videos.

||| So what's the bottom line look like for the mags and rags that are left?
||| American talk show The View perpetuates "damaging myth" that "down low" gay and bisexual African American men are the cause of escalating rates of HIV in African American women. GLAAD calls for retraction and education.

||| Are teen books with gay themes taking off?
||| Too scared to sleep: GBLT youth face violence behind bars.
||| GBLT youth part of Obama plan to end homelessness.
||| Anti-gay evangelist Brian Johnson hands out bibles at Minneapolis pride festival; a judge had last week denied the pride organisers a restraining order against Johnson. Perhaps his presense will have served as a reality check for some of the attendees...
||| Now Texas wants to make like Malawi and imprison gays.
||| Ovation TV profiles photographer Jeff Sheng, the man behind the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" portraits project.

||| Time Magazine on homosexuality: Five articles from 1956, 1966, 1969, 1975, and 1979.
||| A Field Guide To Bears... should you need it.
||| Britain's first exclusively GBLT FM radio station - Gaydio - has gone on air.
||| London's Soho will have a street party this Saturday - despite Crossrail construction work limiting space.

||| Be afraid. Be very afraid: Muslims and Catholics unite against "negative" media and same-sex marriage.
||| Tory government, led by David Cameron (left), throws out iniatives to bring lesbian and gay issues into the national curriculum.
||| New Australian Prime Minister: "We've said marriage is between a man and a woman." Predictably backwards.

||| Poland: Ars Homoerotica, an exhibition of "classical works featuring homoerotic motifs", opens in Warsaw.
||| European Court of Human Rights rules that EU states are not obliged to allow gay marriage

||| Croatia: Gay Pride in Zagreb.

||| Hungary: Hetero pride parade for Budapest, the aim of which is to "protest against the open practice and popularisation of homosexuality in Hungary".

||| China: Hundreds turn out for Gay Pride Beijing.
||| "We don't want our parents to get hurt because of us. So we choose to get married." How China's GBLT community faces social pressure to get married.
||| Indonesia: GBLT people struggle for acceptance.
||| The Memoirs of Randa the Trans - an account of an Algerian transgender pioneer's battle against "family, society, country, religion and abuse".

||| ...But it's "our moral duty to address gay discrimination in Iraq".
||| Meanwhile, it seems like Iraqi police are stepping up the witch-hunt targeting gays and lesbians; they raided a safe house in Karbala, arrested the six occupants and burnt down the house. One of the victims had their throat slashed (left).
||| Syria: Raids on GBLT groups escalate.

||| Zimbabwe: President Robert Mugabe's Zanu PF political party promises homosexuality will be outlawed in new constitution; gays will face stiff penalties.
||| And whilst Mugabe polices what consenting adults do in their bedrooms, child scavengers in Harare "bear tragic witness to the illusion of change". Heartbreaking.
||| South Africa refuses to back UN Human Rights Council in fighting homophobia, because protecting gays means demeaning "the legitimate plight of the victims of racism".

||| Who is Horseboy?
||| Sarah Palin thinks prayer will fix the Gulf disaster.
||| But maybe we should all be praying anyway, because some seriously frightening shit is happening down there. Writes TechBear at Pam's House Blend: "The rapid outflow of oil from the underground reservoir is setting things up for a sinkhole. If that happens, it is almost certain that tens of millions of gallons of petroleum and tons of natural gas will be released all at once... Even if the well were capped today and its outflow brought to zero, and even if the integrity of

||| The Big Picture: Remembering the Korean War, 60 years ago, above (47 more pictures).

||| Older, partner-swapping swingers guilty of bringing sexually transmitted infections into the general population.

||| Animal pictures of the week (23 more pictures). Right, a bee "fitted with tiny radio ID tags to monitor their movements as part of research into whether pesticides could be giving the insects brain disorders".
||| Now we know how goats get their kicks...
||| Dog vs. car...

||| YouTube wins copyright case brought by Viacom.
||| New Dyson blade-less fans. Cool.

||| Oh-oh... Beenie Man has replaced Snoop Dogg at The Hague's Parkpop festival. Ironically, Snoop was axed in order to "preserve the open and friendly atmosphere".

||| And look what Fantasia caught herself... This, my friends, is Redskins wide receiver Devin Thomas (right). He's a man.

||| Meanwhile, LaToya and Bubbles reunite.

||| But Calvin Klein's got David Agbodji for their men's show. Gulp.
||| Tyler Perry, Madea "skewered" on The Boondocks.
||| And Taylor Siluwé writes on the matter: "TP... believes it was an inside job. [He] wants to control any leaks of information about 'the compound!!' Madea is giving pink slips to his entire staff (not the shirtless boy wonders of course) starting Friday." Ouch!
||| Remember Dale from Big Brother 9? No? Neither do I. But he's looking foiiiinnnee as hell in these shots for the Checkum testicular cancer awareness campaign.

||| You might already have read my thoughts on Doctor Who's latest series, and specifically the season finale. The ever-reliable Cathode Ray Tube has a particularly thoughtful critique of it all.

||| Right, Jason Momoa as Conan the Barbarian in director Marcus Nispel's Conan.
||| It's the news you didn't know you were waiting for: There WILL be a sequel to Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus! Only DListed can do this news justice.

||| Broadway Bares: the "best, brightest and nakedest Broadway dancers". Much more at boy culture, with video. More pictures.

||| Reese Rideout asks God if its okay to be a gay pornstar (your correspondent, by the way, loves, loves, LOVES Reese Rideout. Just thought I'd mention it).

||| Meet Diesel Washington's assistant, "Pat". Love. It.

||| And things wouldn't be the same without a peak into the world of sport, now would it boys? Plenty of action at boy|liberator as Cameroon lose to Denmark (Achille Emana, left), Ghana beating the US (right), and Ghana v Germany with some added brotherly feuding. But it was Japan's Keisuke Honda who got my attention this week...

||| Finally, BE THE CHANGE!
||| ka-os|theory, ONE YEAR AGO: 28.06.09
Issue 68 of ka-os|theory covers the period
19-25 June 2010 - plus some stuff I missed!
ka-os|theory is not responsible for the content
of external websites.
"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come.
The whole thing's been ridiculous."
© 2010
The gay Brady Bunch family put a big smile on my face.
Then it was erased by the Orangina commercial being judged too controversial in this country that pretends to be so modern, the train tragedy in Spain, and people blurring The View with bullshit...
But then, Devin Thomas, Mehcad, David Agbodji... You always give us a roller-coaster ride.
this is darker than usual....
Devin Thomas.....WHEW~!
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