• Gay marriage rights for the state of New York?

• And Rev. Irene Monroe's got something to say about it too.

• U.S. Senate clears "Matthew Shepard" bill, approving new federal penalties for attacks on the LGBT community.
• Is gaybashing on the rise?

• Lt. Daniel Choi's rise to fame has put a few gay activist's noses out of joint. "I've gotten [shit] from other activists... I wouldn't go to the point of saying that I don't deserve to be in this role, but they say, "You sort of came out of nowhere.'"
• Report recommends the U.S. military should repeal Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (or in other words, get rid of the sodomy ban).
• The Navy senior chief at centre of the Joseph Rocha hazing scandal has been forced to retire.
• You Will Eat Your Babies, screams Shirley Phelps-Ropers placard. No word on whether that's a biblical command, a threat, or helpful advice on how to withstand the financial crisis.

• The gays are everywhere - even in the Mafia. Watch your backs...
• Transgender people victims of global counter-terror campaigns.

• London sees an 18 percent rise in homophobic crime.

• The Met doesn't have gay people's trust.

• Here's a really revolting thought - the leaders of two far-right facist groups in a gay affair. Yuk.
• Remember the Gay Tourist Office I mentioned back in September? It's now open for business.

• Children's charity Barnardo's wants more gay couples (and even individuals) to adopt children.
• The Scottish National Party (which holds power in Scotland) passes a resolution criticising the UK government for its treatment of LGBT asylum seekers.

• Stephen Gately: Will the Press Complaints Commission act on Gatley Daily Mail article?

• Stephen Gately: Jan Moir apologises to Stephen Gately's parents but attacks 'hysterical overreaction' of critics.
• Stephen Gately: Jan Moir changes her tune.
• Stephen Fry talks Poles, politeness and politics in the age of Twitter.
• As the decade draws to a close, Peter Tatchell reflects on the last ten years.

• Indian man castrates himself to join begging eunuchs.
• Don't force homeless people to perform oral sex. It'll go wrong. Badly wrong.
• Nepal wakes up to the power of the pink rupee.
• Women, bloggers and gays lead change in the Arab world. Don't look at me - I'm not a girl.
• There's talk of these Arab winds of change in The Guardian too.
• Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Bill Put Off Until 2010. Don't get too excited, that's just 68 days away.
• Concentration Camp: the name of a party by, and for, gays. Yes, really.

• "Faggot Kid! You don't know what real marriage is!" Australian teacher shaping the mind of a young student.
• A calendar featuring transgender models posing as the Virgin Mary? Well that's not gonna cause problems in deeply Catholic Spain, is it?
• Sweden allows gay couples to marry in church.

• How to purify the body: stab yourself in the cheeks with machine guns, pineapples, any old thing really. 13 (graphic) pictures.

• Tortured, shot and dumped in a shopping trolley.
• Mexican city Ciudad Juarez is the murder capital of the world.

• Undercover film-maker Guenter Wallraff exposes the casual racism prevalent in Germany.
• Koran verses 'appear' on skin of miracle Russian baby. Miami Ink's Ami James spotted tattoo pen.
• The greatest wine sale ever known...

• The Ku Klux Klan's (is it just me or is that hard to say?) bloody history.
• Working for Lego like working for the CIA.
• The 'Noughties' are drawing to a close - but how will they be remembered?
• British National Party (BNP) leader Nick Griffin claims Sikhs and Hindus support his party.
• BNP on BBC's Question Time: key quotes. Like, "I shared a platform with David Duke, who was once a member of the Ku Klux Klan, a totally non-violent one by the way." That's alright then...
• Freedom of speech is fine until the invective is against you.

• Are you a Tube station?

• The ten worst Olympians: loveable losers from the Games. Right, Eric 'The Eel' Moussambani.

• The internet is 40!
• Internet rules and laws: the top 10, from Godwin to Poe.
• 50 technological advances your children will laugh at.
• Apple: 'Windows 7 is antiquated technology'.
• Microsoft Windows 7 reviews: 27 takes.
• The camera that will record every second of your life. Gee, that's a great idea.
• Last week's Air Multiplier was invented 30 years ago.
• Will the world end on 21st December 2012? NASA say no.
• The day after tomorrow map.
• How to save the planet: downsize or eat your pet, or better still don't have one.
• 15 smart and funny safe sex adverts that don't (really) mention sex (pictured right).
• Alcohol: Red wine makes fish taste too fishy.
• Alcohol: white wine bad for your teeth.
• Alcohol: six in ten people (including your correspondent) ignore safe drinking levels.
• Alcohol: 9,000 people are dying from alcohol-related diseases every year.
• Alcohol: liver disease (including cirrhosis) is the only major fatal disease to be rising in Britain and will be the single biggest cause of death within 20 years.
• Things that make us depressed: late night television and bright lights at night.
• Boffins think drugs could combat sleep deprivation.
• Coffee - with added collagen.
• Scientific proof at last: people who walk'n'talk whilst on their phones are f**king idiots.
• That most beautiful of creatures, the African elephant, could be extinct in 15 years.
• The United States designates 200,000 square miles in Alaska as critical habitat for polar bears.
• The only polar bear in Blighty (right) has been moved north to the Scottish Highlands. The bear was rescued from Canada in 1984.
• The 25 best music websites.
• UK's Top selling singles of all time. No.10 is Mary's Boy Child - Oh My Lord, by Boney M, which I've never heard of, but sounds more gay than I thought was possible.
• Er... so what music was used as torture at Guantanamo Bay? Artists want to know. (If it was me, I'd use Shakira, Christina Aguilera and Beyonce.)
• Speaking of boy childs, Chipmunk thinksshehe wants to be a role model. So how come he got caught being a homophobic little bitch by my boy Malachi on Twitter?
• The big boys won't let the pretty little light skin boy cut his hair off.
• Poor baby was a victim of racist bullying too. "When I was 13 I joined a local football squad as I had dreams of playing for my team, Arsenal. I was always the shortest in my side or class at school and there were some comments made, calling me 'shorty' or taking the mick. But I was also the only black kid in the team and the comments started to reach another level. I'm mixed race as my mum is Irish and my dad is Jamaican. But I used to get called 'Osama Bin Laden' or 'Paki' which I just couldn't understand as it didn't make any sense. It was just ignorant but I decided they were never going to break me."
• The moment light entertainment died, was reborn then ate itself. You might be sick.

• Alcohol: Red wine makes fish taste too fishy.
• Alcohol: white wine bad for your teeth.
• Alcohol: six in ten people (including your correspondent) ignore safe drinking levels.
• Alcohol: 9,000 people are dying from alcohol-related diseases every year.
• Alcohol: liver disease (including cirrhosis) is the only major fatal disease to be rising in Britain and will be the single biggest cause of death within 20 years.
• Things that make us depressed: late night television and bright lights at night.
• Boffins think drugs could combat sleep deprivation.

• Scientific proof at last: people who walk'n'talk whilst on their phones are f**king idiots.

• The United States designates 200,000 square miles in Alaska as critical habitat for polar bears.
• The only polar bear in Blighty (right) has been moved north to the Scottish Highlands. The bear was rescued from Canada in 1984.

• UK's Top selling singles of all time. No.10 is Mary's Boy Child - Oh My Lord, by Boney M, which I've never heard of, but sounds more gay than I thought was possible.
• Er... so what music was used as torture at Guantanamo Bay? Artists want to know. (If it was me, I'd use Shakira, Christina Aguilera and Beyonce.)
• Speaking of boy childs, Chipmunk thinks

• The moment light entertainment died, was reborn then ate itself. You might be sick.

• EastEnders: Coming soon, an online spin-off, EastEnders: E20. The web drama has been written by 13 new London writers aged between 17 and 22.
• EastEnders: Former Blake's 7 actress Glynis Barber (Soolin) is to appear as Glenda Mitchell, the estranged wife of Archie Mitchell.

• This is so exciting I think I might actually pass out: Sue Ellen may return in the new Dallas!
• The star of new Mexican telenovela Los Existosos Pérez, Jaime Camil, is frustrated his scenes, in which he kisses male co-star Jose Rohn, are being edited out of finished shows.

• Doctor Who spin-off The Sarah Jane Adventures is back for its third series - and guess Who makes an appearance? Sexy Clyde (Daniel Anthony, right) sees inside the TARDIS (don't look at me like that, the actor is actually 22!).
• World's hairiest man will have plastic surgery to become TV star. Nothing a Bic wouldn't solve, surely?
• The most famous gull in the world. Where is he now, I wonder?
• Chose the poster for the much-anticipated offering Do Começo Ao Fim.
• I had to call it an "offering". Here's why.
• I had to call it an "offering". Here's why.

• Flava Works and Jean Daniel Cadinot are winners at the first-ever HustlaBall Awards.
• Remember the Puma Index guy from a few editions ago? French mag TÊTU does (right).

• Rotterdam's Stadskantoor, by Office for Metropolitan Architecture.
This edition of
World Outside My Window (The Week According To Garçon Stupide)
was built from articles collated during the week
17th-23th October 2009.
World Outside My Window (The Week According To Garçon Stupide)
was built from articles collated during the week
17th-23th October 2009.
"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come.
The whole thing's been ridiculous."
"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come.
The whole thing's been ridiculous."
Wow... Boney M. My (bio) dad used to play that when I was little.... and I remember their songs. lol.
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