• The first Mr. Gay China Pageant will be held on January 15, just weeks after Hong Kong's first gay pageant. The winner will go to Olso to compete for the title of Mr. Gay World Ambassador.

• The
gayest ChineseKorean video ever.

• Seoul court
rules in favour of gay Pakistani refugee.

• Portugal - a predominantly Roman Catholic country - approves gay marriage. Story includes video.

• Argentinian football player Jesus Datolo
is in trouble for stripping down in Romeo Mag. Napoli club president Aurelio De Laurentis claims he's angry over rights violations, and not the fact that Romeo is a gay publication.

• Uganda:
Hate Begets Hate, a New York Times editorial.

• Uganda: "The government's official position is that we have enough laws to cover homosexuality acts. Government did not sponsor this Bill. It is a private member's Bill. The government is studying it and we may talk to the honourable Member of Parliament (David Bahati) to consider withdrawing it." Uganda's State Minister for Investments, Aston Kajara,
on the anti-gay bill.

• Uganda: Bahati
responded the following day: "I stand by the bill. I will not withdraw it. We have our children in schools to protect against being recruited into (homosexuality). The process of legislating a law to protect our children against homosexuality and defending our family values must go on."

• Uganda: "We walk on the streets knowing that at any moment someone could be knowing you and there could be mob justice. You feel embarrassed by someone touching you. People provoke us. But I just play it cool. Keep a low profile. It is terrible." Our brothers and sisters in Uganda
speak out.

• Uganda: "They go and capture other people's children. They bring the heart and the blood directly here to take to the spirits." That's a Ugandan witch doctor
talking. Human sacrifice is on the rise in the African country, the aim being to get rich. The Ugandan government remains primarily concerned with outlawing homosexuality. Report includes video.

• Uganda: The Americans
behind the anti-hate bill.

• Last week we
heard about the jailing of Malawian couple Tiwonge Chimbalanga and Steven Monjeza following their marriage. Amnesty International has called on Malawian authorities to release the couple.

• Bahrain police
charge nine Arab crossdressers with public debauchery.

• Azaad Bazaar - India's first gay-themed shop -
opens in Mumbai.

• Australia
keeps its gay adoption ban.

My big gay Sims family.

• Denise King, a spokeswoman for gay rights, died of a heart attack Thursday. She was 40. Her son Simmie Williams Jr. (left) was murdered in a gay hate crime in 2008, aged just 17. Rod 2.0 covers this too.

Brad Graham, gay 'BradLands' blogger who coined the term 'Blogosphere', dies at 41.

• Police make first arrest Marland Woods (left) murder case.

• Hundreds attend a vigil for Don Belton, the black gay writer and Indiana University professor, who was murdered in December.
Report includes video.

• Bioethicist and medical historian Jacob M. Appel argues why it's time to embrace teenage sexuality and rethink the age of consent.

• Virgin hook-ups
only for straights.

The return of the tighty whitey!

In the US there are big dicks, and there are Big Black Dicks. J. Clarence at Clips N' Chips explores racism in gay porn.

• Peter Le: Gay porn emasculates Asians.

• Twins are one thing, but
this is quite simply gross.

ManNet's 13th Annual Best 100 Videos of the Year. None of the 100 movies feature all black casts. That's the side of the gay community we know and love!

The moral and constitutional case for a right to gay marriage.

• Television cameras
will be allowed in Perry v Schwarzenegger, the federal challenge to Proposition 8, a judge rules. The trial commences on Monday.

• Rev. Irene Monroe (right):
Black gays tour the White House - and their history.

First HIV-positive visitor, Dutchman Clemens Ruland, arrives in U.S.

• Minnesota Department of Health
says 2009 HIV rates close to matching worst of early AIDS crisis.

Best. STD. Awareness. Ad. Ever.

Top 10 Anti-Christian Acts of 2009, according to the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission. Yawn.

• "I'm a pariah." The gay Muslim scholar shunned by the Islamic community.

• Gay hotel chain Axel Hotels is
coming to New York City in 2011.

• Jonah Falconer, the man with a penis the
length of a wine bottle, can't get a job.

• Stupid old queen of the week:
Elton John's helping Eminem - the one who looks like a menopausal lesbian - fight herhis drug addiction. Why not leave him to it?

• Meanwhile Eminem's brother from another mother, hate-monger Buju Banton, has pleaded not guilty to Federal drug charges.

• Towleroad:
What better time to roll out a sexy anti-fur campaign by a professional athlete than right after he gets punished for storing a gun in his locker, right?

• Oh Gawd... One of Tiger Wood's slappers is claiming she saw him have sexual relations with other men. And bisexual orgies too. Sorry, but I'm just not buying it. Anyway, who'd have him?

• Compare and contrast: Tiger Woods sucking his gut in
on Vanity Fair, and Reggie Bush on Essence.

• Ready for an outed footballer story? A big juicy one? How about Atlanta Falcons fullback Ovie Mughelli?

• No further Sherlock Holmes movies? Andrea Plunket (US copyright holder)
says: "I hope this is just an example of Mr. Downey's black sense of humour. It would be drastic, but I would withdraw permission for more films to be made if they feel that [homosexuality] is a theme they wish to bring out in the future. I am not hostile to homosexuals, but I am to anyone who is not true to the spirit of the books."

• Oscar contenders:
the gay porn variants.

• "I cannot think of anything more sickening than a child being abused. It is comparable to the act of homosexuality. I think they are all comparable. I feel totally repulsed by both." That's what Northern Ireland MP Iris Robinson
said back in 2008. It's now been revealed that the right-wing bible nut was having an affair with a 19-year-old boy (left, now 21) when she was 59 and married.

• And pervert grandma Iris Robinson
used taxpayer money to buy her barely legal little boy a big present.

• And
here he is, the kid young enough to be her grandson. Mrs Robinson, I feel totally repulsed.

• Peter Tatchell has something to say on the Robinson saga too. But he doesn't take a hard enough line: "I'm sorry for the pain that Iris Robinson has suffered but she's a hypocrite. Even now, despite her own adultery, she expresses no regret for her harsh, judgemental moralising against gay people. She is sad and two-faced. It is terrible that Iris Robinson has been driven to attempted suicide and a mental breakdown. I feel very sorry for her. But it is a great pity that this painful experience has not softened her heart towards the suffering of lesbians and gay men. Even now, she expresses no regret for her harsh, judgemental moralising against gay people. Iris seems as unforgiving as ever. She’s still unrepentant about her homophobia." Sorry for her? I'm not. The only thing your correspondent regrets is that her suicide attempt wasn't successful.

• The Polish Law and Justice Party (PiS), Conservative leader David Cameron's new European Parliamentary allies,
want to "monitor homosexual websites because we are dealing with the promotion of the so called 'positive paedophilia' by some homosexual circles." Cameron insists the PiS are no longer homophobic; his own party has introduced draconian anti-gay measures in the past.

• Jim Hutton (far left), partner of the late Freddie Mercury,
is dead at 60.

• Gay, suffering from attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, and obsessed with the police.
Ryan Corsini's story.

Man's penis removed from pipe.

Gay ban stopped me giving blood to mum.

• Australians film dying Irish tourist on their phones
instead of helping.

• Australian racism
comes to the fore again following the death of an Indian student.

Is Google running scared of Islam?

• NYC H&M is
destroying and discarding clothes it cannot sell.

Arrested for being raped. Welcome to the world of Islamic justice.

• Burj Dubai:
The new pinnacle of vanity.

China arrests 5,000 for internet pornography offences; in the first six months of 2009, an average of 221,000 Chinese a day started using the internet for the first time.

• The Big Picture: Harbin Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival (31 pictures).

• Britain - in the grip of the
coldest winter in 30 years - looked like this from space, this week.

Frozen Britain.

Why are so many ex-soldiers in prison?

• When the aliens come, they will eat fatties first!
So buy a gym membership.

WB Yeats and Sigmund Freud works posted on Wikipedia as copyright expires.

• Balham Underground station has an identity crisis.

• Sex twice a week
halves heart attack risk.

• Smoke flavouring used in food
may be toxic to humans.

• YouTube
porn revenge attack!

• Google Chrome beats Apple Safari to
third most popular broswer; Internet Explorer remains the number one choice, with Mozilla Firefox in second position.

Twitter bans 370 'obvious' passwords.

• Que e-reader: the Kindle killer.

Transparent toaster.

What Watt? by London designer Tim Fishlock. The chandelier - made of 1243 spent incandescent light bulbs - marks the phasing-out of incandescent bulbs in favour of low-energy alternatives.

• Animal pictures of the week
(29 pictures).

Top 10 most endangered species in the world.

Heroic animals!

Dolphins should be treated as 'non-human persons'.

Strawberry crab!

• New species of cockroach
discovered in NYC.

Frozen Iguanas falling from trees in South Florida.

• San Francisco's overpopulation of Chihuahuas, and
how to cure it.

• Andy Roddick can't stand in the way of
koala lovelust.

• Foxes
get it on in the snow! Hot sh*t. Pictures by my friend Trevor Miranda, who's a nice boy and not at all into bestiality (as far as I know...)

• Maybe there's something in the water, because this Walrus
is demonstrating... Well, judge for yourself. I'm afraid.

Popjustice has alternative set of postage stamps to rival Royal Mail's. Would you rather lick Marvin too?

• Sales of albums
continue to fall - both physical and digital copies.

2010's musical comebacks: Sade.

• JLS:
Aston Merrygold gets offered sex five times a day.

80's album covers recreated with comic book heroes.

• Popnography
interviews ka-os|theory favourite Steve Hayes, everyone's favourite Tired Old Queen At The Movies.

Mugabe and the White African,
Oscar contender.

• House of Numbers:
an AIDS film like no other. A world without HIV/AIDS may be closer than you think.

Celebrity Big Brother:
profile of all 2010 contestants.

• And what everyone's talking about: Sisqo's bubble butt...

Big Brother Brazil: It's Brazil. They're gay. Is this the best they could?

• Did I mention this last week? Probably. What the hell,
here's more on news of ka-os|theory favourite Lafayette's upcoming boyfriend!

• Lee Tergesen - who appeared in Oz as Tobias Beecher -
is to guest star in Law & Order: SVU alongside Christopher Meloni. The "romance" between the two characters in the prison drama is fondly remembered by many.

Meet the new gay character in Spartacus: Blood and Sand.

• Lynda La Plante - the creator of Prime Suspect - has lashed out at the BBC,
saying "If my name were Usafi Iqbadal and I was 19, then they'd probably bring me in and talk."

• Muslim writers have
hit back at the comments, with one, Max Malik, calling them "divisive, unhelpful and discouraging for young writers".

Gays of our Lives, a round-up of gay storylines in soap across the globe, returns for 2010. Justin Baldoni (right) is hunk of the week.

• The second series of Survivorswill
debut next week, and the BBC has released a batch of promo shots.

• Paterson Joseph says series two will be much darker.

• Is the new Doctor

Doctor Who, The End of Time, reviews
here, here and here.

An Englishman in New York,
DVD review. Cathode Ray Tube review here.

• The wardrobe of Wendy Richard - the Are You Being Served? actress who died last year - will be sold at Selfridges in London on January 19. The event will be a special Are You Being Served?-themed event, with part of the store revamped to mimic Grace Bros' old-fashioned atmosphere.

Major cummunication.

• Two couples having a cosy night in, or an imminent 4rgy? Or both? It's a feast for the eyes!

• The jewellery with live plants
growing inside them.

Fujitsubo (left) by Japanese architects Archivision Hirotani Studio. It's a beauty parlour, in Tokyo.

Leaf House (right) by London studio Undercurrent Architects. It's a pavilion in Sydney.

• And lastly, that House of Numbers trailer, plus the lone voice of hate in a sea of hope.
See if you can spot her. (It's kinda like Where's Wally? but not as much fun.)

Issue 43 of World Outside My Window (The Week According To Garçon Stupide) covers the period 01-08 January 2010.

"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."


Urban Shotz said...

As the old rhyme reminds us:

'Broad-bosomed, bold, becalmed, benign.
Stands Bal-Ham, four-square on the Northern Line.'

Theology Now said...

Someone should have reminded Mrs Robbing-son that the bible has a lot more to say about adultery and theft than it does about being gay.

Daddy Squeeze Me! said...

stellar! I loved it!

Forbidden Light said...

A lot happened this week! (1) I've had "Peter Fever" for years now! Ever since he posed for Playgirl. (2) Father & Son: Ewww! (3) I'd have Tiger Woods is a heartbeat! (4) Dolce & Gabana Ads are the best...An Intelsexual's Delight!

Eric Arvin said...

This column always makes me rage, then laugh, then awe...or some combination thereof. Good work!

Anonymous said...

This was a packed week.
Tiger Woods-looks horrible on that cover...body looks a hot mess. Well it was about time a rumor like that hit the media...i am not shocked...u like sex so much and would not try anything on the other side ...hmmm

The gay scandal - outing ...i do not think it was done in the correct was done shady.

Reggie Bush does look hot but Essence could have asked him for another photoshoot...digging up old photos...-cheap- they are feeling the recession i guess

lovely post this week....i will be covering that pageant..should b interesting

tdot said... famous!
Loving the 80s album covers..I also love the new banner/logo

Eduardo Guize said...

before going to bed tonight, ask yourself if you're promoting so called positive paedophilia. Ok, done, you can go.

KAOS said...

Eduardo! Seriously?!

I don't need to ask myself that, because it's preposterous.

The article in question raises the issue of 15, 16, 17-year-olds etc, being prosecuted for having sex with one another.

Secondly, I didn't put forward an opinion on the matter. I simply pointed out the article and left readers to make their own minds up.

Am I to assume you think I'm promoting "so called positive paedophilia"?

Prince Todd said...

Ooh this one is old school. I forgot what I was thinking about back then!
Oh, I remember thinking Tiger Woods was hot when those e-mails were exposed.

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