a news compendium
with a gay bias
issue 69 | July 2010
issue 69 | July 2010

||| Does the Bible really call homosexuality an "Abomination"? Jay Michaelson asks at Religion Dispatches. "This word, used for centuries to justify an anti-gay posture, has been badly translated and even more poorly understood."

||| Gay citizens seek residency for foreign spouses. Right, Juan Carlos

||| The movement out of gay enclaves is a sign of rising social tolerance, says The Globe. "The integration of gay men into wider society is not unlike the pattern of the gradual dispersion of ethnic ghettos."
||| Hold the front page! Gay's smoke more than straights.

||| NYC Pride 2010: Storme DeLarverie, a Stonewall veteran, 89, misses the parade.

||| NYC Pride 2010: Another extensive gallery at BrooklynVegan, and more from Flickr user asterix611.

||| NYC Pride 2010: ka-os|theory favourite Taylor Siluwé was there too, with some familiar faces. There's video at SGL Café.

||| Google provides extra benefits for gay employees.

||| CNN looks at True Colors, a mentoring group in Connecticut for at risk gay youth.

||| London Pride 2010: BBC News. Video report here.

||| London Pride 2010: In pictures, via UK Gay News. Best gallery at The Best of Men, shot by Urban Shotz Photography.
||| London Pride 2010: GBLT Christians cheered by crowd. More: Ultra-conservative anti-gay Christians are a just a noisy minority, Symon Hill writes for The Guardian. "That's why this coming Pride, the rest of us should raise the roof".
||| London Pride 2010: It's the first time a top cabinet minister hasn't attended a Gay Pride march in five years, Barbara Ellen writes. But "Labour achieved so much that all the coalition has to do now is embellish existing legislation and try not to mess it up."

||| Beyond gay and straight. After 40 years of gains on homophobic law repeal, Peter Tatchell writes for The Guardian, is there any more need for a separate identity?
||| British Medical Association declares so-called conversion therapy "discredited and harmful".

||| As Rugby club Castleford is fined for fan's homophobic chants, Emanuele Palladino asks if it's "time for a gay footballer to follow [openly gay RFL player] Gareth Thomas's lead".
||| "They should do top and bottom, not just half." Transsexual Miranda Lee protests at being left "half man, half woman" by the NHS.
||| British soap Hollyoaks to get transgender teen character. Coronation Street has had a transsexual character for many years, but Hollyoaks is aimed at a younger audience.
||| Prison officers accused of homophobia.

||| Gay couple attacked by mob in northern England.
||| Pædophilia and homosexuality go hand in hand, Conservative MEPs told the European Parliament last week.
||| Scottish Adoption Association calls for recruitment drive within the GBLT community to solve adoption crisis.
||| But: Children of gay couples pay high price for our prejudice.
||| The number of male victims being helped by the government's Forced Marriage Unit has surged dramatically in the last year - and official figures barely scratch the surface.

||| ...Becoming "one of the most important pieces of civil-rights legislation since independence".
||| The new Australian Prime Minister (left) doesn't believe in God - but she still doesn't want gays to have the right to marry.
||| The Sydney Morning Herald rightly points out, "Her opposition to gay people marrying is inexplicable. She is an atheist. She has no children." And she isn't married either.
||| European Court of Human Rights moves closer to requiring member states to recognise same-sex marriage.

||| Slovenian man accused of extorting friar over gay affair.
||| Serbia: Negative and positive attitudes towards GBLT community increasing, neutral responses declining. Right, Mr Gay Serbia 2006.
||| Denmark: Outgames profits will fund GBLT cultural centre.
||| Turkey: Istanbul celebrates 18th LGBTT Pride Week, in pictures.
||| Spain: Madrid Gay Pride 2010, in pictures. Video:
||| Spain: Madrid to get first gay Christian church to celebrate marriages between same-sex couples; the US-based Metropolitan Community Churches is behind the move.
||| And Madrid has one last delicious nugget for us today...

||| Vietnam: Researcher says, "Homosexuals add social diversity, deserve fair treatment".
||| India: Mumbai, the gay capital of India.
||| India: Being gay no longer a novelty. "We are becoming normal and boring," student Arit Sen laments.
||| India: French couple first residents at old age home for the gay community.
||| Mexico: Thousands celebrate Gay Pride in Mexico City (below right). Six months ago, the city became the first in Latin America to allow same-sex marriage.
||| Mexico: BBC News has a video report from the parade.

||| Terrifying: The rise of Christian fundamentalism in the Horn of Africa.
||| Uganda's "kill gays" Bill hasn't gone away.

||| Nigerian gay footballer deported from Austria living in fear in Lagos slums.
||| Zimbabwe: Homophobia crippling HIV research efforts.
||| Zimbabwe: A woman strangled her 18-month-old baby son, and sold one of his ears for $US20 to a witch doctor.

||| "The black community has to look at itself and say that, at the end of the day, these figures suggest we are heavily – not casually – involved in violent crime. We are also involved in crime against ourselves – and we regularly attack each other." Tory election candidate comments on figures that "suggest the majority of men held responsible for gun crimes, robberies and street crimes [in London] are black". The figures also show that black men are also "disproportionately the victims of violent crime in the capital".

||| Cockney to disappear from London within 30 years.
||| The Big Picture: Afghanistan, June 2010 (41 more pictures). Grief, and loss, many of us will never know, as body after body is returned home.
||| White Australians still working on the genocide of the continent's rightful owners.
||| Terrifying: Heads of state and world leaders go for a stroll during the G20 Summit. See the original picture (without my additions) at The Big Picture.

||| How to get arrested in Dubai - it's much easier than you thought!

||| Take the Tube, lose weight: Public transport has unexpected benefits.
||| Not that that matters much, because our genes dictate how long we'll live, apparently.
||| Tibetans fastest-evolving humans.

||| And reusuable shopping bags are the latest health terror. They'll kill ya dead.
||| How long does it take to identify a man's sexual orientation? About 50 milliseconds, apparently...
||| HIV transmission risk during anal sex 18 times higher than during vaginal sex.

||| Animal pictures of the week (30 more pictures).

||| Facial recognition, faster start-up and inspiration from Apple: Windows 8 leaked.
||| Google to launch a Facebook killer?

||| Kele Okereke on the many late ballroom personalities in Paris is Burning. "I watched it again a few years ago on YouTube. As soon as it finished started crying. You go to

||| CDSea: An art installation comprised of 600,000 CDs.
||| And just because: Liza Minnelli on a home shopping channel. God love her, as my dear Grandma used to say about that toothless drunk woman in the gutter...

||| Bad news: Ofcom, the media regulator, is to allow US-style product placement on British television.
||| "You're an embarrassment to me. You look like a fucking pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of n***ers, it will be your fault." That's Mel Gibson's way of telling his ex-wife things ain't what they used to be. An Australian using vile racist abuse? Surely not!

||| What a .XXX suffix might mean for an already bruised industry.

||| Lebron James - and Thug Porn!
||| Hot model boys in Rio! One of the lusty triumvrate is Pablo Moraes, who you'll recall was no.22 on the ka-os|theory 30 Sexiest Men of 2009.

||| Isaiah Mustafa is back for the sequel. And it ain't a patch on the original.

||| Only in America: This fantastic contraption is the Finnjet - a... er, car (?) built from pieces of more than 40 other vehicles.
||| Bouncy castle Titanic. Just wrong.
||| Stuff no one told me.
||| Nicolas Hayek, the self-styled Mr Swatch, is dead. He was 82.
||| AT-AT a boy.
||| And finally, a PSA from Leggo: Top Three Gay Websites...
||| ka-os|theory, ONE YEAR AGO: 05.07.09
||| Access any back issue of the ka-os|theory news compendium from the back|issues menu in the sidebar.
||| Contact me with tips and suggestions for next week's copy!
Issue 69 covers 26 June - 04 July 2010
ka-os|theory is not responsible
for the content of external websites.
"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come.
The whole thing's been ridiculous."
© 2010
This week was great
argh why did I have to miss Madrid Gay Pride!!! Funny they used that popular song for the video. The lyrics are something like: "Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol, we're here to get drunk, the outcome doesn't matter"
Yeah, why didn't you go! You could've taken some decent pictures for me to use - it seems like people have only bothered to post pictures from London and New York, and I'd imagine Madrid would've have been level in the hotness stakes.
Thanks for the translation! :)
Thanks x
To conservative MEPs:
"Pastor 'Poo-Poo' Simple, er, SSempa would be proud. So would America's heartburn Sara Palin, and all the other blow-hards who don't let the facts get in the way of their hatred."
About those SGL Café pics:
The one I focused on and added to the banner is actually in porn. I have the video, and his acting is 5 star. Yes, he's no Baby Boy. I knew I knew him from somewhere. Now I wanna know him better. Too bad I never spoke to him. *sigh* Next time I see him, I won't make that mistake.
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