*Fighting to free those found 'guilty' of homosexuality in Cameroon.

*A Polish woman is banned from using homophobic terminolgy in a landmark court case.
*Photos of Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin's saggy tits translate into gay icon status. Pathetic.
*Speaking of which, Australian MP Dorothy Pratt lives up to her name and denounces homosexuality as abnormal. "Nature intended blah blah blah... man and a woman... blah blah blah." Nature's gifts also include Down's Syndrome, hairlips and conjoined twins.
*Elsewhere on that arid sweatbox, drunk straight men are blighting Sydney Mardi Gras. Gee, I thought all the drunk straight Aussies were in West London.

*World Outgames 2009: Jack Mackenroth takes eight medals.
*"So many questions today about what 'gay Beirut' is like, I'm just like, 'Wait and see, you'll like it, you'll like it!' "

*The smallest gay pride event in the world in the Irish coastal hamlet of Easkey, population 250.

*The American Psychological Association announces that there is no evidence to support claims that sexual orientation can be changed through therapy. In 2007, the APA appointed a six-member committee of experts to examine the subject and have released a 138-page report on their findings.
*GLBTQ Online High School. It does what it says on the tin.
*Remember the 13-year-old who was sexually assaulted by some of his teammates with a hockey stick and broomstick? Of course you do. That case is now in court. The boy says "basically the whole team" was there whilst he was penetrated a dozen times.

*The 60 Greatest Gay Bars! More than half are in the US; 3 are in Blighty.
*That's Gay: Commercials

*"The US military is investigating claims that US service members were involved in committing atrocities against gays in Iraq".
*The sailor charged with the murder of gay Seaman August Provost commits suicide. He had previously tried to end his life twice while in military custody, it later emerges.
*Civil partnerships down by 18 per cent in the UK. As Peter Tatchell points out, "After civil partnerships were legislated there was a huge surge of couples who had been together for decades who suddenly wished to take advantage of the legal recognition. Now we've settled into a pattern of civil partnership take-up which reflects people who have recently fallen in love for the first time."

*Homophobic violence in East London is going unreported; police call for witnesses.

*Homophobia: merely a propaganda device designed to denigrate and stigmatise those holding conventional opinions. Welcome to the world of David Cameron's modern Torys.

*Gay footballers are one thing, but Blighty could soon have its first openly gay Prime Minister.

*"President Obama has done a little worse than nothing to prevent the AIDS epidemic in [Washington DC]."

*Hiroshima, 64 years ago; in pictures.
*Is it time for business, tourists and expats to return to Zimbabwe?

*Is this the future of commercial air travel?
*Brazil's government wants its citizens to pee in the shower. However, as Elaine once pointed out, different pipes go to different places:
*Peeing in the shower is something this man would have had some trouble doing.
*Swine flu skivers.
*The organic food controversy.
*Branded goods will struggle against less expensive supermarket own-label.
*Female sexual abuse: The untold story of society's last taboo.

*Bus crash.
*The free availability of newspapers online make articles like the one you're reading right now possible. So it really sucks that the "free-for-all in online news" might be over. Old rich guy Rupert Murdoch will charge "for access to all his news websites, including The Times, The Sun and the News of the World, by next summer."
*The cat who downloaded child porn. Allegedly.
*Wikipedia's growth has peaked: what does the future hold?

*Too many online friends? Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, director of the Information + Innovation Policy Research Center at the National University of Singapore, believes "the over-abundance of connections through which information travels reduces diversity and keeps radical ideas from taking hold."

*Cloud ships that could cancel out the effects of global warming. Not sure what the fish will make of this.
*New El Niño threatens world with weather woe: increased drought in Africa, India and Australia, heavier rainfall in South America and increased extremes in Britain, of warm and cold...
*The Arctic Ocean could be a "stagnant, polluted soup" within sixty years.
*10 Things We Don't Understand About Humans. Starring blushing, pubic hair and altruism.
*One in ten people are highly attractive to mosquitoes - are you?
*Boffins have found the cell that makes you want to itch.
*Redheads possess a gene mutation that influences the body's sensitivity to pain.
*Beetroot juice credited with increasing stamina. Beetroot juice? Couldn't be something that tastes nice, could it...
*Good news! Whisky cures swine flu - and everything else too!
*Boffins in the US have decoded the entire genetic structure of the most common HIV virus; they plan to make tiny changes to the virus and so neutralise it.
*But a new strain of the virus has, for the first time, been passed from gorillas to humans.

*Bolivia, of all places, becomes the first country to ban all circus animals (both wild and domestic).
*The innocent love of a giraffe and a goat (don't worry, the Westboro Baptist Church will be there soon - "God hates goats!")

*A giant Panda gives birth, video.
*This horse might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but he's probably significantly smarter than the typically idiotic American newsreaders: "...where Jesus allegedly walked on water." So many things are wrong with that sentence that I'm just going to leave it be...
*Early homosexual visibility in post-war Los Angeles.

*Bruce Weber is interviewed by Movieline.
*The rapidly accelerating collapse of the music industry.
*The New York City Gay Men's Chorus has been hit by severe financial problems and is struggling to stay afloat.

*Classic album covers as Penguin paperbacks.
*Are these really the worst album covers of all time?
*Is Dizzee Rascal set to appear in EastEnders?

*"In 1996, Michael asked me if I would give him my sperm and I said yes. It was a gift to him, no money was paid, it was something I was honoured to do. He wanted children so badly." Oliver! star Mark Lester. So, did Michael say, 'Please sir, can I have some more?'
*The Pharaoh of Pop?
*Falcon's UndieSwap.com. A mildly diverting gimmick, at best.

*The ten best sci-fi films.
*The Wizard of Oz is 70.
*"Eight years on from the attacks, this amazing film is a genuinely fresh approach to the 9/11 story, using very powerful recordings, some of which have never been heard before. The messages are an incredibly moving testament to the memories of the people who died in the Twin Towers and reveal the dignity, courage, humanity and love shown at the worst of times." 9/11: Phone Calls From The Towers is scheduled to air in September on Channel 4.
*Even the US daytime soaps feature gay kissing now:

*And when building implosions go awry...
*How you'd expect the Moscow United electricity control centre to look.

*Have you ever had sex on public transport? (Sadly, I haven't, but it's one of my goals in life.)

*Do miracles happen?

POSTSCRIPT "You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."
There's only one issue I have with your fabulous wrap-ups: there's so much good stuff here it takes a whole week to wade through it all. Keep it up!
Miracles do happen - take the example of the Virgin Mary being found in a condom:
"I've been an admirer of yours for... as long as I can remember. Well, maybe not that long, you're not that old. Then again, you did start very young, didn't you. I think I feel sick."
LOL brilliant!! That'll be appearing in next week's edition... ;)
Your PostPostScripts get better each time. That one's almost as funny written down as it is aloud.
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