world outside my window...


Model misbehaviour: After bust, top male mannequin offered oral favours for release...

• To which porn star Diesel Washington has to add:
Nick was my Upper east side Slave boy! I guess Diesel does kiss and tell.

• American Family Association group
outraged at "predatory" A/X campaign.

• HBO is
developing a biopic about anti-gay cuntbeauty queen Anita Bryant.

Megan Phelps explains it all, sort of.

• Queerty write of her:
"Do not dismiss Megan Phelps. She is this generation's Bible-thumping terror."

• Meanwhile she, and the rest of the Westboro fruitcakes, decided to picket Twitter HQ. You might ask why, but I say, why not? I like the other guys' signs better, though. The "Vote No. 6" one made my day.

• Thought you'd seen it all? How about a movie
confronting Orthodox Judaism's gay taboo? Eyes Wide Open opened on Friday in New York.

Students at Jesuit school shut down basketball game over LGBT rights.

• "Sexist, racist, homophobic, anti-disabled vet group, grossly incompetent. That's the general consensus among air marshals." A Federal Air Marshal answering the question "How would you describe the management in the air marshal service?" Report contains video.

• 500 pose for NOH8 campaign in New York...

• ...and Italy
joins up too.

• Long Island Gay and Lesbian Youth buy ad space on Nassau County MTA buses and Long Island Railroad station platforms. Report contains video.

• Teen gay New Yorker's harassment suit
gets Federal notice.

Quebec moves ahead with anti-homophobia plan.

• Hawaii
kills gay civil unions bill. Equality Hawaii say: "We're sorely disappointed that the Hawaii State House refused to take action on the civil unions bill. Today, the House put its own political interests before the interests of Hawaii's families and that's bad policy and bad politics. We pledge that this fight is not over and we will continue in our efforts to see true equality in our state."

• Reasons not to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell: After gays are allowed into military, pedophiles will follow.

• How about the
viewpoint a gay US airman?

• ...or Lt. Dan Choi (left)
interviewed on ABC (video)?

• How does the US
compare with the UK, which ten years ago allowed openly gay men and women to serve openly?

• Moses, a gay Ugandan seeking asylum in the United States,
wears a bag over his head at a press conference for 'The American Prayer Hour'. Wayne Besen has more on Moses at Truth Wins Out.

• Preliminary hearing for Jorge Steven López Mercado's alleged killer

• Miami cops
falsify charges against gay man who witnessed them beating a suspect; Florida's LGBT Advocacy Project say, "Miami Beach Police have for a long time harassed gay men around Flamingo Park without probable cause."

• Dr. Bertram H. Schaffner, one of the very first doctors to treat AIDS patients,
is dead.

Gay Hockey All-Stars down elite straight team.

• presents
Super Bowl XLIV for the clueless.

• OMG! Reggie Bush lapping up milk! Mmm... Tastes good, don't it Reggie? Now, about that bush...

• Being gay in Africa: radio programme looking at what it's like to be gay throughout Africa, with voices from Namibia, Ghana, Uganda and South Africa.

• Malawi police
arrest 21-year-old Peter Sawali for erecting "expertly and expensively printed posters displaying such messages as 'Gay rights are human rights'".

• The
Ugandan Frankenstein we have helped to create.

Andrew Wommack and his ministries want to kill you; Box Turtle report on the American Evangelical Pastor's presence in Uganda.

• Uganda warns Obama to
butt out of its odious business.

Uganda gay bill will be changed. (Yeah - HOW?)

Ten things to oppose the anti-gay legislation in Uganda.

• The President of the Islamic Council of Jamaica says he agrees with the Sharia law which
prescribes death for people who openly flaunt homosexual behaviour.

Outcry over Brazilian general's comments on gay soldiers.

Arabs, gay rights and modernity.

• Gay prince Manvendra Singh Gohil (right)
won't be visiting Nepal after all. He was "expected to inaugurate the fledgling republic's first international symposium on gay and lesbian tourism".

Meet Mr. Gay New Zealand. No thanks.

• Here's all the
Worldwide Mr. Gay delegates. Mexico, Thailand (right) and (weirdly) Australia (left) get my pulse racing. Don't forget to vote!

• The rights of religious groups trump those of the LGBT community,
according to Pope Benedict XVI, who's making his first official visit to the UK. The National Secular Society say: "The taxpayer is going to be faced with a bill for £20m for the visit – in which he has indicated he will attack equal rights and promote discrimination."

• Riazat Butt
wonders "why people are surprised by the nature of his observations" and points out that "the real fighting over the equality bill was done by the Church of England."

• Ekklesia: Pope's attack

• But apparently we
can't do without religion.

• So apparently there's a
growing acceptance of gays.

• Tory leader David Cameron is really pulling out all the stops ahead of the election. The former advertising man claims he
thinks gay refugees from Africa should be granted asylum in the UK. Gee, these new Conservatives are just so damn caring!

• Johann Hari
writes: "David Cameron is a hazy cloud of charm and platitudes: no matter how hard you peer into him, you cannot find anything solid to focus on for long. There are flickers of apparently real pro-gay feeling, but they are soon followed by excuse-making for some of the most anti-gay politicians in Europe."

• The
bizarre world of gay-to-straight conversion in the UK - sometimes paid for by the NHS.

• The Football Association cancels its anti-homophobia film launch, allegedly to strengthen their strategy by working more closely with their Tackling Homophobia Advisory Group, and to enable further tests of the film.

• Vodafone UK Tweet:
"VodafoneUK is fed up of dirty homo's and is going after beaver". (Er... dirty homo's what? Or did they mean dirty homos.)

• Social networking sites have also supplied the platform for some poisonous homophobia
courtesy of Liberal Democrat councillor Kilian Bourke.

• Peter Tatchell on the BBC's
research into its portrayal of the LGBT community.

Muslim fundamentalists should 'drink wine to learn tolerance'. Sounds like a plan to me.

• Care for a Co-Op
ambient sausage roll? Thought not...

Pink cottage. No, it's not what you think. Filthy sluts.

• Stunning
colour film of 1920s London...

• Clocked: "Deep underneath London, at Bond Street Station, there's a wonky clock on the Central Line. Either that, or there's a rip in the space-time continuum. No wonder the trains are so unpredictable..."

• The Big Picture: Colourful India, left and right (40 pictures).

Ancient tribe becomes extinct as last member dies.

Challenger space shuttle disaster amateur video discovered.

• Room with a

• Ice

Hotel Alcatraz.

• The Big Picture: Haiti three weeks later; left and right
(40 pictures).

• Boffins
solve crucial puzzle about the AIDS virus after 20 years of research; findings could lead to better treatments for HIV.

Plastic surgeons perform record number of 'man boob' reduction operations. (Nothing about the number of men opting for breast implants, though...)

• Feeling a bit underpowered in the bedroom? Try a spot of sunbathing.

• Exercise a waste of time: pop a pill

• Animal pictures of the week; left (27 pictures).

• Jaw-dropping: the
moment an impala is spared by three (un)hungry cheetahs.

Leopard vs porcupine.

Does Facebook have a future?

• Internet Explorer 8:
the most popular browser in the world.

Is Apple using the iPad to take over the world?

What is the Google Books Settlement?

Authors cry foul over Google 'rights grab'.

• A Japanese company has
developed a shredder that converts office paper into toilet paper.

• Has the kitchen kettle
reached boiling point?

Goodbye cables, hello energy beams. Unshackle your electronics!

Liquid glass.

It looks, feels and tastes like chicken, but it's made of soy. Yum.

Meet Theophilus London: black gay androgyne pop-geek.

• Pet Shop Boys perform mini-concert in a fan's living room.

• "As someone who sees and hears more interesting music than I have space to deal with, I would (dis)respectfully
suggest to Cowell and co that if they are having trouble locating talent its because they are the wrong people, looking for the wrong thing, in the wrong places. Which is a pretty comprehensive list of wrongs."

• JLS: Past boybands had it easy.

• JLS:
Banned from doing their own stunts. (Does this include in the bedroom too?)

• Fabrice Morvan (right), one half of Milli Vanilli, has criticised modern artists for lip-synching during live concerts and the rise of auto-tune.

• Remember 1995 hit single How Bizarre? OMC (the band behind the record) frontman Pauly Fuemana (left)
has died at the age of 40.

• The price comparison website that finds the cheapest place to buy music - that's assuming you intend to pay for it in the first place.

• Music sales
plummeted more than 50 percent in the last decade and are in terminal decline.

• "It turns out that Wal-Mart, a company with a revenue larger than any other in the world, bets on its workers dying, taking out life insurance policies on its 350,000 shop-floor workers without their knowledge or approval. When one of them dies, Wal-Mart claims on the policy. Not a cent of the payout, which sometimes runs to a $1m (£620,000) or more, goes to the family of the dead worker, often struggling with expensive funeral bills. Wal-Mart keeps the lot. If a worker dies, the company profits." Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story opens later this month. The above revelation is just one eye-opening horror story amongst many.

• "When are you going to see a
Disney film with a disabled character in the lead role?" (Er... ever heard of Beauty and the Beast?)

• First look at a
CGI Smurf. For the Smurf movie. Smurftastic! DListed say, "You're not the only one who looked for a bulge."

• What's
missing from this picture?

Eff the Oscars, the Razzie nominations are here.

More of Mechad Brooks' Calvin Klein shoot. has this outtake (left).

• Been watching Survivors, the BBC drama in which most of the world's population is wiped out by a deadly virus? Read
this, and be afraid.

• Christopher Meloni
pulling out (hehe) of Law & Order: SVU?

• How the BBC
could learn from HBO.

• One US import we don't want is product placement. So the
news that the Government has "watered down" plans to introduce it comes as a relief.

• How to make a news report...

• Sir David Attenborough to front Frozen Planet in 2011 and Attenborough's First Animals in 2012. That makes me very, very happy indeed.

• Selling the family silver: Doctor Who props and costumes from the last thirty years
will be auctioned at Bonhams in London. Left, the Kandyman from 1988's The Happiness Patrol; right, one of the Gods of Ragnorak from The Greatest Show In The Galaxy.

• This week's
Gays of Our Lives: the latest clips, news and spoilers in the world of soaps and dramas featuring your favorite (and not so favorite) gay characters. Make sure to check the clips for a steamy threesome in The Ran Quadruplets.

• This is a clip of Big Brother Brazil contestant Cadu showering, presented here in the interests of community service. BRASIL BRASIL BRASIL!

• Los Angeles County Public Health Department can't enforce condom use in porn.

• Connie Francis, Matthew Rush porn controversy! (Well, ain't she the lucky one.)

• Diesel Washington and Roman Heart - both ka-os|theory favourites - are to co-host the
2010 Grabby Awards.

• Jovonnie takes Best Porn Star prize at the 2010 Blatino Oasis Erotic Awards. The full results are

• Wow! Brian Bodine's
got hair (right)!

announce Super Sex Bowl, just in time for this weekend's Super Bowl. Expect "down-and-dirty rough, naked wrestling along with battles to see who can bust the most nut and who can eat the best ass." (Shouldn't that be who can best eat ass?)

• They didn't have stained glass like
this when I went to church. (I was a child, I didn't know any better!)

• Now
THIS is what I call wallpaper...

• Tiny origami models
(13 pictures).

Round Monopoly!

Man and machine, both beautiful, meet at Grand Central.

• David Agbodji models baby oil
for Calvin Klein's Spring 2010 Campaign.

• Lastly, 25 types of guys in a gay club...

Issue 47 of World Outside My Window (The Week According To Garçon Stupide) covers the period 30th January - 05th February 2010. ka-os|theory is not responsible for the content of external websites. © 2010

"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."


Eduardo Guize said...

I wonder how long it takes you to prepare this section. Great job again!

Eric Arvin said...

I was wondering the same as Eduardo. You're practically a Sunday paper.;-)

KAOS said...

I was working on this from about 2pm on Saturday until 3am Sunday... ;)

KAOS said...

Hehe... that's the feel I'm going for Eric. I always feel like there's loads of stuff I've missed out though.

Daddy Squeeze Me! said...

Garcon, I was just on a blog of a friend of theophilus london, and she says that he is not gay. How did you find out he was gay? Im confused now.

KAOS said...

I read it somewhere. I think in the article I linked to. I hope I'm not wrong, don't want to go around accusing people of being incorrectly homosexualist...

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