A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men...


THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS: A pixelated mash-up, an electronic scrapbook, inspired by one of my favourite blogs, the truly wonderful PORNCAKE. Enjoy the trip.

From top to bottom: 1. Howard Roffman photography, 2. Lego Set 6313 (1985), 3. Willie Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (1971), 4. Unknown, 5. Anti G20 demonstration, London (2009), 6. Unknown, 7. Unknown, 8. My 2nd living room, by Garçon Stupide (2004), 9. N55, Guggenheim Museum, 10. Tim Hamilton in Falcon video Knockout (2007).

Title quote: "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." Roald Dahl, British author, 1916-1990.


Cogent Ascending said...

My favorite was the sad robot. AWE!!!

The Best of Men said...

Number 1 is unmistakeably by Howard Roffman

Eduardo Guize said...

I love your second living room!

KAOS said...

Thank you BoM - I'll amend that entry!

Eduardo - thanks! That was my old place. If you only knew the depths of depravity that were reached there... hehe

Eduardo Guize said...

And I'm sure not only on the walls but also in 3D...

Mike said...

Holding to this weeks theme, I see. But is the sad robot really "white"?

Forbidden Light said...

You have a picture of D'Angelo in you living room? WOW! The world is so much smaller than I thought!

KAOS said...

Mike - The robot is from a planet where there's no such thing as race, and he's sad because of what he's found on planet Earth.

Forbidden - That was my living room 6 years ago. That D'Angelo poster is in the hallway now.

◄Design by Pocket
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