Garçon Reports
a news compendium
with a gay bias
||| Soldiers die while Taliban plays with boy sex slaves. Pashtun (a large ethnic group in Afghanistan) men "commonly have sex with other men, admire other men physically, have sexual relationships with boys and shun women both socially and sexually". Moreover, "before the brutal and theocratic Taliban swept into power, the streets were filled with teenagers and their sugar daddies, flaunting their relationships".
||| Darryl Stephens talks about activism, imagination, and the perfect guy. Just when we thought we couldn't love him any more...
||| Here at ka-os|theory, the time has come to speak out against gay marriage. Here's why.
||| This boy (right) wants to take another boy to the prom. And just for a change, he can.
||| A couple of weeks back we heard how the Westboro Baptist Church planned to carry on outside a production of The Laramie Project in Louisiana. Well, they didn't show up, but 500 counter-protesters did. They had to face, er, one protester. Yes, one (left).
||| Maybe the Phelps crew were at another play. Like this one, with its gay Jesus.
||| Did The Washington Post overstep the mark and - shock! horror! - celebrate gay marriage?
||| Dan Choi (left) speaks to Newsweek about last week's arrest, "the schism within the gay movement, and why those in support of gay rights need to be prepared to make personal sacrifices in the quest for full federal equality."
||| Regent/Here Media - who publish The Advocate - stand accused of not paying writers.
||| What Obama's health care reform means to the GLBT community.
||| Anti-gay Artur Davis only black congressmen to oppose health care.
||| An American Family, left, a 1973 documentary accusedcredited with giving rise to reality TV, is the subject of new film Cinema Verite. An American Family featured TV's first openly gay character, Lance Loud.
||| A 15-year-old boy was infected with HIV after meeting 49-year-old Kevin Sellers on social networking site MySpace (remember that?) Report includes video.
||| Tango has two fathers, and why not?, by Béatrice Boutignon. Just lovely.
||| "Lezhë is clean – we have no homosexuals": Big Brother does what it does best, generating controversy in Albania as one housemate comes out. 400 demonstrated against him...
||| ...Whilst just across the border (but one) in Bulgaria, skinheads attack a gay rally protesting a ban on puclic displays of homosexuality.
||| "I believe homosexuality is a biological disorder, a disease." Protesters respond to Turkish minister's homophobic comments.
||| Malaysia will allow gay characters in films, on the condition they "repent" or "turn straight" in the end. The country is around 60 percent Muslim.
||| Rev. Irene Monroe (right) writes about the extraordinary measures Jamaica's gay Christians go to in order to worship in peace.
||| Malawi Two: Amnesty International calls on the Malawian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga (left), following news the couple will now face full trial.
||| Malawi: Three gay Christians - invited by the Malawi Council of Churches to attend a meeting on issues like homosexuality - were verbally abused by pastors and "hounded out of the meeting".
||| Uganda: Exodus International - the ex-gay fantasists - plead innocence on Uganda "death to gays" bill.
||| Say hello to Bruce Machado (left).
||| Britain's gay neo-Nazis of the 1970s and early 1980s: It's Children Of The Sun, by Max Schaefer.
||| Danny Miller, left, who plays Aaron Livesy in British soap Emmerdale, has revealed he gets 'nasty' letters from viewers. "You do often have people say things on the street and writing to you that are quite negative. It is upsetting. On the positive side, I had a couple of [letters] last week saying, 'I just feel like I'm watching myself on TV – this is the exact journey I've been through'. It's nice when they're giving you praise and saying, 'You're playing it well and it's exactly how I was when I was coming out'. It's a great feeling."
||| There's no room at the inn: A gay couple try to book into a bed & breakfast run by a devout Christian couple. Gee, what do you think happens next?
||| They say gay couples shouldn't be allowed to raise children. But week after week we hear stories of heterosexual couples mistreating, abusing, and murdering their children. Here's the latest tale of straight familial abuse (right).
||| With a general election looming, Stonewall is urging Britain's estimated 2.8 million gay voters to question would-be MPs on their views on gay issues like homophobic bullying in schools.
||| Here's a fact to toss around the bar: There's some 30,000 intersex people living in Britain. But how much do any of us know about these people? Let's educate ourselves...
||| "All black people, leave the store now." It wasn't big bad Wal-Mart, it was a teenage dirtbag.
||| Mexico drug wars, in pictures (26 pictures).
||| Residents of Santa Marta (right) favela in Rio de Janeiro try a new tactic in dealing with police: leaflet explains racism, brutality are unacceptable.

||| Austrian developer saves The World.
||| That's gotta hurt.
||| Beijing turns orange (left and right). In pictures (23 more pictures).
||| Snow White syndrome: In India, light is right. Whitening creams are outselling Coca-Cola and tea in a market that's expected to expand by 25 percent this year.
||| The Big Picture: World Water Day, above and below (41 more pictures).
||| Acne drug prevents HIV breakout. Report includes video.
||| Walnuts could prevent prostate cancer.
||| Drawing the male form, left, by sex and sexual orientation.
||| Cows get HDTV.
||| Hammerhead sharks not worth protecting.
||| Why are they touching me there? WHY? Oh... OH! YES!!!
||| "Why are black people so ugly?" Ask Google, who'll be happy to offer suggestions.
||| Don't bother Steve Jobs: He's Very, Very Important! It's the top five terse Steve Jobs email. replies.

||| Broadband is 10-years-old.
||| Fed up with JPEGs? Polariod is back.
||| House Antero de Quental,left, by Portuguese architect Manuel Maia Gomes.
||| Livraria de Vila (right) in São Paulo, by Brazilian studio Isay Weinfeld Arquitect.
||| Trey Songz covers Vibe. (I thought it closed last year...)
||| Undercover Nazi Daleks.
||| A new TV version of Sherlock Holmes will see the detective in 21st century London.
||| Former Footballers Wives' superbitch Zoe Lucker is joining EastEnders...
||| ...Where she might find John Partridge (Christian Clarke in the BBC soap) having a steamy gay threesome.
||| Steve McQueen - like you've never seen him before.
||| Don't know about Judy Garland? (Did you know her father liked to... ahem... "trouble" the young boys in his employ?) Here's a crash course.
||| Slut-of-the-minute Kellan Lutz is to play Greek God Poseidon in War Of The Gods, the latest so-called "sword and sandals" epic. Here at ka-os|theory, we demand of the movie industry: more (male) flesh, less green screen!
||| Via MOC Blog: In a stirring press release that rivals Lincoln's Gettysburg Address in its soaring rhetoric, Flava Works, the leader in ethnic gay porn content, has put copyright infringers on notice.
||| John Gress is back with some fresh goods (top left).
||| A map of Christianity. The United States, United Kingdom and Europe in greater detail here.
||| And finally, Philip Huang has made it. And he wants YOU to know it!
Issue 57 of Garçon Reports covers the period
20-23 March 2010 - plus some stuff I missed!
(What do all the top headlines for each edition of
"Garçon Reports" have in common?)
ka-os|theory is not responsible for the content
of external websites.
"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come.
The whole thing's been ridiculous."
"VIBE" is kept alive by a private equity firm.
Thank you Cup - I knew I memory wasn't playing tricks!
great post again.
That knife must be hurting the person -scan.
The dog video is very enlightening I should say
Is it Sunday already?
Naughty, Mike, you haven't been paying attention!
It's not weekly anymore - I'm trying to do more regular updates, ideally on Wednesday and Saturday. Good things come in small packages ;)
Uhm, what movies are Tyson Kobie in?
Trey Songz is soooo sexy. But I didn't know Vibe was still around? That used to be one of my favorite magazines.
Oh my goodness I'm glad they didn't post that Walmart dude's picture. He would have gotten his ass WHOOPED (hello he's in Jersey!).
Why would you willingly try and go to a devout christian bed and breakfast? That's akin to me walking into Fred Phelps' church and expecting to get out alive.
Kobie's in quite a few scenes, I've got some on my computer. If you know a way of sharing large files I can send them your way ;)
He's just gorgeous - although D'Angelo Jackson still takes the top spot for me.
THat couple didn't know the guest house was run by Christian nuts - it's not something that should come into the equation.
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