No matter how hot it gets up there during the day, there's not a damn thing to do at night

Pictures: 21-year-old French model Pti'Prince, lensed by JanC Photography, Abitontheverge, CaribShoot, Europa Photography and Jim Lopes Photography. Title quote: "No matter how hot it gets up there during the day, there's not a damn thing to do at night." Dialogue, The Towering Inferno (1974).


Eduardo Guize said...

French touch!

Corve said...

I love his B&W shots

Mike said...

he looks 12. or maybe i'm getting old, innit?

KAOS said...

12?! Maybe you are getting old, 'cos you need your eyes testing lol

Prince Todd said...

I love his outfits. I'd totally wear the one that's second to the last photo!

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