>>> The murder trial of 18-year-old John Katehis, who stabbed a New York news anchor to death, has ended in a hung jury. "One lone juror was the holdout, refusing to vote with the 11 others who stood ready to convict Katehis of murder. [George Weber] went online to hire Katehis, then 16, to act out a smothering scene at his Brooklyn home. Despite the 50 stab wounds Weber suffered, the unidentified female juror holdout 'didn't believe they proved intent.'"

||| Hidden camera show What Would You Do? sets up an anti-gay bullying scenario to gauge the response of passers-by. What do you think happened...?
<<< Two and a half years on, all of the couples featured in a New York Times Magazine cover story, about "the first generation of young married and engaged gay couples in Massachusetts", are still married.
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Marcus Patrick, go go boy! |
||| The Mount Morris Turkish Baths in Harlem - which had serviced gay men since the 1930s - is available for rent.
||| Gay cop says NYPD made his life a living hell, hits back with lawsuit.
||| Andre Cooley's story: Fired by the Forrest County Sheriff's Department for being gay. Watch:

||| The Pentagon was aware of the organised killing of gay Iraqis more than 15 months before those murders were first reported.

||| One in ten US teens has same-sex partners.

||| A look at the lives of gay teens. National Public Radion talks to Ritch Savin Williams, a "professor of developmental psychology at Cornell University. He specializes in gay, lesbian, and bisexual research, and his latest book is The New Gay Teenager".

||| Churches contribute to gay suicides, most Americans believe.

||| News anchor Anderson Cooper blasts McCance on CNN. Watch:

||| Religious undercurrent ripples in anti-gay bullying.
||| The season of gay whiplash. "Between Paladino, the Bronx tortures, and the suicides, are things really getting better?" Chris Rovzar writes for New York Magazine.

||| Los Angeles Times editorial: "Fighting gay bullying: The only 'agenda' is respect. It's silly to claim that anti-gay bullying efforts are part of an attempt to push some kind of homosexual 'agenda.'"
||| "Young people discovering their identity and their desires need a zone of privacy where they can be who they are, perhaps in the company of another human being, without feeling that somebody else might be tweeting it, filming it, or blogging about it," Margaret Talbot writes for The New Yorker.
||| It Gets Better Project: Barack Obama's video, the Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles, Darryl Stephens, and a gay rugby player...

||| A lesbian who went to her army recruitment office to re-enlist talks about how she was bombarded with homophobia by recruiters...
||| ...But the military's own 'Don't ask' survey finds the majority of service members would have no problem serving with openly gay troops.

>>> Bad Lieutenant, Dan Choi. Choi talks Grindr, and the rift between different factions of gay activists.
||| Poor old Dan - for all his good work, he's managed to incur the wrath of one angry lesbian. Bridgette P. LaVictoire at Lez Get Real has blasted him as a misygonist and "a sexist moron". His crime? He called an anti-gay senator a "pussy". When Bridgette has contributed as much as Choi to GBLT equality, she'll have a platform to criticise. Pussy.
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Dan Choi re-enlists at Times Square |
||| Outing homophobia's deadly consequences. "Don't Ask, Don't Tell epitomises what is wrong with public policy and attitudes that treat homosexuality as unacceptable," Naseem Rakha writes in The Guardian.
||| So, just who is the widow Judge who ended Don't Ask, Don't Tell?

<<< Walk With Pride: The photography project documents the similarities and differences between gay pride events throughout the world.
||| Obama has appointed more openly gay officials than any other president in history.

||| Why the US has turned against Obama.
||| The Republican Party's coming Tea Party hangover: "Just weeks ago, the Republican party was falling over itself to co-opt the Tea Partiers. Now that looks like a poor political bet."
||| Stand clear of the doors! Commuters blocking train doors cost New York $US200 million.

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Florent Malouda obligingly removes his top. |
<<< Chelsea winger (like I know what that means) Florent Malouda has spoken out against homophobia in football: "People are wrong to hide behind religion to explain their behaviour against gays, but you have to accept people as they are and once you understand that, you understand our differences are our strengths."

||| 3,000 people attend London hate-crime vigil.

||| Adoptions by GBLT couples are up by a third.

||| Peter Tatchell responds to Stonewall's u-turn on gay marriage.
||| The Con-Dem government has decided to break another election promise, and store records of every email, phone call and website visit we make. In opposition, they were critics of such plans, because it played well with the media.
||| All hail the human face of the coalition: Nick Clegg – sad-eyed defender of the new reality, Charlier Brooker writes in The Guardian.

||| 7/7 Inquest: The people who died.
<<< 7/7 Inquest: Transport police held back Tube staff. Story includes a clickable graphic that allows us to find out more about the victims, like Lee Baisden, who was standing right next to the bomber Shehzad Tanweer on the Circle line train at Aldgate. He had recently set up home with his boyfriend.
||| 7/7 Inquest: Passengers stopped for photos of carnage.

<<< Fears over growing social conservatism in post-recession Europe at the 14th ILGA-Europe annual conference.
||| NETHERLANDS: The city of Utrecht has announced it will introduce a special hotline for gay people who feel threatened in their neighbourhood.

>>> LITHUANIA: A new law has come into force banning "the 'manifestation or promotion' of sexual orientation in advertising, and audiovisual commercial communication".
||| SERBIA: A Serbian... er, "doctor" has found a cure for homosexuality. "Patients must cut out junk food from their diet, 'drink a lot of water,' 'reject anything that is diarrhetic, alcohol, caffeine,' engage in 'physical activity,' 'rest [at] appropriate times.' Plus, one 'must think about good things.' Oh, and receive regular enemas." There you go then!
||| ARMENIA: GBLT community faces scorn, harassment in the eastern European country.
||| GERMANY: Munich's gay enclave is being sanitised by an invasion of heterosexuals.
||| The Big Picture: France in strike (38 more pictures). Above, youths overturn a car in Lyon. Below, a high school student faces riot gendarmes in Paris. Vive la France!

||| Spain bans smoking at last.
<<< Hookers in hi-vis!
||| Amore a prima vista! Half of Italians have extramarital affairs.

||| UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: Husbands can beat their wives and children to their heart's content - as long as they don't leave any marks. Ya gots to love Sharia law!

||| LEBANON: "A gay killer has the passion of a woman and the aggression of a man." Statements like this were part of a TV show addressing the supposed increase of "gay

<<< GBLT youth activists protest "ex-gay" pastor in Trinidad.

||| BRAZIL: Gay murder jumped 62 per cent between 2007 and 2009 - making the country one of the most perilous in the world for the GBLT community. Church groups are opposing a law that would criminalise homophobia.
>>> Parisian street artist J R has won the $US100,000 TED Prize. He pasted giant portraits of women in the Morro da Providencia favela, one of Rio de Janeiro's most violent.

||| The fear of being gay and Ugandan. Incredibly moving piece by the author of the Gay Uganda blog, published in The Guardian.
||| The real Rolling Stone ain't too happy about it's African imposter - and its message of hate.

||| ...But the editor of the vile rag, 22-year-old Giles Muhame (above), vows to "continue to publish these photos of homosexuals." There's a video interview with him at CNN.com (with a journalist who looks like a Sean Cody model).

<<< ZIMBABWE: The Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe (GALZ) has warned of violent sexual relationships in Zimbabwe's overcrowded prisons, demanding the Government speed up the provision of condoms.
||| CONGO: "We would like the law to punish homosexuality, bestiality and necrophilia. Morally, homosexuality is a deviation, and spiritually, it is an abomination." Ejiba Yamapiale - a bishop and lawmaker (there's a healthy combination) has put forward a bill that would make homosexuality punishable with imprisonment and fines.

Below, The Big Picture: Scenes from Thailand (30 more pictures).

||| CHINA: "Being gay in China is not a bad thing." Wu Youjian, one of China's best known GBLT activists, speaks at ShanghaiPRIDE about the fight for gay rights in China.

>>> Photoblog: Monks playing basketball; sometimes they play against local herdsmen. Below left, residential housing in Hong Kong.

||| INDIA: Divorce pleas cite gay relations more frequently than ever.
||| AUSTRALIA: Aborigines still face discrimination 25 years after Uluru - formerly known as Ayers Rock - was handed back by white invaders. At the Ayers Rock Resort - the sole tourist site servicing the site, there's just one Aboriginal employee out of a staff of 670 people.
||| Violent films and video games really do desensitise teenagers.

<<< New Durex lube ads invite us to "enjoy the other side". Well, don't mind if I do...

||| Drunken gene discovered by scientists.

||| There's no such thing as gay penguins, boffins in France have decided. They're actually just lonely.
>>> Animal pictures of the week, part I (30 more pictures). Right, a monkey and a parrot have bonded in Colombia.

|||Old bees forget their way home to hive.

>>> Meet Guru the naked chimpanzee.
||| A man busted his dog out of canine death row, abandoned his family, and went on the run with his errant pouch. What a legend!

||| The Arctic is gone.
<<< Check out Randall Munroe's cool Map of Online Communities, which imagines websites as countries and shows their size based on how popular they are.
||| Spouses and social networks should be mutually exclusive.
||| Last chance saloon for MySpace... er, sorry, Myspace.
||| But for Limewire, it's curtains. A New York judge has slapped a permanent injunction on the file-sharing site, forcing it offline.

||| Teleporting with Google Street View. Don't do it - you'll be stuck for hours virtually teleporting around the world. Addictive!
||| Panasonic announces the end of Technics SL-1200 production.
>>> Sony Walkman: Pause, rewind, revive? "There's life in the tape heads yet and a new wave of bands keen to release their music on cassette."

<<< SEOUL: Architects Planning Korea have designed Paik Nam June Media Bridge, construction of which is due to begin in 2012.

||| 10 GBLT teen novels that tackle teen suicide and bullying. I can strongly recommend Shawn Stewart Ruff's Finlater, "a book for older teens and adults, this story of a young African American teen and his Jewish boyfriend in 1969 is sexually frank and shows that bigotry and bullying roots are deep". It's also quite brilliant. Review. Get it here

||| Atlanta Queer Literary Festival, in pictures.
<<< Review: Between Boyfriends, by Michael Salvatore.
||| Review: Subtle Bodies, by Peter Dubé.

<<< Archie Comics' Kevin Keller - the "first gay character in the Archie-verse" - is to get his own series in 2011.

>>> A rare Titanic poster dating from 1912 has sold for £69,000.
||| Malaysian Brokeback Mountain must feature "remorseful" gays.

||| Review: The String.
||| Review: The Fruit Fly.
||| Review: The Kids Are All Right. "Funny, aching, rueful — often at the same time — The Kids Are All Right makes most mainstream releases this year seem decadent by comparison.

<<< Gays of our lives, a weekly report on queers in soap around the world, with video. Right, Brendan and Ste's deadly kiss in British teen soap Hollyoaks... before they end up in bed.

<<< How did Mechad Brooks get too look the way he does? Lots of sex, of course!
||| Tyson Beckford talks about his crush on Russell Simmons.
||| GaydarNation talks to Elisabeth Sladen, who has played journalist Sarah Jane Smith off and on since 1974, in Doctor Who and spin-off The Sarah Jane Adventures.
Alexander Anderson, who created Rocky and Bullwinkle, is dead. He was 90.

>>> Why did a male corrections officer spend 45 minutes on an "unexplained" visit with Lil Wayne at New York City's Rikers Island?

||| Meanwhile, Loose Change has been "groomin' the youngin', Eddie Long style".

||| Times must be hard for Will Smith - or maybe his Scientologist friends are getting more demanding - because he's sent his obnoxious daughter out to work. And it seems to be rubbing everyone up the wrong way: "Can you say nepotism, boys and girls?" "Tedious. Derivative. Vile." "Finally, a song for pedophiles." "Are you people completely and utterly out of your minds? She is nine years old. The video is clearly and blatantly presenting her as a sexual object of desire."

<<< London lovely Louis Smith takes silver at the World Championships in Rotterdam.

>>> In bed with Austin Victoria. (Pause and think.) Rick Day had the camera on him.

>>> So, what happened next...? Luciano Insua lensed this hot 4rgy for Rocket magazine.

>>> Dominique Hollington appears in a story by photographer Ali Kepenek, for the new November 2010 issue of Attitude magazine.

>>> Marcus Hill works it out in the October issue of Instinct. New York shutterbug Vincent Dilio lensed him. More here.

>>> Richard Pier Petit shoots Devin Grant.

||| Why the porn industry's HIV problem is our problem, too.
<<< Treasure Island Media signs HIV+ model James Roscoe to exclusive bareback contract.
||| Porn stars caught breakin' the law in 2010: a guide.

>>> The 2nd Annual Hustlaball Awards were held in Berlin on 22nd October. So who won what? Flava Works' Baby Star was Best Newcomer, and Bel Ami's infamous Peter Twins were Best Performer Website.
||| Coming soon, the L.A. Zombie: Hardcore Director's Cut DVD release. "Cinematic, erotic, and pushing the envelope of art, porn and the zombie-horror genre. A lone, hulking creature emerges from the

>>> ...And meet SouthernStrokes' Ricky.
This cutey wanted to tell his (deaf) boyfriend how much he loves him - in sign language. Just lovely...
||| Remember what was going on this time last year?
No? How about a reminder? Read Issue 32.
||| Help me make next week's copy even better.
Issue 80: 18-29 October 2010
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© 2010
Best viewed on Google Chrome.
"You know, we might just as well not have bothered
to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."
1.) I guess the Roman Catholic Church was offended because both parties in the photograph resembled consenting adults? I'm just sayin...
2.) Well, there is nothing about Corey Jackson that I have not already said a gazillion times before...Rest In Peace.
3.) It's strange how this rash of gay suicides is suddenly making the news. Hello general public? This has been going on for ages. Now even gay activists are doing it. So so sad.
4.) The guy who got bashed in the head by a skin head and united with him is better than me. I would unite only so I could get close enough to stab him.
5.) I saw that John Quionnes episode on 20/20 and it did not surprise me that hardly anyone stopped. What did shock me was the three young black women. I was so thrilled. Perhaps there is hope for the black community yet, in terms of embracing and ACCEPTING GLBT's as human beings. :0)
6.) Marcus Patrick is hot. But he's dumber than a bag of hair and crumbled up bricks.
7.)Andre Cooley: I am so glad more gays are standing up and fighting discrimination rather than taking it on the chin. This is wonderful...:o)
8.) One in ten US teens? I thought it was way more than that!
9.) I honestly wish I could be a gay teen now rather than in the late 90's and early naughts. In spite of some similarities so much has changed. I work in high schools where FABU teen boys are the NORM and not the exception.
10.) Diseased lonely and dead? Well, by the furies at least I'll die in a fabulous outfit!
11.) Churches contribute to gay suicide? Well, when you grow up being told that you are a: pervert, abomination, filthy, wretched, and you deserve hell...That does something to your self esteem. So I tend to agree.
12.) Arkansas is officially the WORST place in the WORLD. Clint McCance looks like he drinks Robitussin and regularly binges on crystal meth.
13.) Again, while it has gotten better HS life for a gay or lesbian teen is not cute...for the most part.
14.) I feel like President Obama, after losing his House Majority, need to go ahead and repeal DADT his damn self. The whole "Reaching across the aisle" is officially DEAD. The Republican party is a racist movement and they don't care about trying to help his black ass (sorry for being so blunt).
15.) LMAO@Pussy...ew.
16.) Why has US turned against President Obama? Next question...I'll not turn this into a dissertation.
17.) Hmmmm, I need to start watching FOOTBALL (not the American version)...haha.
18.) I hope not all gay sex lives are as dreary as heteros! Granted, we aren't all hoes but still...Never that dull!
19.) I'll speak for myself on the issue of never wanting children...
For one they get on my nerves after five minutes. They cost too much money. They grow into teenagers. You can't do anything without first thinking about the child. They are NASTY (have all kinds of germs and are messy).
No thank you. Besides, I'd much rather have a cat.
20.) Okay, according to Serbians you must...
Not each junk food...Check
Drink a lot of water...Check
Reject: Alcohol, Caffeine, and Diuretics...Check, Check, and Check
Use regular enemas (even need to ask?)
Lots of physical activity...Check.
Okay, I personally think adhering to that list will make you more gay. I mean just look at me...
21.) If all Lebanese look like Francois Sagat I want to goooooo!
22.) Okay, due to all this gay discrimination...I think the LGBT community should just start carrying guns and stuff. I carry pepper spray, a knife, and baseball bat...Not a gun but if someone tries me well I'll not just stand there.
23.) Straight guys are not only comfortable with kissing guys they are also comfortable, when no one is looking, asking you to go down on them.
24.) Bothans have discovered that Guru is a close relative of George W. Bush.
25.) Mehcad looks that way after lots of sex? Oh my god...well Mr. Brooks come my way so you can look even BETTER! :o)
26.) Tyson Beckford...come out already.
27.) Well, everyone knows how I feel about the hell spawn that are Will Smith's children...*gag*
28.) Okay, I don't know what it is but I love seeing big strapping butch men dressed in women's underwear...Djimon Honsou looks haaaaawt! haha.
29.) LMAO @ Diesel's comment...Okay, I don't want to come off like his groupie but that was hilarious.
30.)Okay, stick a fork in me I am so DONE!
(don't know if my previous comment show up...it was hella long.)
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Toddy, you give good comment.
Btw I was thinking of you when I used the picture of Marcus Patrick, I remember your post about him... lol x
I say this often, and I know it's not true of each individual, and isn't entirely restricted by region...
but damn it, American upsets me!
Once again, I know it's not the origin of all the evils of the world, but for fuck sake it's trying hard to win that title it seems...
seriously how do you find all this news?
just read the article about the gay guy and the skinhead now working together, mazing... but how on earth did you find it? they would never show anything like that in any news that I can think of, and that's the main reason I dont read the news much.. nothing relevant
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