Issue 285: We The Animals, Studio 54, Tab Hunter, Pose, Karnage Kills, Nakhane Touré, Max Konnor, Yannis Paluan, and more...

Left &

Never forget the meaning of the pink triangle.

If our paths cross regularly, smile back - I’m trying to say hello, not to f*ck you. "Men ghost each other in the real world like it’s Grindr, it’s pathetic," says Dan Beeson.

The lessons gay men can learn from "handsy" Kevin Spacey.

LGBT women have long looked after us, it's time to shine a light on them. "LGBTIQ women have given a lot to the broader queer community for a very long time and it’s time our issues were part of the focus too."

Behind the weird internet scheme to associate pedophiles with the LGBT community.

Does the religious freedom debate make sense? Of course not, it's the culture war. "The arguments put forward by politicians claiming Christians need legal protections defy sense."

The death of truth: how we gave up on facts and ended up with Trump. "From post-modernism to filter bubbles, ‘truth decay’ has been spreading for decades. How can we stop alternative facts from bringing down democracy."

A minute by minute guide to surviving a day in prison. (Image)

Long read
The big unsolved mystery of little Marjorie West. "The unsolved mystery of a 1938 kidnapping continues to befuddle in Pennsylvania."

Long read
The extinction of the middle child. "They’re becoming an American rarity, just when America could use them the most."

Long read
This man is an island. "David Wolkowsky returned to his childhood home of Key West, Florida, in 1962, when he was in his 40s. Today, as he nears 100, he has long been known as Mr. Key West. Michael Adno tells us how the island we know today became a reflection of one man’s campy sense of style."

Long read
My adventures at a camp for transgender men. “It was one of the most special times in my life; it was just unreal.”


A woman called the cops on a black 11-year-old for delivering newspapers.

Study finds gay people are twenty times more likely to be activists than heterosexual counterparts. "Data of over 4,000 American adults found those identifying as LGB were more likely to be involved in activist movements such as LGBTI rights, feminism, and environmentalism..."

...But LGBT teens are more likely to use hard drugs – including heroin, than their straight peers.

Millennials support LGBT equality but take issue with "homosexuality".

Stonewall Inn's iconic window-front smashed in by angry teen.

Larry Kramer warns of dark times ahead: “We’ve come a certain distance from such a blanket suffocation. But by the time a modicum of acceptance by the outside world starts to arrive, we are visited with a plague. It is a plague of disease, and with our new president it continues to be a plague of hate. There is not one cabinet member who has supportive or welcoming words for us. Every week, it seems, Mr. Trump appoints another judge who is on record as hating us. They will serve for many years. A new Supreme Court will further echo this disdain.”

Democrats introduce law to ban gay and trans panic defense in courts...

...while Republicans pass amendment preventing same-sex couples from adopting.

Meet Garrett Baldwin, the gay teen athlete aiming to unseat homophobic Ohio legislator Nino Vitale.

Trump administration may take HIV/AIDS funding to pay for child detention.

Trump policies will send LGBT asylum seekers to their deaths.

Trump falsely claims for third time that Reagan didn’t win Wisconsin.

The one place Trump wants more foreign workers: Mar-a-Lago. "Trump’s Mar-a-Lago wants to hire 61 foreign guest workers to cook and serve food to club patrons."

Church evicted after posting "LGBT is a hate crime" sign during Pride month.

Brett Kavanaugh’s other radical views.

Majority of young evangelicals approve of same-sex marriage.

Phoenix permanently paints road crossings with Pride colours.

Albuquerque Pride, in pictures.

Augusta Pride, in pictures.

After Sandy Hook, we said never again. And then we let 1,912 mass shootings happen.

Ontario leader Doug Ford axes LGBT-inclusive sex and relationship education.


Driver who ran over man who shouted "faggot" at him jailed.

London bus driver apologises for harassing man wearing high heels.

Homophobic parents force south London school to cancel Pride march.

Fundamentalist Christian group stage protest outside LGBT-friendly church at Bristol Pride.

MP Jared O’Mara, suspended over homophobic comments, resigns, blames "lad culture" for posts mocking "fudge packers".

"I’m gay, brown, and feel invisible in Britain’s homogeneous white, gay community".

UK Black Pride 2018, in pictures. Plenty more photos here.

Bristol Pride, in pictures.

Bus company pulls ads from homophobic preacher who claims gay people "steal" children.

Some ignorant things UK officials have told LGBT asylum seekers.

University funds research into bears.

Trump's oily and obnoxious personality sorely tests British diplomacy.

Trump protests: tens of thousands take to the streets across the UK.

Watch: aerial shots show the scale of Trump protest in Trafalgar Square.

London's Trump protesters, in pictures.

London's Trump protests: the best pictures.

Basket of deplorables: Trump's biggest cheerleaders in the UK.

Yet again, Boris Johnson has exposed himself as a self-serving charlatan. "The foreign secretary’s resignation shows he is lacking in any principles in his determination to get the top job."

Boris Johnson’s resignation: good riddance to a national embarrassment.

Searching for the "angel" who held me on Westminster Bridge. "Will was walking over Westminster Bridge in London when a car crashed into him from behind. He didn't know it, but he'd been caught up in a terror attack that killed five people and injured 50. In the chaos that followed a stranger looked after him. But then they were separated and he could only remember her face..."

This is 21-year-old Blair Wilson, smiling in the bloody selfie he posted following a homophobic assault.

Trump heckled by protesters yelling “No Trump, no KKK, no racist USA” whilst golfing.

Glasgow Pride, in pictures.

Northern Ireland
Skittles stand vandalised with homophobic graffiti.


Democratic Republic of the Congo
The child kidnapping crisis. "Beset by political and economic turmoil, the Democratic Republic of the Congo faces a fresh threat in the form of brutal abductors who hold children to ransom."

Has Egypt found the tomb of the world’s greatest gay warrior? "Archeologists speculate that remains may be those of Alexander the Great."

Hong Kong
Pressure mounts on Hong Kong libraries to put LGBT books back on shelves.

A group of Fascists blocked Budapest Pride but love won on the day.

Government signals support for legalising gay sex.

The staggering rise of India’s super-rich. "India’s new billionaires have accumulated more money, more quickly, than plutocrats in almost any country in history."

India's unofficial recycling bin: the city where electronics go to die.

Gay couple flogged eighty times in front of cheering crowd.

Man found guilty of intentionally infecting partners with HIV in landmark legal case.

Military appoints first ever out gay major general. "Sharon Afek's promotion comes in the same week the Knesset denied surrogacy rights to same-sex couples."

Japan’s vegetable-eating men. "A nation of suit-wearing salarymen educates its first generation of stay-at-home dads."

The story of the gay Baltics soldier who came out to his kids – then his comrades.

LGBT people more of a "concern" than child marriages says Minister.

Puerto Rico
Up in arms. "Mass power outages and police absenteeism have put Puerto Ricans on edge. Is buying a gun the only way to feel safe in post-hurricane San Juan?"

The hidden activist campaign that spread a rainbow. "A secret rainbow flag walked around in Moscow yesterday as an act of queer solidarity. Here's how."

South Korea
More than 210,000 sign petition against gay pride.

Madrid Pride, in pictures.

Sitges Pride, in pictures.

Thai cave rescue: The full story.

Thai cave rescue: the inside story. "Rescuers describe the doubts and pressures that assailed them as they pulled 12 boys and their coach to safety."

Thai cave rescue: a reason to be hopeful.

Thai cave rescue: a triumph of bravery, expertise and love. "The incredible scenes we have witnessed are a model of international cooperation and coordinated selflessness."

Thai cave rescue: boys recover after rescue success, in pictures.

Thai cave rescue: the cute cartoons that portrayed perils of the rescue.


David Wojnarowicz: remembering the work of a trailblazing artist. "More than 25 years after he died of Aids, one of the most fearless artists is being remembered at four different exhibitions."

Ruben Esparza's Polaroids of the Queer Biennial.

Matt Lambert's photos of the ambiguous space between friendship and sex.

Dustin Thierry's portrait series exploring intersecting identities in Amsterdam, Berlin ballroom scenes.

Expectations: The Untold Story of Black British Community Leaders in the 1960s and 1970s: a new exhibit.

Photographer Larissa Zaidan pictures of young Brazilians.

Pwoteksyon, (Protection in Hatian Creole), a photo series by Jasmine Amandla Plantine, in pictures.

Tatenda Chidora explores the beauty of black skin, in pictures.

Ivorian, a photo series Samantha Yancey's stay in Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), in pictures.

11-year-old Nigerian artist Waris Kareem's hyper-realistic portraits.


How Dancer From The Dance changed queer literature forever.

Authors steer boys from toxic masculinity with gentler heroes.

At Night Only, by Christopher Stoddard. "A vivid snapshot of the clashing sensibilities of New York City’s party scene and its rapidly gentrifying culture. With its gorgeously flawed characters and complex, struggling relationships, the novel provides an unconventional portrait of New York, one in which creativity still thrives and where living one’s life can be its own troubled art, its own statement."

Independent magazine hello mr. shutters after six years.

On The Rag, your guide to the gay weeklies. Read this week's Boyz magazine here.

At Night

Talking to Barry Humphries: "I defend to the ultimate my right to give deep and profound offence."


Homophobe and Trump supporter James Wood dropped by his agent.

Guy Pearce now says he regrets publicly calling Kevin Spacey "handsy"...

...And Henry Cavill is sorry about his #MeToo comments.

The Advocate's thirty-one favourite films of Outfest 2018. Above: When The Beat Drops, and Looking For?

Trailers for Looking For?; Alone In The Game; Bitter Melon; Cuernavaca; and Riot.

Mark Kermode reviews Whitney, and Skyscraper

Thirty films for LGBT viewers yearning to escape.

Long read
Attack on Skull Island. "After the blockbuster success of Kong: Skull Island, director Jordan Vogt-Roberts fled Hollywood to live the expat dream life in Vietnam. Then, one night at a Saigon club, he was brutally beaten by a mysterious mob of gangsters. Who were these monsters? Soon, he began directing something entirely different—an international hunt for the men who nearly killed him."

Set It Off has one of the blackest scenes in all of cinema that nobody ever talks about.

Nine great movies that explain cinema’s fascination with New York women.

Ten thoughts about Boyz N The Hood, released twenty-seven years ago today, and why it still matters.

A look at the film adaptation of We the Animals. "We the Animals teaches us, that, even without the sharpest of queer tongues, there is an essential cadence that can teach us who we yearn for the most, and whether or not their world holds us in high regard... It’s a pleasure to see Justin Torres’ quiet wisdom brought to visual life."

Talking to Jeremiah Zagar, director of We the Animals.

We The Animals. "It’s rare to find an on-screen family that actually feels as though they are related, and that closeness in tangible between the trio of boys, or 'us three' as Jonah regularly calls them. The real find is Rosado, of course, a commanding presence with his unique mixture of innocence and wisdom beyond his years."


Die Hard at 30: how it remains the quintessential American action movie. "Bruce Willis’ vest-wearing hero was an unlikely savior in 1988 and despite endless attempts to recycle the formula, he remains without equal in the genre."

Studio 54. "An accomplished time capsule from a storied era in popular culture."

Mario. "In this heartfelt Swiss drama, the star player at a leading club fears for his future after romance blossoms with a teammate."

The Misfits. "The individual performances are so good that with a thrill of recognition one sees what acting in the cinema can achieve." (July 1961)

Kyle Krieger’s new short film Sports!

Tab Hunter, the 1950s Hollywood heart-throb who came out late in life, is dead. He was 87.

Tab Hunter: obituary.

Tab Hunter: remembering the queer Hollywood legend. "Even though Hunter’s story has a happy ending, it’s worth noting the struggles he faced along the way that make his story especially resonant."

Tab Hunter: a star who survived both the studio system and Hollywood homophobia. "The actor moved from mainstream hits like Damn Yankees! to cult indies like Lust in the Dust — and outlived all the gossip columnists who once hounded him."

Tab Hunter: LGBT celebrities pay tribute.

Tab Hunter’s trials and tribulations: seven things we learned from the documentary Tab Hunter Confidential.

Tab Hunter recounts his secret relationship with Psycho star Anthony Perkins.


Pose gets renewed for second season.

Pose star Indya Moore lands new project with modern-day Frankenstein series.

Talking to Janet Mock about her directorial debut, from fight scenes to trans sisterhood.

The Handmaid’s Tale season two was masterful. But it may have broken the show. "The show finally embraced its horror series destiny — and kinda became The Walking Dead for progressives."

The Handmaid's Tale recap: season 2, episode 8 – will Serena join the revolution? "The commander’s wife is starting to rage against the machine, with the help of Lionel Ritchie, but there’s a price to pay in another brutal instalment."

Sharp Objects recap: season one, episode oneVanish. "A troubled hack, a missing girl and a family with dark secrets: this adaptation of Gillian Flynn’s debut novel has all the makings of a classic."

Queer Eye is saying goodbye to Georgia for season three.

Queer Eye's Jonathan Van Ness speaks about his experience of psychotic depression.

Queer Eye's Tan France: "If I were Caucasian, coming out would have been easier."

Sacha Baron Cohen’s political provocations are exhausting and dangerous. "Baron Cohen’s prankster provocations are a bad match for our current cultural climate."

Dwayne Johnson is not running for President in 2020 .

Sun, sea and subtitles - how Eldorado became TV's biggest flop. "It was made in a rush in the stifling Spanish heat, the cast included a passing teenage beach bum – and it costa packet. Eldorado was meant to be the new EastEnders – but 25 years since it was axed, it’s still a byword for disaster."

Here's the first episode of West 40s, the new gay web series from Mark Sam Rosenthal and Brian Sloan, about five NYC friends approaching middle age.

Too much TV! The big-budget shows you probably haven't heard of. "Mr Mercedes, Future Man, Sweetbitter and StartUp – all real TV shows, all largely unwatched and unloved. But should you bother with them?"

The essential TV shows you can't find on Netflix or Amazon.

The biggest bust-ups in TV history. "Frustration, egos and creative differences have caused spectacular walkouts on big shows. But can anyone top Mandy Patinkin’s French exit?"

Beats, Rhymes
& Life

Talking to Karnage Kills about being gay, femme and fearless in a typically hyper-masculine world.

Talking to Nakhane Touré.

Brendon Urie (who recently announced he's "pansexual") slammed for comparing Roseanne Barr to kneeling NFL players.

Queer Eye's Jonathan slams Nicki Minaj for appearing on Russian magazine cover.

Bisexual rapper Taylor Bennett drops new single Be Yourself.

Gay LA rock band GayC/DC take on heavy metal giants AC/DC.

Here's the Gay Music Chart, the week's top fifty LGBT-related music videos.


Gay NCAA wrestler Justice Horn came out to his coaches and team all in one day. He’s glad he did.

Indonesian sprinter who could barely afford shoes wins 100m gold.

Female athletes must endure invasive "sex tests." Men don't.

Billie Jean King and other top athletes call for end to "discriminatory" testosterone policy.


Over half of women who watch gay porn "imagine themselves" as men.

Gay porn power couple Brian Bonds and Mason Lear get engaged after being gangbanged together at RawFuckClub.

Blake Mitchell and Joey Mills do it.

Ian Borne and Collin Simpson do it.

BelAmi's Yannis Paluan and Nils Tatum do it.

Viva Colombia, with BelAmi boys Hoyt Kogan, Sven Basquiat, Helmut Huxley, Jason Bacall, Nils Tatum and Santiago Arias.

Andre Donovan, Bama Romello and Shawn Reeve do it.

Alexander Volkov, Dylan James and Alex Mecum do it.

Ken Ott and Trevor Stone do it.

Max Konnor and Riley Mitchel do it.

Talking to Habibi, man of many talents, makes his mark on New York.

Father's Day at Faultline, in pictures.


Cruising with Allen King; and Recon at Folsom Street East 2018.


Three gay porn stars explain how their "three-way marriage" works.

After three failed surrogacy attempts, this gay couple got their miracle baby.

Twenty-four tips for giving amazing head.

How being radically, unapologetically open about sex freed me. "I spent a decade building a separate life as an A-grade dress-wearing, dick-sucking moral vagrant. Then I realized that the secrecy only served to deepen my shame."

Gay sex parties: everything you need to know, part two.


19-year-old ruptures his airway giving fellatio to a Grindr hookup, breaks internet.

Emerging STD mycoplasma genitalium (MG) is causing penises to become inflamed.

The emerging sex disease that could become next the superbug.

The inconvenient truth about cancer and mobile phones. "We dismiss claims about mobiles being bad for our health – but is that because studies showing a link to cancer have been cast into doubt by the industry?"

How to be alone. "Does the thought of being alone fill you with dread? Psychotherapist Michael Dale Kimmel offers advice."

Compulsive sexual behaviour officially classed as a mental illness by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

The boy who cried abuse. "My son has reactive attachment disorder and constantly makes up elaborate lies about being abused. But then he actually was."


Why you shouldn’t obsess about “overpopulation”.

Long read
The beginning of the end of the world. "A 'reckless' fracking company, poisoned springs, and a family forced to buy water at Walmart."

Who owns the space under cities? The attempt to map the earth beneath us.

Should we hide the locations of Earth’s greatest trees?

The week in wildlife, in pictures.

The White Heat
of This Revolution

“I was devastated”: Tim Berners-Lee, the man who created the world wide web, has some regrets. "Berners-Lee has seen his creation debased by everything from fake news to mass surveillance. But he’s got a plan to fix it."

Boffin defends computer software that can tell if you're gay.

The dark side of going viral. "The airplane internet romance Plane Bae, my own viral hell story, and the death of privacy."

A serial Twitter follow/unfollower explains himself. "I’m just trying to get eyes on me. It’s a big attention game online... the end goal for me is just be on as many screens as I can."

Twitter wipes tens of millions of accounts from its platform.

La vida robot. Four Mexican immigrant kids and their cheap robot beat MIT. This is their story.


Planes, Trains
& Automobiles

Uber driver regains license after kicking out lesbian couple for kissing.


Goldman Sachs is worried your rising pay will hurt rich people.

Exploited Amazon workers need a union. When will they get one? "Amazon has suppressed all efforts to unionise since its founding, but with widespread employee abuse, only unions can hold the company accountable."

Long read
Inhuman resources. "Mike Picarella wanted to protect a co-worker from humiliating sexual harassment. He didn't expect his own life to be destroyed in the process."

I Own 51% Of
This Company!

Blockbuster is closing its final remaining stores in Alaska. Here's what it was like to visit the video rental chain before it went extinct.

Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay $4.7bn over talc cancer claims.


Ace's Adventures tours the Gwinnett Place Mall in Duluth; Retail Archaeology ventures into the Sears at Metrocenter Mall; Faded Commerce visits Swansea Mallin Massachusetts; and Company Man delves in Hallmark...


Queer food is hiding in plain sight. "From kitchen camp to political plates, queer people have been shaping food culture for decades."

Creepy Handmaid’s Tale wine announced, canceled within 24 hours.


Here are some gratuitous images from the Tom of Finland store. You're welcome.

Andrew Christian Naked Masc Lace Underwear Collection.


Long read
A few good mutants. "A father and his sons melt, smoosh, carve, and reshape little green army men into 'Super Soldiers.'"


Finally, the latest with Walter, Nejhe Ryutt, Blake, and Andrew.

That's all for this week - please like, follow and share!
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Issue 285: 05-14 July 2018
On the cover: We The Animals.

Missed the last edition? Get it.

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