a news compendium
with a gay bias
issue 89 | March 2011 | FREE
issue 89 | March 2011 | FREE
<<< Sandor Earl, shot by photographer Pedro Virgil for Cocksox. More manikins later.
But first, this week's global GBLT news...
||| Can we talk about Muslim homophobia now? "I believe Muslims can change... But it won't happen if we pretend we 'respect' their bigotry, and that it is a legitimate expression of difference."

||| ABC News' What Would You Do? has father come out to homophobic son in a busy diner. How did the unsuspecting public react?
||| Analysis: President Obama instructs the Department of Justice to stop defending Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
||| Gay marriage decision: a blow to the enemies of equality. Fred Karger writes for The Guardian: "Discrimination based on sexual orientation has no place in the US. Welcome, President Obama, to the right side of history."
<<< Alan Keyes: "Granting homosexuals the right to marry is like granting plantation owners the right to own slaves." Keyes disowned his daughter Maya (pictured to Keyes' right) in 2005 when she came out.
||| Keyes' verbal diarrhea is almost as entertaining as fellow rightwing fruitcake Pat Robertson, who said, "Some of these radical gay groups are willing to do in anything in the world to have their way of doing sex legitimized by this country."
>>> Bishop Eddie Long launches late night prayer meetings for men only. "If you're a man. Come. And join us. Bring your friends." And your own lube, of course.
<<< Anonymous hacker group suggests Westboro fabricated threat claims...
...But both the Westboro Baptist Church and GodHatesFags.com sites are both later seized by hacker The Jester. Give the man a medal.
||| Catholic college fires gay professor.
||| Mother to sue school after teacher, students bully her openly gay son.
>>> Neighbourhood derails GBLT history mural.
||| All aboard the Big Gay (Wine) Train.

<<< What's to become of the Paolozzi murals at the gateway to London's Soho, Tottenham Court Road Tube station?
||| Scottish police "more gay-friendly than in San Francisco".
>>> Britain under attack: "Every single public service will be put out to tender. Everything. Well, not MI5 or the judiciary – but everything else, including schools and the NHS. Forget the camouflage of localism and choice: however much local people like local services that work well, they will have no choice in the matter. A private company – can challenge any service they would like to run and bid to take it over. If Serco or Capita think they can turn a reasonable profit from cherry-picking anything the council or the government runs, they will have the right to demand it is put out to tender. If they bid below the current cost and claim that quality will not fall, it's theirs for the asking. Not the people, not their elected representatives, nor the users of those services will be able to refuse. It will be taken out of their hands because competition law will decide. If local people want their council to hold on to a much-loved service, a company can take the council to court – at huge and wasteful expense – and almost certainly win the right to tender and win the contract."

||| FINLAND: Gay Zimbabwean set to be deported.
>>> BELGIUM: Gay couple reunited with the two-year-old they had through a surrogate. The boy has been in a Ukrainian orphanage since.
||| NETHERLANDS: Charges initiated against Pope for crimes against humanity.
||| POLAND: Gay football fans demand separate seating in Euro 2012.

>>> IVORY COAST: Residents flee Abidjan as election violence continues.
>>> INDIA: Local TV station outs gay men. "The channel featured a reporter phoning gay men whose photos and phone numbers were identified on a social networking site. The men were recorded without their permission, and the conversations were broadcast along with their profile photos."
||| INDIA: Remember last week's story about the Spanish couple and their Indian surrogate? The country now plans to restrict surrogacy to heterosexual couples.
<<< ISRAEL: First openly gay judge appointed in Tel Aviv.
||| BAHRAIN: Trial begins against participants private gay party.
||| Most 'locked-in' people are happy.
>>> If people continue to intermingle at an exponential rate leading to a post-racial utopia," Popnography wonders, "what will our love interests look like in 2511?" Wonder no more...
||| Cancer from oral sex more common than oral cancer from tobacco use.

>>> eBay bootlegger sells artist his own work.

||| 150 years of life amongst London's streets, in pictures (10 pictures).
||| JLS boy babes Marvin Humes and Aston Merrygold spend some quality time on the sunbeds. We suspect

...Marvin's presumably taking some time to recover from his T-shirt ripping contest...
...And flexing their pecs with fellow X Factor produce Alexandra Burke for their new clothing range...
||| Justin Bieber: Why the fuss?

||| Ukrainian boy band Kazaky returns (with their stilettos).
>>> Gays Of Our Lives: Anthony D. Langford investigates what the gays are up to in the soaps.

<<< Slice of soap history 'For Rent' as Brookside redevelopment allows fans to live in one of the TV houses.
>>> Cathode Ray Tube reviews the DVD release of two of Doctor Who's most striking serials, Kinda and Snakedance. "Kinda is neither wholly about religion (e.g the parallels with Buddhism) nor the repressions of colonialism. It's about you, me, us. It's about how we face outwardly into the world, how we deal with the unknown sides of our personalities, our repressions and our fears. Our own Mara. Kinda is what makes for a

<<< The Doctor Who Experience opens in London.

>>> Nicholas Courtney, the actor best known for his role as Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart in Doctor Who, is dead. He was 81...
...Cathode Ray Tube obituary here.
||| Watch: Upcoming Ballroom film Leave It On The Floor.

>>> Hehe... The King's Speech (yawn) was filmed at the same location as UK Naked Men porn scene, featuring the impossibly ripped Carioca.
||| Yesterday's celeb train wreck Amy Winehouse was also propped up against the distressed walls at one point.

...And LostInTheHood.com. From MOC Blog: "What? You don't find the crudest (and really, really popular!) stereotypes of urban black men as marauding criminals that rape unsuspecting effeminate white guys while calling them "niggas" to be sexually titillating? Hey, you big politically incorrect jerk, it's only porn!"

||| On location with Falcon in Tahoe.
||| Why Michael Lucas doesn't bottom.

>>> Ace shutterbug Kevin Slack has taken some beautiful shots of "Enrique".
<<< Desert Patrol Photographs, by Dook.

<<< Steven Davies: England cricketer comes out.
||| Openly gay powerlifter Chris Morgan wins best lifter at British championships.
Nyiragongo Crater: Journey to the centre of the world (27 more pictures).

>>> Animal pictures of the week (29 more pictures). In Albania, a mother pig stops traffic to feed her piglets.

<<< 10 Things I Didn’t Know About Steve Jobs. ka-os|theory is anti-Apple. I refuse to be an Applebot. But I like that he didn't go to college.
||| Are you trying to add this guy on Facebook just to see if he's hot enough to hook up with?
||| Google changes search engine to favour quality content.

>>> Take a look at the new Guangzhou Opera House, by Zaha Hadid Architects.
||| Our favourite GuysWithiPhones from the past week, after the jump - enjoy!
||| Read the last edition.
||| Remember what was going on this time last year? No? How about a reminder? Read Issue 53.
Cover photo: Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart, as portrayed by Nicholas Courtney.
ka-os|theory is not responsible for the content of external websites.
1.)I want to see someone in a cock sock (but he should be packing a lot more than the model)!
2.) Personally, I think Muslims are more homophobic than Christians...I say this having broken free from the cult of Christ Insanity.
3.) Now that is a GHETTO Burger King! Seriously?!
4.) I love President Obama. I'll be stuffing the ballot boxes in the next election.
5.) Alan Keyes sickens me. His oldest son is cute though.
6.) Is it too late to get tickets to Pastor Eddie Longstroke's church "service?" I'm just sayin...
7.) I don't see how a country as progressive as Finland can knowingly deport somebody to their DOOM!
8.)Hooray @ The Netherlands! Finally somebody who does not view Catholicism as above the law.
9.) Due to cancer now stemming from oral sex yours truly has started penning his last will and testament at the ripe old age of 26.
10.) See, these mugshots are the reason I don't drink (well a few cosmos at the club) or do drugs! I spend too much money on soap and moisturizer to just squander my healthy skin on some meth. Those people literally look like they aged 75 years in a few months!
11.) I'm a lifelong Wellsfargo customer! They appreciate my disposable income and fabulous credit rating. Recognize bitches...I can go over to JPMorgan Chase at anytime.
12.) I have to see Leave it on the floor! I want to learn to death drop. I have my duck walk down though.
13.) Kellan Lutz...*DROOL!* He is just a complete hunk factory.
14.) I never got politicizing porn...It's porn!
15.) I respect Michael Lucas for his decision! I get tired of seeing men bottom on film and they like WOEFULLY uncomfortable. Some guys just naturally like one position. Like my mother always told me, "If something works for you then stick with it."
16.) Pigs are so cute! lol This is why I refuse to eat pork.
17.) I don't like google street view. Just knowing that someone can see my house scares the hell out of me.
18.) IPHONE guys two and three for me! Oh and the very last one with the big globes...
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