world outside my window...


• Rikki Beadle-Blair's anti-homophobia film, Fit, will be screened in all secondary schools from next month. The film aims to stop pupils using the word "gay" in a derogatory way, and tells the story of six teenagers – gay, straight and questioning – taking classes in hip hop dance at a south London college. Join Fit - the Movie - the Movement.

• Pink News reports on this too:
Navdeep, a year 8 pupil at a south London school, said: "After watching FIT, we realised it was wrong to use the word gay as a cuss word. You shouldn’t outcast your friend if they’re gay."

Sir Ian McKellen slams anti-gay sport fans.

asks homophobes what they think of its coverage of gays.

• Oh dear! Pervert paedophile grandma Iris Robinson is to be
investigated by the police. Let's hope it doesn't tip the knackered old c**t over the edge...

• And now Playgirl
wants a piece of her barely legal teen toy boy (left).

Video urging action against gay employment rights to be shown in churches.

Honour and secrecy for families of gay Muslims.

• Stephen Gately (right) died of natural causes, a Spanish court

• Hawaii
approves civil unions.

• Dolly Parton on gayhuman rights.

• Atlanta is the
gayest city in America. Left, Atlanta Gay Pride, by CharlesFred.

• NFL player Ovie Mughelli
issues cease-and-desist letters over those gay rumours we heard about two weeks back.

The day I decided to stop being gay.

• Gay playground for the rich
sold to 23-year-old. Right, the 7th Annual Fire Island Black Out.

Calling all bottoms!

• Just Detention International launch web ads against sexual assault in prison.

• Irene Monroe:
Would the public King have spoken out on LGBTQ justice?

• Prop. 8 supporter: gays '12 times more likely' to be paedophiles.

• Prop. 8 trial update:
Day 9.

• Canadian man
murders his Israeli boyfriend, stuffs body in suitcase.

• HIV awareness advert
by France's AIDES Foundation:

• South Africa appoints rabid homophobe Uganda ambassador. Which is a bit like sending Pat Robertson to Haiti to show US support.

• Uganda: Homophobes
launch campaign against West.

• Uganda:
Thousands of children demonstrate in favour of anti-gay bill.

• Malawi:
No good news in the case of gay couple Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga (right), whose story we've been hearing about for several weeks now. The Malawi Government refuses to back down, despite international condemnation.

• Manila police arrest 14 male strippers in gay bar. Also arrested at the Men's Court Club were "five comedy impersonators and performers, a cashier, two waiters, and a caretaker."

• They're calling it India's answer to Brokeback Mountain. That remains to be seem, but in Dunno Y ... Na Jaane Kyun (left), Bollywood will have its
first gay kiss in a mainstream film.

• Channel 4 News Online reports on changing attitudes to homosexuality in Delhi, where legislative change has seen positive change. Video report.

• How about a gay wedding
in the Himalayas? Nepal has its heart set on becoming the gay tourism capital of Asia.

China's gay rights revolution: Despite periodic state crackdowns, increasing education and debate are bringing China's gay community out of the shadows.

• Chinese man
sentenced to death for murdering German sex partner.

• Haiti: Wealthy Westerners enjoy "jetski rides, parasailing and rum cocktails delivered to their hammocks" in a heavily guarded coastal resort as cruise ships
continue to arrive in Haiti. Reaction to this is divided, as demonstrated at Rod 2.0.

• Haiti:
'Baby Doc' Duvalier pledges £5m aid.

big pic haiti faces 2

• The Big Picture: Faces of Haiti (46 pictures).

big pic haiti faces 1

• Haiti: The beautiful moment an 8-year-old boy is pulled from the rubble (left). Towleroad has video.

• Haiti: "I give you my word, if I tell them to go, they will go. But they need somewhere to go to." Wyclef Jean calls for the
evacuation of Port-au-Prince.

Where's God in Haiti's hell?

• Haiti:
Disaster porn?

• Haiti: Haitian Government declare search and rescue phase

big pic haiti water

• The Big Picture: Haiti six days later (38 pictures). Words can't describe this gallery of images. I wept.

big pic haiti grave

America 'imports' pollution from Asia.

• A male Statue of Liberty!

For sale: Jet plane, slightly used. One previous owner. No longer air (or sea) worthy, but a unique artifact in annals of modern aviation history. Last flight a mere 23 minutes. Last pilot a national hero. Provenance indisputable.

• Italian minister wants parents to be made to kick their offspring out of the family home when they turn 18.

• Women: they're cougars "starving [themselves] on sparse vegetation during the day then hunting 'large slabs of meat at night' by stalking young men in bars. Having 'not tasted fresh meat for days' she drags her prey to an inner-city flat and subjects him to Enya - or the Eurythmics..." So now you know.

• Is this what they call a foul?

• Elsewhere in basketball news: Introducing the All-white fundamentals basketball league!

• Plans for Britain's biggest mosque collapse... Ain't that a shame.

• sells the story as a victory for the far-right, rather than a victory for common sense.

• National Association of Muslim Police says Islam's not to blame for terrorist attacks. Must be those bloodthirsty Buddhists and Hindus then...

• Half of young black people are unemployed. 31 percent of Asians and 20 percent of whites don't have a job. Jeremy Crook, director of the Black Training and Enterprise Group, says the lack of black role models in Britain is a major factor.

Schools in England's most diverse towns and cities are still segregated along racial lines.

• Amir Khan, the boy beauty from Bolton, signs up with American boxing promoter Golden Boy...

• ...and why his love of America is fuelled by the hate of British bigots.

• "Cos there were nowt to do." One of two brothers, aged 10 and 11, explains why they subjected another two boys - aged 9 and 11 - to sustained torture, beating and sexual abuse in the north of England. The brothers were brought up in a "normal" heterosexual family unit.

• The heterosexual woman who seduced a 12-year-old schoolboy, and kept a diary detailing their 200 sex sessions.

Yves Saint Laurent was a depressed, drunken tyrant incapable of generosity. And the problem is..?

German government warns against using Microsoft Internet Explorer. This is related to its most recent security hole, rather than the fact it's about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

The myth of the Sony 'kill switch'.

Electronic pop-up book! (Good name for a band, no?)

The future of e-books.

• Pictionaire: Touchscreen technology that merges the real and digital worlds.

• The iron that won't burn your clothes.

• Smart mud: the new plastic.

• Sitting down for extended periods is seriously bad for your health - and taking extra exercise won't help you.

• Hold the front page: Stress can cause heart damage.

Ban butter to save lives.

Too much choice is leaving us bewildered and depressed.

• When you're ill, there's no place like home.

• Animal pictures of the week (31 pictures).

Indonesia sells tigers to the rich.

Transparent frogs!

• My boy (left) gets himself in The Sun newspaper. I'm so proud (sniff).

• Aww! Sex puppies JLS find it hard to trust people.

• Lemar feels like a big brother to JLS.

• And, er, JLS lad Oritsé has had his supersized piece nicknamed Hancock by the other boys. Hmm...

• Ten years on, So Solid say: "The UK needs us back."

• Handler fail: Chris Brown watches bloody boxers.

• Maxwell does Oprah...

The Little Dog Laughed at the Garrick Theatre, review.

Six Degrees of Separation at the Old Vic, review.

• Pink News reviews Brothers.

• Should we censor television from the past?

Will a US version of Torchwood work?

• Stephen Fry wants to write for Doctor Who.

Coronation Street won't be moving, but with the move to HD filming, a new set is still needed...

EastEnders' 25th anniversary marked by exhibition: props, including gravestones and murder weapons, are to go on display in February at The Tramshed in east London.

• In which fictional workplace would you most like to put in a shift?

• This week's Gays of Our Lives: the latest clips, news and spoilers in the world of soaps and dramas featuring your favorite (and not so favorite) gay characters. Left, One Life To Live.

• I said it last week: this is what Big Brother Brazil is like. Lucky bastards.

• US Big Brother contestant hired by Channel 1 Releasing to work under Chi Chi LaRue.

New ways to masturbate online: Chat Roulette!

• Bel Ami in gay Paree (right).

More Eddie Diaz!

Corbin Fisher sues pizza boy for a million dollars.

• It's Castro's (aka Supreme) birthday today! Other porn stars celebrating the first and last time they saw a gash are...

• Randy (left), an Active Duty model, has died in a carbon monoxide poisoning accident.

• The Big Picture: Gold (37 pictures).

Inside Burj Khalifa.

New Youth Centre (right), in Madrid, by Spanish studio Mi5 Arquitectos. Absolutely stunning - make sure to check out the rest of the pictures.

Five theories why famous people keep showing up on Guys with iPhones. And in case you missed it (I certainly did), So You Think You Can Dance contestant Ade Obayomi (left) naked.

• I think Jesus Luz is pretty gruesome, so this picture is the best one I've seen of him yet. The same can't be said of Madonna. DListed say: "If for some reason Baby Jesus' naked wang is making your genitals wail in excitement, this up close picture of the Crypt Keeper will shut them up."

• Hehe... Italian prankster Elena Di Cioccio cops a feel of Beckham's (apparently) not very impressive tool. She admonished, "You've taken us for a ride! How could you? David!" Video of the incident.

• Bruce Weber's Ode to Twinks, from Friday's YSL show in Paris...

• Lastly, the latest recommendation from Tired Old Queen At The Movies, and it's the The Greatest Show On Earth. Joyously infectious.

Issue 45 of World Outside My Window (The Week According To Garçon Stupide) covers the period 16-22 January 2010.

"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."


Theology Now said...

I think the Prop 8 supporter must be confused - I was under the impression that priests, pastors and other church workers were the ones more likely to be child abusers!

Eric Arvin said...

The idea of censoring TV from the past is one I've struggled with. There are so many homophobic comments and jokes made on older programs that I can definitely see the harm it does and did do. Still, it is someone's art. Argh!

Eduardo Guize said...

Great job, again! I would comment on some of those things, but I'm still stunned after seeing that trainwreck in The Greatest Show on Earth.

Mike said...

Super job once again. I haven't read it all, but I'll be back tomorrow. I have another day to kill, before boarding a ship. I'm Ushuaia, Argentina right now. Tomorrow I board ship to my seventh continent, Antarctica. Keep up the great work and I'll keep reading from around the world.

KAOS said...

TN - case after case after case of child abuse makes the headlines, and it's almost always perpetrated by heterosexuals.

Eric - It's a tricky one, isn't it? Is it right or appropriate to airbrush the past?

Mike - wow! I'm so envious. And I'm thrilled to bits that you're taking the time to spend a minute here. Argentina? Antarctica... wow...

Thank you all for reading, and particularly for taking the time to comment. It means a lot. :)

CameraOnNYC said...

Tired Old Queen at the Movies brings a bit of "maturity" and diversity of type to your already fabulous blog. What a great stew you've made here! Thanks for introducing me to fellow New Yorker, Steve Hayes.

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