later today in world outside my window...

coming up...

Anti-homophobia film, Fit, will be screened in all secondary schools from next month. The film aims to stop pupils using the word "gay" in a derogatory way, and tells the story of six teenagers – gay, straight and questioning – taking classes in hip hop dance at a south London college.

Join Fit - the Movie - the Movement.


Anonymous said...

Love the trailer....bald head (Jamaican)

Hope this is successful. The word must be preached.

Daddy Squeeze Me! said...

now i love that!

Eduardo Guize said...

I love the UK-flag tracksuit, and also the vibe of this trailer...

Unknown said...

I guess America would explode if a film like that was shown to children...

tdot said...

I'm very curious to see what this is like. I would have loved something like this to have been shown when I was at school. I know one of my best friends had a really hard time coming to term with his sexuality at school, and took it very personally when anyone made any type of gay joke. I on the other hand was typically me about the whole situation.

School is like this microenvironment with kids thinking that if something 'bad' happens there its the end of the world. I hope this film can help dispel some of the ignorance that's around. Even if it can influence one person it's done its job.

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