a news compendium
with a gay bias
issue 87 | February 2011 | FREE
issue 87 | February 2011 | FREE
<<< Photographer Phen Mas has lensed a fashion editorial for Cat Wright of E! More manikins later.
But first, the global GBLT news...
||| Born gay, born this way: More on the fantastic photo blog that "pairs a snapshot of a gay person as a kid with a personal essay about what he or she sees when looking at the photo."

<<< Don't gag, now: Meet the Young, Gay Conservatives.

||| Myth-busters: Heterosexual asylum seekers don't claim to be gay for immigration purposes...
...However, the Washington Post reports that Jamaica's gays seek refuge by applying for US asylum.

>>> How Larry and KC Jansson found love in the midst of anti-gay "reparative" therapy.

>>> 1981 Toronto bathhouse riots: A city galvanized, our communities remade.

...But I'd much rather have Mr. Costa and his amazing tiny city. Just lovely.

||| Same-sex couples could soon be getting married in church.
||| LONDON: Homophobic attacks surge by 28% over the last four years.
||| Country hotel announces "Poofters welcome."
||| Ugandan refugee refuses deportation in airport stand-off.
>>> Gay sex convictions to be deleted from police records.
||| SWEDEN: 6-year-old stabbed for wearing pink. Oskar liked pink clothing, ballet and nail polish, but was regularly bullied by boys in his playgroup.
||| GERMANY: Catholic theologians call for acceptance of same-sex partnerships and an end to celibacy for priests.
||| Gay life around the Arctic Circle. Paul Rubio writes for The Advocate: "The progressive social and political views of Scandinavia reach even the furthest corners of the world's northernmost latitudes, where gay and straight life integrate and sexual preference stands insignificant."
<<< World Press Photo Winners: Second Prize Portraits Single, Joost van den Broek. A cadet on the Russian tall ship Kruzenshtern.
||| Russia's first safe sex ads - aimed at the GBLT community.
||| ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires' gay theatre boom.
>>> World Press Photos: Winners. First Prize General News Single, Riccardo Venturi. A boy stands by the burning old Iron Market in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
||| Being gay in St Lucia.
||| JAMAICA: Homophobic hate mob flees after naked gay threesome pulls guns on them.

||| David Kato: A further 70 religious representatives and 25 organisations have issued a statement deploring bigotry after the activist's killing.
<<< David Kato: Pro-GBLT Ugandan bishop Christopher Senyonjo issues open letter to the worldwide Anglican Communion. "Listening to the stories of LGBT people was the beginning of my own transformation."
>>> David Kato: Unitarian Universalist Association starts fund to fight for gay rights in Uganda.
||| David Kato: "Closet homosexuals sink further under the radar after Kato's death", Uganda's Daily Monitor reports.
||| UGANDA: Child soldiers suffer problems similar to Northern Ireland "troubles" children.
||| MALAWI: Now sex between women is a criminal act. Malawi's penal code already prohibits sex between men.
||| MALAWI: America joins Germany in withholding aid to Malawi.
<<< BOTSWANA: "On this point I would agree with... Robert Mugabe who once described that behaviour as that of western dogs; I don't like those gay people and will never tolerate them. They are demonic and evil." So speaks Deputy Speaker of the Botswana National Assembly, Mr. Pono Moatlhodi...
>>> CHINA: A visit to Shanghai's fake-marriage market.
||| THAILAND: Newspapers are devoting more space to GBLT-related news stories.

||| INDIA: The Supreme Court will start the process to test the constitutional validity of the Delhi High Court's decision to decriminalise same sex relations on April 19. Gay sex was legalised in 2009.
||| PAKISTAN: Metrosexuals in Islamabad.
>>> PAKISTAN: Daily life (29 more pictures). Christian boys play games in a slum near Islamabad.
||| BAHRAIN: Over 100 men arrested for "conduct against public morality".
||| Gay Middle East talks to IceQueer, a gay Egyptian blogger.
<<< Flatpack inferno! IKEA burns in Israel.

>>> Meet Jonathan Grimshaw who, in 1984, was one of the first men to be diagnosed with HIV.

||| Everything you didn't want to know about eating azz.
||| Mistakes introverts make: Some pitfalls of letting your introversion hold too much power.

||| White lions!

<<< Why the fish are suffocating.

||| America leading the charge to quash .gay Internet domain?
||| Facebook has updated its "pages" - the element of the site members use to promote brands, causes, or as fan sites - to look like profiles. The ka-os|theory page is here.
<<< Memorial site remembers Egyptians killed in protests.

>>> A brave new world of GBLT literature in India. The Hindu looks at two of them - The Dead Camel and Other Stories of Love by Parvati Sharma, and Pink Sheep by Mahesh Natarajan.

<<< What women want: Gay male romance novels.
||| Los Angeles to be the home for Robert Mapplethorpe work and archive.
||| Review: London Calling: A Countercultural History of London Since 1945 by Barry Miles. "...The capital's truly countercultural days are firmly behind it."
>>> Must-have: Bruno Gmünder is to release Porn: From Andy Warhol to X-Tube, "a text-and-photo book that explores the history of all-male adult entertainment."
||| The Bible's surprisingly mixed messages on sexuality. Jennifer Wright Knust writes, "As Americans we should have learned by now that such a simplistic approach to the Bible will lead us astray. Only a little more than a century ago, many of the very same passages now being invoked to argue that the scriptures label homosexuality a sin or that God cannot countenance gay marriage were used to justify not 'biblical marriage' but slavery."

||| Ricky Martin: A hero for Latino gays.
<<< LL Cool J strips for Men's Fitness. More pictures here, and video here.
||| Lady Gaga isn't liked by ka-os|theory, so I try not to add to the tedious Madonna-clone's over-exposure. Her latest effort - a supposed anthem for the gay community (whoopie...) - has been criticised for its racist lyrics: "Lady Gaga's new single has no subtlety or nuance, it

>>> Usher and music executive L.A. Reid on how they groomed Justin Bieber. (There's a wealth of innuendo to be mined. Write yours on a postcard and send it in!)

>>> The Teddy Award - the world's most renowned gay film award - turns 25 this year.

<<< Shoga - a gay film from Tanzania - has been released to predictable uproar.

||| Paul Haggis - writer and director of Crash - talks about his split from Scientology. He says their support for Proposition 8 ended their relationship.
||| Speaking of Scientology... Nothing Comes Between John Travolta And Hot Man Ass. This is why I love Dlisted.
>>> Meryl Streep is Maragaret Thatcher.
||| Lukas Ridgeston: Still working it, nearly 20 years after his Bel Ami debut.

||| Corbin Fisher's file-sharer amnesty.
||| The 2011 Cybersocket Awards, in pictures.

>>> Rub Addiction Berlin, by Philipp Baben.

>>> Rob Evans is one of GQ's Warriors of Radness, from their Best New Designers in America presentation. More "warriors" here.

<<< Henry Watkins is one of the stars of My Super Hero, a story in Coitus magazine by Matthew Pandolfe.

||| Also working out are the boy's in Joe Oppedisano's Gymnasium. Sizzling:
<<< Remember the homoerotic (homophobic?) Superbowl ads from a couple of weeks ago? Well, George King - the big boy in the sauna ad - is out and proud.
||| Speaking of ads, here's the latest Isaiah Mustafa mini-epic...

>>> Airplane porn.
||| This (below left) is the Singapore ArtScience Museum, and it opens on Thursday, at 1.18 pm, the time chosen by the project's Feng Shui master.

||| Out magazine's 100 Most Eligible Gay Bachelors. As MOC Blog points out, it's "refreshingly diverse". Yummy Jared

||| Speaking of eligible bachelors, über-cutie Sir Toddy English interviewed me for his wonderful blog. His spot is well worth visiting.
||| Our favourite GuysWithiPhones from the past week - enjoy!
||| Remember what was going on this time last year?
No? How about a reminder? Read Issue 48.
||| Help me make next week's copy even better.
or photographer, contact me about being on the cover.
Issue 87: 5-13 February 2011
ka-os|theory is not responsible
for the content of external websites.
© 2011
"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."
Love it.
Like the random "mistakes introverts make" link. Something that I've been thinking about a lot lately. Just finished reading a book "Party of One".
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