Issue 283: Queer history, Alam Wernick, Kris Evans, Jason Vario, Keiynan Lonsdale, Pose, Drag Race, Westworld, and more...

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Yes, children: knowing queer history is mandatory.

On The New York Times' essay by Patrick William Kelly, The End of Safe Gay Sex? "Kelly makes a number of assertions including that no one is using condoms because of developments like PrEP but the pièce de résistance comes in a series of paragraphs that was a shot across the bow of everyone who’s ever ACTed UP... Besides the sex shaming and stigmatizing language the Op-Ed came across as a hodgepodge of some debatable statistics and an inchoate thesis."

Don't miss Peter Staley's brilliant evisceration of Kelly.

AIDS panic should not be a defining queer experience. "I love bareback sex. Many queer men reading this do too. It feels better — more intimate, more erotic, more natural. All the finger wagging from doctors and bowls of free condoms on coffee tables won’t change the fact that many (most) gay men prefer bare sex. All the slut-shaming and moralizing denouncements of our sexual behavior — like Patrick William Kelly’s op-ed in the The New York Times this week — won’t change that fact."

Everything the New York Times got so dangerously wrong about AIDS.

The history, and controversy, behind the Rainbow Pride flag.

Older LGBT people don’t want black or brown stripes added to the rainbow flag.

Pride is still an elitist white gay fantasy.

The black queer films, TV and books that will help you through Pride.

People who treat Pride like St Patrick's Day could ruin it forever. "Instead of people descending onto a city to drink and wear green, they're wearing rainbows. And it's becoming a problem."

Feeling horny and sexy at Pride? We need to talk about chemsex too.

The Advocate's favourite sexy, silly, and sensational Pride 2018 photos.

Human Rights Watch map reveals the state of marriage equality worldwide.

Wait what?
The mystery of the 1957 gay wedding photos.

How Big Dick Energy explains modern masculinity.

Thirty ways white people say "black people" without actually saying "black people".

The legacy of child sexual abuse – and how to survive it.


This is Heather Barron, mother of 10-year-old Anthony Avalos. She - and her boyfriend Kareem Leiva - have been charged with his murder, which happened shortly after he came out as gay.

Bullied trans game developer Chloe Segal dies after setting herself on fire.

Lawyer argues Miami Beach Pride gay bashing couldn’t have been a hate crime - because the attacker’s father is gay.

How a fake “pedophile Pride” poster tried to target Oregon’s LGBT community.

Gay D.C. attorney Daniel Potucek found dead in parked SUV died of an MDMA overdose.

Matthew Shepard's mother "deeply troubled" by the future of Trump's Supreme Court.

Why LGBT equality will be chipped away like Roe v. Wade without a Federal law.

How to stop the LGBT equality backslide. "Amending the constitution is the only way to safeguard our lives."

Pentagon fails to recognise June as Pride Month.

Ohio Republicans propose bill to out trans students to parents.

The safe haven for gay immigrants. “From halfway around the world, guided only by an address in a city he had never heard of, Kaweesi made his way to this simple wooden church to find safe haven. In his homeland, Kaweesi had feared being tortured and killed simply because he was gay.”

Queer Eye's Karamo Brown blasts anti-lgbt adoption laws.

Evil hate monger Milo Yiannopoulos claims death threat was a "joke" (lolz!), hopes shooter is trans.

The United States has had 154 mass shootings so far in 2018.

LGBT activists slam Supreme Court ruling on Trump's Muslim ban.

The appalling judges who could replace Anthony Kennedy.

Anthony Kennedy’s retirement means Trump’s effect lasts longer, so we have to outlast even that.

Two ominous signs of the Trump regime's expanding authoritarianism.

Why is Trump still so popular? He gives his base what they want.

Surprise! The Trump Administration lied about the number of separated children.

Ivanka Trump helps migrant families by giving 50k to anti-LGBT church.

New York City unveils first LGBT memorial and it reflects rainbows.

New York City Pride, in pictures.

Harlem Pride, in pictures.

Twin Cities Pride, in pictures.

Seattle Pride, in pictures.

St. Pete's Pride, in pictures.

St. Louis Pride, in pictures.

Inside the lives of white students at historically black us colleges.

Why are so many of San Francisco's black mothers and babies dying?


Majority of BAME people have faced racism in the LGBT community, new Stonewall report reveals.

Anti-conversion therapy bill gaining ground.

Jo Harvey-Barringer, the former head of failed LGBT domestic violence charity Broken Rainbow, given boardroom ban.

Father and step-mother forced their 11-year-old son to perform sex acts with them to "stop him from becoming gay".

Police hunt man after "homophobic hate crime" at a London Underground station.

London couple who murdered nanny over Boyzone obsession jailed for life. "Judge says there is no excuse for ‘horrible cruelty’ Sabrina Kouider and Ouissem Medouni inflicted on Sophie Lionnet."

Ending prejudice in care. "A new initiative aims to make care homes more inclusive for older LGBT people."

Talking to Akala about race and class in the UK. "There has been a loss of Caribbean identity as we've become very English, but at the same time we generally don't believe we’re English because we're black."

Northern Ireland
Cash machines smashed for showing Pride messages.

Gay men can now apply to receive pardons for historic convictions under now-abolished antisodomy laws.


Gay equality lobby group given legal recognition.

Police finally admit hate caused twenty-seven gay deaths.

Sickening posters proclaim "Happy AIDS Month", warn "Gays Are a Walking Disease".

The penis drawing so big it can be seen from Google Maps.

The great firewall of China: Xi Jinping’s internet shutdown. "Before Xi Jinping, the internet was becoming a more vibrant political space for Chinese citizens. But today the country has the largest and most sophisticated online censorship operation in the world."

How is Cuba's government more LGBT-friendly than America's?

eSwatini (formerly Swaziland)
Country's first Pride just happened and it was a massive success.

Paris rainbow crossing vandalised for the second time in three days.

Hong Kong
As anti-gay sentiment grows, LGBT children’s books are disappearing from shelves.

Grindr launches first HIV test locating service.

Rock with homophobic message thrown through Dublin gay bar window on the eve of Pride.

Rents and house prices are rising in the country's top gay neighbourhoods.

Milan's Porta Venezia underground station gets Pride makeover.

Mexico City Pride, in pictures.

Quezon City gets its first rainbow crossing for Pride month.

Meet Anton Krasovsky, the gay man running for mayor of Moscow.

It’s time to put down the Hemingway and accept that the Running of the Bulls is horrifying.

First "LGBT football stadium" to open in the city of Uppsala.

President Beji Caid Essebsi wants to decriminalise homosexuality. “Among the 230 pages of proposals include scrapping inheritance laws that see women receive only half of what men get. The commission’s preference is to introduce equality between male and female relatives, but leave room for individuals to divide up what they leave behind as they see fit. The proposals also include decriminalising homosexuality and banning anal tests conducted on men suspected of being gay.”


British Museum LGBT exhibition to tour England. "Artefacts related to gay history include 11,000-year-old pebble depicting couple having sex."

Inside Jean-Michel Basquiat’s teen years: "He was hitting on everybody." New documentary Boom for Real: The Late Teenage Years of Jean-Michel Basquiat reveals his early career, from the mob and Xerox machines to being a bad house guest.

Hidden portraits: rare photos of African American life get a spotlight. "At a new exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art studio portraits of anonymous black Americans give a rarely seen view of life at a time of change."


On The Rag, your guide to the gay weeklies.

At Night

Theatre shuts out the working class. I’m devastated to think of the voices silenced. "Middle-class stories about middle-class problems continue to dominate the stage. That needs to change."

Log Cabin. "Rather than shed insight on the nature of love and identity at the intersections of privilege and marginalization in which the play is set, [Jordan] Harrison further tests the incredulity inspired by the phrase 'log cabin' with plot twists that range from absurd to biologically inconceivable."


Actor Daniel Franzese and fiancé Joseph Bradley Phillips call off engagement.

Keiynan Lonsdale claps back at troll who told him to "stop wearing dresses".

Netflix's Alex Strangelove was never erasing bisexuality. "The movie is a 'story of a gay boy fighting off heteronormative ideas that have been forced on him his whole life'."

Get Out's Lakeith Stanfield apologises after rapping about “gay s**t”, and calling his audience “fag.”

Leave No Trace. "A beautiful, heart-rending film about a father and daughter living on the margins."

Ten reasons why Coming To America is the best black movie of all time.

Vertigo is not the last word in misogyny, but a feminist deconstruction of it.

How one typeface took over movie posters.


The ballroom legends who helped Ryan Murphy’s Pose get tens across the board.

The Expanse season finale finds humanity teetering on the brink of annihilation.

Three reasons why The Expanse's third season was its best yet.

The ten biggest questions from the Westworld finale.

Watch how some of Westworld's most gruesome scenes were brought to life.

Moonlight writer Tarell Alvin McCraney’s forthcoming TV series to star Phylicia Rashad and Akili Mcdowell.

Terry Crews slams toxic masculinity during sexual assault testimony. "The actor blamed the Hollywood boys' club for allowing an environment of assault and abuse to fester while testifying for the Sexual Assault Survivors' Bill of Rights."

Queer Eye is indeed great, but has the cast's diversity changed much since the original iteration?

Drag Race is now part of mainstream culture. Is that what we really want?

RuPaul needs to take responsibility for the racism on Drag Race.

RuPaul’s Drag Race finale, recap.

Talking to RuPaul’s Drag Race winner Aquaria.

An ode to Asia O'Hara, who never needed the crown.

Asia O’Hara issues apology after "animal cruelty" in lip-sync finale.

The top ten finale looks in Drag Race herstory.

Who is Segun Akinola? The composer reinventing the Doctor Who theme. "British-Nigerian musician has been tasked with breathing new life into the theme ahead of Jodie Whittaker’s debut. But is it a challenge of galactic proportions?"

Ten is too many, but what is the perfect length for a TV series? "Hulu’s chief has suggested that The Handmaid’s Tale could run for a hefty 10 seasons, a figure that already feels excessive. But how long should a show go on for?"

New Indoor Boys, starring SMASH's Wesley Taylor.

Beats, Rhymes
& Life

Sam Smith splits from actor boyfriend Brandon Flynn.

Gay boyband member Jaymi Hensley bristles at critic of Dubai video shoot.

Bette Midler accused of homophobia after Trump and Putin joke.

Spoken word artist George the Poet strip-searched by police after London gig.

The cult of XXXTentacion: how fans pay tribute to an abusive rapper. "The death of the 20-year-old chart-topper leaves behind a trail of violence but to the network of fans who grieve him, he was a troubled genius."

Joe Jackson was one of the most monstrous fathers in pop. "The failed blues musician’s main talent appeared to be devising innovative ways to make his children’s lives miserable – and he reserved the worst abuse for Michael."

Abba's UK singles – ranked!


Israeli wrestling champ Rixon comes out as gay.

The sprinters taking aim at Linford Christie’s 100m British record. "Reece Prescod, Zharnel Hughes and CJ Ujah lead the race to break 25-year-old record at national trials in Birmingham..."

...But it's Reece Prescod who glided past Zharnel Hughes and CJ Ujah to take first place.


On new gay porn superstar Alam Wernick.

Porn legend François Sagat goes bareback.

Talking to Jason Vario.

Talking to Hoody Lavaye.

Behind the scenes with Max Konnor, Andre Donovan and Devin Franco.

Behind the scenes with Jay Landford, Kurtis Wolfe and Alex Mecum, and more.

Kris Evans and Christian Lundgren do it.


Wagner Vittoria and Andy Onassis do it.

Ryan Bailey and Joey Mills do it.

Pride sailing the N.Y. Harbor on the Luvboat, in pictures.


Is age really just a number? On daddies and boys.

People in open relationships as happy as monogamous couples.

Gay sex is better if you go beyond anal. Have you tried frotting?


How dick size matters to men's health.

Five stories to help get over your fear of HIV tests.

HIV skyrockets among young adults in Fresno.

The HIV Crisis on the Texas-Mexico Border.

How does your body burn fat? "Many of us may be considering 'burning some fat' so we feel better in our bathing suits out on the beach or at the pool. What does that actually mean, though?"

The neuroscience of pain. "Brain imaging is illuminating the neural patterns behind pain’s infinite variety."


How the deluge of electronic waste is turning Thailand into the world's rubbish dump.

Watch the climate change in real time with these trackers.

If you die via asteroid, this is how it will happen.


The week in wildlife, in pictures.

The White Heat
of This Revolution

The companies cleaning the internet, and the dark secrets they don't want you to know.

Ray guns: will they ever be more than cool toys?

Planes, Trains
& Automobiles

Suicides, traffic hell in NYC spur second look at Uber’s growth.

There's a bus driver shortage. And no wonder.

Japan's Hello Kitty bullet train is way too cute.


Intertwined: The Labor Movement and LGBT Rights.

If your employer isn't fighting inequality, make them.

US study: Half of LGBT people stay in the closet at work.

I Own 51% Of
This Company!

SodaStream claps back at homophobic bigot.

Dollar stores are thriving – but are they ripping off poor people? "Plenty of items actually work out pricier than buying from supermarkets – but many don’t have that luxury."


Paris men's fashion week, in pictures.


Finally, the latest with Walter, Blake Mitchell, the Baddie Twinz, and Lateef.

That's all for this week - please like, follow and share!
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Issue 283: 26-30 June 2018
On the cover: Alam Wernick.

Missed the last edition? Get it.

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