
W  H  E  R  E     W  O  R  D  S     F  A  I  L    ,     M  U  S  I  C     S  P  E  A  K  S

Mexican-born filmmaking duo Santiago & Mauricio present this new video for New York’s nouveau soul singer, Merlot. Together, they offer up a moving meeting of song and performance which celebrates queerness and human emotion. Drawing on visual references from what the directors call ‘classic queer iconography’—centred especially around New York’s vibrant LGBTQIA+ communities in the 1970s and 80s, the video is as much a history lesson as a glimpse into the future of queerness. Talking about their collaboration with Merlot on the musician's latest track, the filmmakers explain: “In our minds, Merlot is a modern Grace Jones, merging the masculine and feminine while being simply themselves. Because they are based in New York, we thought creating a ‘classic’ New York vibe would be a perfect fit, with the aim of making this timeliness. This is why we didn’t want to use models—everyone in the film is playing themselves.” Get it.

Bad For You is out now.

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"Where words fail, music speaks."
Hans Christian Andersen, Danish author, 1805-1875.

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KAOS said...

He had me at Merlot.

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