||| ...And a video of how the Ground Zero site will look when it has been rebuilt.
||| The steel tridents salvaged from the collapse of the Twin Towers have returned to Ground Zero.

||| Homophobia and high office: "Throughout history, rumours of homosexuality have been enough to sink the most powerful."

||| "Gay cure" fraudsters Exodus International are denied charitable status in New Zealand - but Canada takes the opposite approach.

||| Gay journalists shift focus to keeping jobs.
||| The "major paradigm shift" on the historiography of Abraham Lincoln's sexuality - and his relationship with Joshua Speed.

||| Model Ronnie Brown (left) had his ear bitten off by a drag queen in a New York bar. He's since lost it again.
||| Poppers manufacturer goes bust, owner commits suicide.
||| Yes, that was New York's hottest ever summer.
||| Why don't African Americans swim?
||| Britain is a "selfish, hedonistic wasteland" and "the geopolitical epicentre of the culture of death", according to a leading Catholic aide. Why? Because of the expansion of gay rights, of course.
||| Gay and lesbian Christians criticise plans to disrupt the Pope's visit: Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement wants critics to 'disagree with respect'.

||| The visit to Soho gay bar LoProfile by Labour leadership hopeful David Miliband (mentioned last week), went ahead. The not-unattractive MP told PinkPaper.com, "It's fashionable to trash the Labour record but this is one area where, why should we? We actually did massively more than we ever conceived that we would. I'm open minded about whether we could do more but let's celebrate what we did do."

||| Brazil is making efforts to help the men who wish to return home.

||| Argentina: Over 100 gay and lesbian couples have married in the 30 days since the country became the first in the region to legalise gay marriage.
||| Jamaica: Not positive on HIV. "A glimpse of the views on homosexuality and HIV from the perspective of the government, the church, and the citizens of Jamaica."
||| South Africa: GBLT foreigners face rabid xenophobia in the aftermath of the World Cup.
||| South African pastor: Jesus was HIV positive.

||| What does the Mr Gay World Philippines contest tell us about being gay in the Philippines?

||| More coverage on the event from France24.
||| India: Gay model grilled in diamond heist.
||| New Zealand: The story of Matt Wright, the "sole staff member in charge of the three level inner-city cruise club and sauna" Menfriends, the night disaster struck.


||| Good news (for me, anyway...): Heavy drinkers outlive non-drinkers.
||| Smoking cannabis "alleviates pain and depression".
||| Coffee is good for the heart, boffins claim.
||| Insomniac men four times more likely to die early. Similarly, teenagers who spend nights online are tripling their chances of developing mental illness.

||| So, can Burger King rediscover its sizzle?
||| China: One in 10 meals cooked using oil dredged from the sewer.
||| Crisps: They're fried in fat and smothered in salt, but still we eat a heart-stopping 6bn packets of them a year. So why do we have an unhealthy obsession with potato crisps?
||| The champagne bottle gets a green makeover.

||| Why the mighty elephant is afraid of ants.

||| Stephen Hawking says universe not created by God.
||| WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE! No, really. This is frightening.

||| And it's doomed.

||| The most anticipated GBLT books of Autumn 2010.
||| Literotic: Gay erotica reviews, with Richard Labonté's Muscle Men and Biker Boys, edited by Christopher Pierce.
||| A full round-up of September's GBLT literary and publishing news.
||| Oxford English Dictionary probably won't be printed again. Blame the internet.

||| Why I love black and white films.

||| The final lines of some of TV's most famous shows.
||| Reality is killing drama: Audiences with short attention spans want instant emotion.

||| Gaying up CBS.

||| ...And his onscreen brother Heshima Thompson (right).

||| Outsports' gallery.
||| MOC Blog is live at the 2010 Blatino Awards.
||| 2010 Blatino Awards, in pictures.

||| Wow... All those picture perfect beauties, and Calvin Klein settles for this?!
||| Argentinian porn star cum mainstream model Dionisio Heiderscheid on a swimwear shoot.
||| READ ka-os|theory, ONE YEAR AGO: 06.09.09
||| READ any back issue of the ka-os|theory news compendium
from the back|issues menu in the sidebar.
||| Contact me with tips and suggestions for next week's copy!
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"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come.
The whole thing's been ridiculous."
© 2010
Very nice, as always. Just how many hours a day do you spend reading news?? :)
Thank you, Mister Noodles.
I have to cram for the exam, thanks to my day job :(
Also, I hope people realise that the magazine cover, "Once There Were Giants", refers not just to the Twin Towers, but also all those who fireman and police who lost their lives on 9/11, and all those military personnel who lost their lives in the war that followed.
They are the giants.
"Transforms? How about diminishes? Or deadens?" I so agree with your comment. Are these people that lonely and controlling they must have kids to guilt, manipulate and loose their own identify?
I love how you invoke the Bothans...lol.
1.) I still don't get gays wanting children. zero for me. They are bad for my complexion.
2.) I actually learned to swim in 9th grade. I'll swim in the pool just not the ocean. I'm scared of sharks and BP oil tankers.
3.) That lion looks like he's enjoying the attack. Must be kinksters.
4.) Stephen Hawking is God.
5.) Facebook is the borg. resistance is futile.
6.) Confession: I have the biggest crush on Adam Benjamin Irby!
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