*CHINA: Shanghai's Gay Triangle; the city recently concluded its first Gay Pride week.

*BULGARIA: The Rainbow Friendship Rally takes place in Sofia today; earlier this month, "the British ambassador to Bulgaria was criticised for his support for the event".
*ITALY: When in Rome...
*US: Black men are the least preferred sexual partners by other races, according to a report by the San Francisco Department of Public Health. Well... No, I'ma leave that one alone.

*US: Anthony Woods, the openly gay Iraq veteran running for congress, talks to The Washington Post. Here he is talking to AMERICAblog:

*US: God Says No, "the first novel by James Hannaham, about a closeted black man trying to navigate the opposing forces of his faith and his desire".
*US: Fear and loathing in the Big Apple.

*US: Only in America. Camp Camp, the summer camp for gay adults.

*UK: Was our beloved Peter T snubbed by Grumpy Gordon?
*UK: The Pink List 2009 - 101 most influential gay and lesbian people in Britain today. First Secretary of State Peter Mandelson is at No.1. The first non-white entry is Gok Wan at No.11; thereafter it's all white until we reach Waheed Ali at No.53, John Amaechi at No.60, and, just when I'd given up hope of seeing another, you know, Ethnic Person, Stephen K Amos is let in at 98. Pitiful.

*Tower Bridge restoration, in pictures.

*Heat wave hell! (Unless you were lucky enough to be in Hyde Park when the Chippendales went for a stroll, below left and right.)

*Check your 20p pieces.
*Britain doesn't know the Bible.
*"I'd love to show Madonna what we have built in Romania", says Duncan Bannatyne, who doesn't subscribe to the view that wealthy Westerners can best help impoverished orphans by spiriting them away from their home, family and culture...

*Irma resigns as Alaska's Top Dominatrix. Now she can go back to her old job as April O'Neil's sidekick at Channel 6. Watch out for Bebop and Rocksteady!
*"Goldman Sachs has engineered every major market manipulation since the Great Depression". In other news, KFC admit they're the ones behind dewindling fish stocks, and someone who isn't foriegn or non-white gets voted out of the Big Brother house.

*And before we get all serious again, how about a picture of top manikin Oraine Barrett naked in a top hat? It's an unused shot from the June spread he did for DOM.
*Treat violence as if it is an infectious disease; crime drops between 41 and 73 per cent.
*"Canadian HIV vaccine ready for human tests".
*WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE! Swine flu: "Reports are starting to emerge of people who sicken and die very quickly of what appears to be viral pneumonia".
*File under Really Bad Ideas: the DIY circumcision using nail clippers. "This is something we would advise men never to attempt," a medic is quoted as saying. Well, obviously it needed saying.
*Does size matter? Not if you're a woman in Tanzania, apparently.
*Is Bicycling Bad for Your Bones?

*In 2000, the Human Genome Project found that all humans are more than 99 per cent alike. But what about the other 1 per cent?
*Photographs from the weird world of bodybuilding.
*Fancy standing in a glass box 103 stories off the ground? No, me neither.

*It's not likely that there would ever have been a naked person on the Horten 2-29. Had it been ready in time, the Nazi stealth plane could have dropped a nuclear bomb on New York City.

*Boeing finds another sign of structural weakness in its new plastic plane.

*Someone's gone and invented something useful.
*And it's not looking good for shrimps, crabs and sea turtles either.

*Incredible shrinking sheep!
*The World's Ugliest Dog.
*This is the most revolting thing you'll see. Ever.

*The British Board of Film Classification relaxes sex guidelines.
*The original ending to Brüno was a "brutal gay bashing played for laughs". Meanwhile, the administrators of Birmingham High School are in hot water for letting Brüno play with the football team.
*Hollywood Announces It's Officially Given Up. On that note, The Independent wonders whatever happened to the great American film director?

*"Reality TV shows are Aesop's fables for modern times", argues Brian Sewell. "In the mirror it holds to our souls we glimpse society as it now really is..."
*God help us: "A new gameshow on Turkish television will pit rabbis, imams, monks and priests against each other in an attempt to convert sworn aetheists to their respective religions".
*Bless you sweetheart - a message from Dolly Parton:

*Everyone has something to say about Michael Jackson, and everyone wants to say something different: "Bleached-out Michael Jackson is no role model for me", says Lindsay Johns in the Evening Standard (a negative piece in the ES? Surely not!)
*Former music industry executive John Niven also takes to the soapbox with his article: Michael Jackson: Bad! And very dangerous.
*Bubbles, however, is alive and living happily ever after:

*Neverland, in pictures.
*Lego Wino.
*You may recall previous episodes in the Spectacular saga - the grinding videos, the $100,000 offered by FlavaMen to pose nude - now, the happy ending. Tipsy In Dis Club is a hit for Pretty Ricky.
*Mollie Sugden, the actress, 21st July 1922 – 1st July 2009.

On the cover: Oraine Barrett by Greg Vaughan.
As always, a wonderful selection of news. You must be permanently wired to AP or something. The sailor that was shot is disturbing.... and worries me... 'cuz the Navy is usually pretty laid back and they (CO's) don't really do witch hunts. It's gonna get worse before it gets better, I feel.
Another bumper crop - you must be exhausted!
One of the weird body builder photos looks like Bet Lynch after an accident with a chip pan!
BTW I've renamed my cat 'Mr Slocombe' in memory of Mollie Sugden.
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