||| What does your hook-up site say about you?
||| The Big Picture: Same sex marriage (24 more pictures). Below left, Rocky Galloway and Reginald Stanley embrace in Washington DC. Below right, a couple in Mexico City.

||| Proposition 8 Decision: An analysis of the ruling by Ari Exra Waldman of the California Western School of Law.
||| Proposition 8 Decision: Judge Vaughn Walker, from zero to hero.
||| Proposition 8 Decision: Ruling a challenge for both parties.

||| Proposition 8 Decision: Towleroad rounds up a selection of videos on the subject...
||| ...Plus photos capturing reactions and celebrations.
||| Proposition 8 Decision: Obama still opposes gay marriage rights.

||| Proposition 8 Decision: It's crucial to understand the data about Prop. 8's victory, David Fleischer writes for the Los Angeles Times, "before launching another attempt to legalize gay marriage."

||| Proposition 8 Decision: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece warns that the human race faces extinction now gays can marry.
||| Is Dr. Maria New trying to prevent homosexuality in the womb?

||| Horrific. The 17-month-old baby boy beaten to death for acting like a little girl. Pedro Jones (right) had been babysitting the toddler.

||| 24-year-old Brad Crelia (left) shares the story behind the new tattoo on his right wrist. Incredibly moving.

||| State of the states: Wyoming, Mississippi the nation's most conservative states. D.C. and Rhode Island most liberal. Interactive map here.

||| Britain, Britain, Britain... The gays in Britain have a somewhat different relationship with the police than their US counterparts. Officers have been stopping cruisers visiting Clapham Common to warn them about an increase in attacks and robberies. "I believe the operation was a success," Sergeant Damon Goodman-Anders says. "Feedback from the males stopped was very positive and they seemed pleased that the police in Wandsworth are not ignoring the problem and are pro-actively trying to target it."

||| A hairdresser tells all to right-wing sleaze rag The Sun about being the first boy recently out X Factor winner Joe McElderry kissed. And didn't make a penny out of it, presumably. Creep.

||| Why every mum should have a gay son.
||| Is "dyke" an offensive word?
||| Remember the hoo-hah over the decision by BBC News to ask, "Should homosexuals face execution?" No? I don't blame you - it happened way back in December 2009. The BBC Trust has finally decided the matter is closed.

||| A video posted on YouTube showing a fox being clubbed to death in London was a hoax - and one I wholeheartedly approve of. Here's why: "We saw after the attack on the twins in east London, which was horrific, how absolutely ridiculous the reporting was," filmmaker Chris Atkins says. "The reporting, including by the BBC, was both irresponsible and misrepresentative."
||| A Government of straight, white, privately educated men. Sean O'Grady finds an absence of diversity in the 119 people now running the country.

||| ...But France's Teddy Francisot took gold in the men's 100 metres - and accepted his medal in just a towel!
||| Cologne Gay Games: The inspiring stories from the Bodybuilding (Physique) competition.

||| Iceland: Reykjavik gay pride, in pictures. The city's mayor, Jon Gnarr, dragged up to open the festivities.

||| Russia: Pride House planned for 2014 Winter Olympics.
||| Turkey: Family feud results in "half house" compromise.
||| Argentina: Gay marriage, in videos and pictures. Just lovely.

||| Haiti: Rapper Wyclef Jean announces he will run for Presidency of Haiti; actor Sean Penn questions his suitability: "I want to see someone who is really, really willing to sacrifice for their country and not just someone who I personally saw with a vulgar entourage of vehicles that demonstrated a wealth in Haiti that – in context, I felt a very obscene demonstration."
||| Chile: Gay marriage bill likely to struggle.

||| Uganda: Anti-gay bill stalls. Left, members of Christian groups campaigning against homosexuality in Kampala.
||| Zimbabwe: 20 Eveline High school girls arrested for lesbian relationships.
||| Sudan: Nineteen young men are publicly flogged for wearing women's clothing and makeup.

||| Iraq: The war against sexual minorities continues.
||| Why does China - the world's second richest country - gobble up more AIDS aid than all of Africa?

||| Sri Lanka: GBLT community accused of "recruiting heterosexuals". That old chestnut again, huh?
||| India: The law decriminalising gay sex has led to a boom in gay lifestyle magazines.
||| Two of those magazine have been launched by India's openly gay prince, Manvendra Singh Gohil.
||| Oh, nasty! Australia stops gay couples marrying overseas.
||| Australia: Every night, hundreds of men hook up inside Sex On Premises Venues. Some are out and proud members of our gay community, while others have a wife and kids at home. Same Same probes the places guys go to get off.

||| Yuk! 5,000 nude bodies carpet the base of Sydney Opera House. There's good naked, and there's bad naked. Still, it's art, I suppose...
||| New female condom is really for gay men. Or bottoms, more accurately.
||| Childhood memories often just figments of our imagination.
||| Animal pictures of the week (30 more pictures). Above, a Pygmy Marmoset in Chile, below, twin baby pandas in China.
||| Amazing pictures of brown bears fishing for spawning salmon in an Alaskan river (17 more pictures).
||| Maybe this bear should have tried getting its dinner the old fashioned way too.
||| Video: Sting-ray gives birth to three offspring. Breathtaking.
||| The Big Picture: Severe flooding in Pakistan (36 more pictures).
||| The Big Picture: Russian wildfires (36 more pictures).

||| What if YouTube and Facebook had been around in the sixties?
||| The 10 most recycled phones.


||| The bridge that moves: High Tide Street, by architecture student James Gardener, is a floating bridge that moves with the tide.
||| These are the sexiest chairs I've ever seen. I can just see Shaun Sutton ensconced in one, wearing nothing but a top hat and tails. They can be found in the London headquarters of fashion brand Net-A-Porter.

||| Do typefaces really matter?
||| 129,864,880. That's how many books Google thinks are in the world.
||| Chinese Male Homosexualities: Memba, Tongzhi and Golden Boy, review. ||| Been trapped in a nonversation lately? Or dirtied your new trainers in the quackmire? Perhaps you're a vidiot...

||| Larry Kramer skewers Barbra Streisand.
||| Twenty films that make men cry.
||| I Love You Phillip Morris, DVD review.
||| Brotherhood, review.
||| Spring Fever, review.
||| Patrik, Age 1.5, review.
||| In last week's edition, we heard about the poor representation the GBLT community gets on British television. GLAAD has released its 2009-2010 Network Responsibility Index, showing things aren't much better across the Atlantic.

||| EastEnders: How apt that Phil Mitchell's descent into crack cocaine hell comes as David Cameron's ConDem government drags Britain back to the 1980s. EastEnders was born during the last Tory government (whose policies can best be described as Robin Hood in reverse).
||| Sky1 has pulled out of plans to remake dystopic 80s SF drama Blake's 7.

||| Ice cream, anyone?

||| The most frightening Justin Bieber parody you're likely to see. Be afraid.
||| Proposition 8 Decision: Porn stars react. As The Sword points out, "Who cares what the HRC says?"

||| These Banana Republic trousers (right), on the other hand, don't allow for any misunderstanding. Is that a Herringboner or are you just pleased to see me...?

||| Morrisons - the British supermarket - has decided that offal (kidney, liver et cetera) isn't meat.
||| What happens when someone puts a brick in a washing machine?

||| Plastic boy slut gets a facial, and makes sure to cover his eyes. You know it stings, gurl!
||| Ugo Monye covers gay lifestyle magazine Attitude's new fitness supplement.
||| And finally, these tits can't be real, can they? They can't be. Can they? No. Maybe. But surely...
||| READ ka-os|theory, ONE YEAR AGO: 09.08.09
||| READ any back issue of the ka-os|theory news compendium from the back|issues menu in the sidebar.
||| Contact me with tips and suggestions for next week's copy!
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"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come.
The whole thing's been ridiculous."
© 2010
LOVE the new format of categories.
The brick-in-the-washing-machine: Priceless!
Thank you Cup! I've always used category titles to build the article, but I used to delete them before publishing...
Another comprehensive post this week
Love it
I love the movie I Love You Phillip Morris -its a must watch
Thank you Corve!
I've yet to see the movie, but I've only heard good things about it :)
The murder of the 'effeminate' baby was just appalling, & the boy who did it must have had something dreadfully wrong with him, tho the hatred of effeminacy in boys/men is startling in its intensity (not least among gay men), so he seems, sadly, to just be the outer limit of a common mentality, which is perhaps why it seems particularly hurtful.
I found the gay marriage photos touching, jaded & single tho I am. I guess there'll always be a part of me that fears letting the state so fully into your life: that somehow it'll be a trap later on, when we end up with a BNP/Sharia government: I always think of the Weimar Republic & Hitler getting voted in... But in the meantime it's a joy to see gay men & lesbians throwing off the mental(& legal)shackles of second-classness.
I thought the most interesting story was the Uganda link, where there's a piece about two Ugandan journalists (straight men) who bravely decided to test public attitudes by posing as a gay couple in a restaurant in Kampala. They didn't say how they 'posed as gay' but mentioned some dirty looks, general brief noticing & indifference from fellow diners, & no psychotic homophobic response whatsoever. In other words, sadly but also hearteningly in terms of heterosexual Africans' view of the gay folks, the real crazy hysteria has been whipped up by psycho preachers, backed by psycho US Christian money - & abetted by bad rulers keen to distract the populace from the real problems. Perhaps that's inevitably true, but a lot of the time the news one hears from Africa on gay issues is so extreme it's as if no straight folks there were reasonable, when of course lots of them are. And even courageous about it, as were those two journalists. So I liked that story a lot.
1.) Isaiah's son is so hot...His arms are much too HAIRY though. Oh my god I am such a stickler for detail.
2.) I used to use Adam4Adam and BGClive...my biggest mistake was that guys meant to be hook ups became boyfriends and that is not cute, ever. Never use hook up sites for boyfriends. This is a public service announcement.
3.) 7 BILLION people on the planet and MLK's niece is worried about extinction...Ho have a seat.
4.)I really need to renew my Psychology today subscription! I love that magazine.
5.) Ooh who is that big tatooed hunk factory hugged up on that old queen?
6.) Haha I love the moms and gay sons. My mom jokingly told me, "Before I had you I wanted a daughter...Well I got half of one." LOL! Yes, the world needs more gay babies.
7.)Oh god I love Simon Adebisi. Growing up I used to watch OZ and dream about going to jail...until my health teacher showed use SCARED STRAIGHT in 10th grade.
8.)I've never been a fan of ass bags. Plus I like putting condoms on my dude...
9.) I love the animals feature!!!
10.) Shame on Larry Kramer. You don't go in on Babs! No! Just...No!
and a boop boop boop that's all folks!
I thought that about the son's arms too, particularly given the angle of the shot. YUK! And I don't think he's cute at all, anyway.
SIGH... Simon Adebisi. You and me both, Toddy. Remember when he stripped JD Williams naked and had him face down in their cell. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Just when I think I heard all the news there is for any particular week, you show me that I am DEAD wrong! THANKS FOR DOING THIS...SERIOUSLY THANK YOU!
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