where do we go from here...


• Help make history with the first ever Brazilian gay series. caRIOcas needs your help. See a trailer - and a picture gallery - here.

• Buffalo Bills wide receiver Terrell Owens
at New York Fashion Week. As Ultimate Kaos once sang, Anything you want... Rod 2.0 has a few different shots from this.

• Drag queens, art fags and gay-listers: a
guide to gay men.

• Director Lee Daniels
talks about being openly gay in Hollywood. "Daniels is raising two of his brother's children with his ex-partner. Daniels' brother, the biological father, abandoned the children and does not approve of Daniels' raising them. The director explains: 'My brother hates it that it is me who's raising his kids. He's mortified by the fact that I'm gay.'"

• South Africa
wins the Mr. Gay World competition. Less said about that the better... ka-os|theory favourite Bryan Adu (pictured to the right of the winner, left) was the runner-up.

• There's a bit of a hoo-ha over a jerk-off
video he made.
John Amaechi: sporting world must help gay athletes to come out.

• College lacrosse captain
comes out as gay.

• Scott Herman, of Real World: Brooklyn, is lensed for

• There's a new gay TV series
coming our way, based on Germany's Christian & Olli (left), and HBO is involved.

• A real-life Will & Grace
reality show. Please Goddess, no...

Patrick Strudwick exposed the tricks of ex-gay therapy. Now he's really going after them.

• Catholic Charities
end city adoption contract with Washington D.C.; refuse to place children with gay couples.

• Transgender teen Alex Roberson
talks about life in school.

• Ewan McGregor
shuts down casual homophobia on Good Morning America during an interview about the McGregor-Jim Carrey kiss.

Is there a place for gay people in conservatism and conservative politics?

• Oh dear - homophobic Jamaican reggae singer Cappleton
won't be appearing at this weekend's Ragga Muffins Festival. Gay hate = lost $$$.

Suspended conductor who pushed subway rider wins battle against NYC Transit to avoid firing.

• Americans the
most attractive people in the world. Well, if cold, hard and artificial works for you...

• Tiger Woods says sorry to the world for sticking his thing in pootang that wasn't wifey's. Oh, and there's some poor people going through hell in Haiti. Huh? That was last week's news?

Penis tree.

• Male figure skating + Australian media commentary. Gee - what do you think the
outcome will be?

• And elsewhere in the wonderful land of Oz... The Fire Brigade's
bizarre initiation rituals including sexual abuse and humiliation.

Actors paid to act gay on Sydney Mardi Gras float. Says it all about what gay pride parades are really about now.

• Paris
• Gay Russian couple, Yuri and Sasha, attempt to register their marriage in Siberia.

• l’Université de Grenade
cancels show by Spanish photographer Fernando Bayona following death threats over his re-imagining of the last supper.

• Latin America LGBT community demands equality and an end to homophobic violence on Valentine's Day. Blabbeando reports on events in Peru, Argentina, Chile and Mexico.

• Xiao Dai - the Chinese entrant in Mr Gay World 2010 - is
worried what fate awaits him when he returns to China.

• Uganda: Pastor Martin Ssempa showed gay porn in church.
Arrest him, lock him up, and throw away the key. Simples.

• African gay rights group Behind the Mask
labelled the screening - mentioned here last week - twisted.

• Uganda:
"I would kill a gay son," says MP.

• Uganda: Kill-Everyone law,
a video tour.

• Uganda:
Kill gay scouts!

• Uganda: Police block a demonstration supporting the anti-gay bill.

• Uganda:
In a time of constant calamity and crisis fatigue, who will stand against Uganda's brutal anti-gay law?

• Uganda: More than 100 LGBT Ugandans
gathered in Kampala on Valentine's Day to talk about the anti-gay legislation that threatens all of them. Left, activist Abdallah Wambere, right, an unnamed activist.

• Malawi: Prosecutors have concluded their case against gay couple Tiwonge Chimbalanga and Steven Monjeza

• Malawi: More arrests as police
intensify gay witch-hunt.

• Stephen Gately: The Press Complaints Commission has decided that whilst aspects of Jan Moir's Daily Mail piece were "extremely distasteful", it was "an essential point of principle that papers could print views which might offend readers".

• And Peter Tatchell
ain't happy about it: Toothless, unprincipled PCC should be disbanded, he says.

• Stonewall chip in too: It is hard to recommend anyone from a minority community to complain to the PCC.

• Convicted of consensual sex with another man 50 years ago: why it
still matters.

• Why homophobia affects how teenage boys treat girls.

• "Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man." Elton John
says something that provokes a reaction. Next week: Barack Obama is a communist lesbian with a bestialty fetish.

• Religious people more likely
to be racist.

• Bad boy snowboarder Kazuhiro Kokubo in baggy pants

• Reader's Digest UK
collapses into administration.

• The perils of inbreeding: remember
this? PETA asks why people are breeding dogs when 3 to 4 million dogs and cats are put to death every year in the US.

• Aw bless! Video of Marvin from JLS as a young 'un, doing his best Michael Jackson.

• Shame... Homophobic jerk-off has-been Usherette
gets in touch with his inner fag. Sling your hook love - we only cared when you were jailbait. Besides, Trey Songz took your tiara.

• MOC Blog spends
45 minutes with Bruce La Bruce.

• There's an amazing new Doctor Who

• "My exact words were: 'I'd like to overthrow the government.' I was a young firebrand and I wanted to answer honestly. I was very angry about the social injustice in Britain under Thatcher and I’m delighted that came into the show." Doctor Who's script editor during the latter part of the 1980s speaks out.

• The BBC's Newsnight has a
video report on this.

• This week's Gays of Our Lives: the latest clips, news and spoilers in the world of soaps and dramas featuring your favorite (and not so favorite) gay characters. Right, Greek.

• What sitcom of yesteryear would you bring back?

• The
definitive collection of pictures featuring Bea Arthur, mountains and pizza.

• OMG! Francois Sagat in a film - WITH A WOMAN!

OceanScope by Korean designers AnL Studio.

MD.net Clinic Akasaka by Japanese designers Nendo.

• Vivienne Westwood's
new underwear and accessories campaign, "Leonard Peltier is Innocent".

• Bobby Roache dives into Gucci swimwear. Wonder if he's got room for another in there...?

• Lastly, more of those new Calvin Klein underwear models...

Issue 49 of The Week According To Garçon Stupide
covers the period 13-19th February 2010.

ka-os|theory is not responsible for the content of external websites.

© 2010


"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come.
The whole thing's been ridiculous."


Mike said...

Thank you for taking down white boy week! :)

Kokubo with his dreadlocked hair extensions and baggy pants is so HOT!!!

My list of countries with the most attractive people: 1) Rome, Italy (only Rome) - both male and female are so stylish and hot there; 2) Egypt - males only, and 3) India - males only. What can I say, I them light dark and skinny.

Honestly - GS - it amazes me that you summarize every week. Thank you.

KAOS said...

Mike, that's an intriguing list... lol

Every country has something to offer, I guess...

Unknown said...

Will and Grace reality show? NO!

Tiger? Get off the man already America!

LOVE The CK vid!

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