THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS is a new weekly feature inspired by one of my favourite blogs, the truly wonderful PORNCAKE. Just think of it as a virtual scrapbook, an orgiastic feast for the eyes: a pixelated mash-up!

From top to bottom: 1. Aarin Driver, Rico and Cruz perform in a PapiThugz scene, 2. The Boy From Space (1971), 3. The steepest streets in San Francisco, 4. Brazilian volleyball player Samuel Fuchs, 5. London Underground poster, 6. Unknown, 7. Lego by Garçon Stupide (2007), 8. My friend and drinking buddy Malachi - ain't he handsome?, 9. My New York sugar daddy's dogs, by Garçon Stupide (1999), 10. Bel Ami models, 11. Doctor Who - Destiny of the Daleks, original novel artwork (1992), 12. Annenberg School 1970s-1980s.

Title quote: "Better than you could possibly imagine!" Dialogue, Doctor Who - Destiny of the Daleks (1979)


Anonymous said...

why do u tease so much

Curious said...

For some strange reason I want to be a Bel Ami Model.

Cogent Ascending said...

My favorite is the one of the lego pirates.

KAOS said...

Aw fanx Cogent!! I sold all my pirate Lego on eBay, and it went all over the world. Bless...

Unknown said...

I like this...

CAMERA obsessed MICHAEL said...

Love the new "Through the Looking Glass" and crazy!

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