whatever gets you through the day...


• Yes, Wednesday saw the 4th Annual National Underwear Day in Brasília. Brazilians. In underwear. The world is an amazing place... Made in Brazil has exclusive pictures, and video.

• And following the news that 27-year-old Brazilian Augusto Pereira de Souza has been granted legal asylum in the United States on the grounds of persecution in his homeland due to his sexuality, Made in Brazil wonders, Since when is Brazil the new Iran?

Black celebrities on the down low... Will Smith blah blah blah Eddie Murphy et cetera...

• Gays
better than homosexuals.

• Saturday
marked the second anniversary of the Lawrence King murder. The eighth-grader was shot and killed by a classmate because of his perceived sexual orientation.

Some day we'll ask: Why was there such intolerance of gays?

CBS Reports: The Homosexuals.

• There's a
gay stock car announcer. No, I don't know what that is, but he's gay, so that's nice.

• The 2010 Winter Olympic Games
Pride House.

Westboro Baptist Church to picket Alexander McQueen's funeral. Of course they are. It just wouldn't be a party without 'em.

• Gay, male cheerleader
faces discrimination. He wants to wave his pom-poms.

The gayest photo from the Super Bowl. In more ways than one.

• Two boys, an old professor, and
a toothbrush.

• History lesson: Photographs of gay leather bikers from the sixties and early seventies.

Was the black church's silence "complicit" in spreading HIV?

• NYC wants its own special brand of condoms. And you (yes, you) can vote on the finalists. My favourite is right.

• You're allowed now: Taylor Lautner (that apetising cross between Brent Everett and Tom Cruise)
is 18! Form an orderly queue, now...

• Acockalypse Now!

• The Labour party release an advert exposing Conservative leader David Cameron's attempt to cover up his voting record on gay rights.

• Pathetic:
Not one professional footballer has agreed to be part of an anti-homophobia campaign, fearful for their image.

Gay players: the truth football won't face.

Can gay footballers ever come out? Left, Justin Fashanu, the last professional footballer to come out.

• Towleroad has the
anti-homophobia video produced by the Football Association that we heard about last week.

Last week we also heard about Vodaphone UK's Twitter faux pas. The jerk-off responsible has been suspended - but as this article ponders, why hasn't he been sacked?

• UK's only gay book store, Gay's The Word,
faces closure - again.

• WHSmith
drops Attitude magazine from its stores.

profiles Guy Lowe-Barrow, a gay chef in the Royal Logistics Corp. of the British Army.

Worried About The Boy: BBC
green lights drama chronicling Boy George's "journey to become a star of the 1980s fashion and music scene". The film will be the third in BBC2's 1980s trilogy.

Reclaiming empire's great gay heroes: If sexual repression fuelled British expansionism, isn't it time we saluted the role and sacrifice of our homosexual adventurers?

• Homosexuality in Sudan;

• Kenyan police
break up gay wedding, arrest wedding guests.

• Malawi authorities tell anonymous gay activists to "come out in the open". (So they can be arrested and locked up, yeah?)

• Gay Valentine
cards for newly decriminalised Indians.

• Chinese man
defies Beijing to take part in Norway Mr. Gay World pageant.

The boys of Shinjuku: Is Tokyo's gay district doomed? Fascinating...

• Moscow gay pride parade organisers take their fight
to the European Court of Human Rights.

• European Parliament
reaffirms gay rights equality a condition of European Union membership.

• Paris Foot Gay - the French football club challenging homophobia in sport -
addressed league clubs at the 1st Congress of Football Fans earlier this month.

• "Gayn****rs from Outer Space tells the story of a group of intergalactic homosexual black men from the planet “Anus” who discover the presence of female creatures on planet Earth. Using guns which shoot deadly rays, they proceed to eliminate females one by one from Earth." WHAT? Seriously, what? My head is spinning. As FilmDrunk
says, "Wow. This was a real movie."

• OMG! Cristiano Ronaldo's silky smooth, nekkid armpits.

• Haiti: What I saved when the quake struck (27 pictures).

• "Nelson Mandela is in the same category to me as Osama bin Laden is to America and Britain. The guy is a black Osama bin Laden.When your kids leave school now they can't get jobs because they go to the blacks... There's no ethics in the black community. It's every guy for himself." The
voice of white South Africa on the 20th anniversary of Mandela's release. Now, just imagine it being said with a South African accent if you really want to make yourself be sick.

• Shanghai's older residents
turn to ketamine and cocaine for all-night mahjong sessions.

• World Press Photo Awards 2010, left and right (19 pictures).

• The collapse of 1 & 2 World Trade Center: Never before seen

• Fred Morrison, inventor of the Frisbee, is dead.

• Religion and science not mutually exclusive, Church of England

• Church of England
extends pension rights to the partners of gay clergy.

• Anyone for

Scientists reveal origin of HIV transmission among men.

What is your STD prevention mobster name?

• Forget trying to live a healthy life: how long you live is probably down to DNA.

• The Big Picture: Dogs and sleds
(30 pictures).

• The bear that walks like a man...

• Is Vaseline bad for the planet?

• Musicblogocide 2010: Blogger
massacres 6 of the biggest music blogs.

• Google Buzz: what you
need to know.

It does what it says on the tin... Well MTV stopped being about music years ago, and it's finally admitted it.

• More unretouched photos of grandma Vadge
emerge. Dlisted says: "Vadge looks like your drunk stepmom after coming back from a costume party where she dressed as a bordello version of Donnie Darko. Vadge is impatiently waiting for you to get her a cup of Alka-Seltzer on the rocks with a splash of gin."

• Stand by for a Sugababes announcement! Popjustice have 2182 possible announcements, which made me chuckle.

• A Valentine's Day-themed, 68 love song-strong
Spotify playlist.

• Transport for London refuses to display the new Massive Attack album artwork in advertising space,
allegedly because it looks too much like graffiti.

• Detroit techno legend Carl Craig
scores Andy Warhol film.

Excellent new compilation series alert, via Popjustice.

EastEnders 25th anniversary group photos
(9 pictures).

• This week's
Gays of Our Lives: the latest clips, news and spoilers in the world of soaps and dramas featuring your favorite (and not so favorite) gay characters. Right, UK drama Shameless.

• Hardcore, a
play by Jonathan Hall, delves into the reasons behind porn models committing the most intimate acts on film.

• The UK's Department of Children, Schools and Families
named a children's website after an all-male fetish porn site - which ranked higher on search engines. Oops!

• The Internet and porn: "The very technology that helped bring the business into the 21st Century
is also killing it."

• Race Cooper and Angelo Marconi (left)
at the 2010 Cybersocket Web Awards. Unzipped.net has more pictures of our favourite boys (and some we can't stand). While Diesel Washington's breaking in his new boyfriend (right), Brent Everett shows up with his husband and his Mom and Dad (below left). That's so sweet.

Is porn educational? The University of Southern California thinks so. Below right, Reese Rideout on a panel featuring industry professionals on Tuesday.

• Shoot: The Education and Evolution of a Pornographer: "Gay porn, in fact, was so goddamn simple that is approached a type of Zen beauty. I mean, this was guys taking on guys... for the most part in good humor and absentminded lust. They may have stuck to the roles of 'tops' and 'bottoms,' but in the dressing room, we all seemed equals. Everyone laughed at me for being a straight guy shooting gay porn... But we all laughed about it. We all seemed like friends. The sadness and degradation I had come to associate with my job, with videotaped sex for money, was suddenly absent. I'm saddened to think that the only path to the absence of hostility and anger in porn is to remove women from the equation." Fascinating - the full article is here.

• The Big Picture: Dance around the world (35 pictures). Left, Christian Emanuel Amuchastegui from Argentina performs at the international young dancers competition Prix de Lausanne in Switzerland.

• A lamp with
things in it.

• And finally, the man your man could smell like...

Issue 48 of The Week According To Garçon Stupide
covers the period 06-12th February 2010.

ka-os|theory is not responsible for the content of external websites.

© 2010

"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come.
The whole thing's been ridiculous."


Anonymous said...

I look forward to your reviews each week.

Ronoldo's video was not impressive...now I understand how much tensing he was doing..and editing that went on with it.

Eric Arvin said...

The bear video is so strange and beautiful.

Toddy English said...

Oh my god Taylor Lautner! Eeek! I just gorgeous guy spotlighted him for his Birthday...finally legal! yes!

Unknown said...

I LOVE the commercial @ the end...as always GREAT stuff!

Theology Now said...

The Westboro media whores don't seem to realise that they have become a parody of themselves — the demented inbreds couldn't do anything to shock any more

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