• Mark Carter - a former Mr Gay UK - has been arrested for an alleged 'serious sex offence'. Carter (left and right) is a serving police officer.

Homophobia in football, and the high profile players who won't come out.

• On the other hand... Rugby star Gareth Thomas
comes out.

• John Amaechi: Thomas can expect hard time after gay revelation.

• Vile diminishing of Boy George's crime: It is right that the singer lost his Big Brother case. Double standards have led his attack on a male escort to be trivialised.

• Equality legislation a threat to the right to practice religion. Apparently.

• Queerty asks:
Eminem just agreed not to perform anti-gay songs, and we're embracing him. Why not Buju Banton?

Westboro Baptist Church vs Lady Gaga.

• Ban bareback: California's AIDS Healthcare Foundation will petition for an amendment to state law that would require all porn models
to use condoms. Why hasn't anyone thought of this before? (Answer: money.)

• Canadian MP
inundated with support after gay Christmas card controversy.

• The summer camp for LGBT kids, where your bunkmate won't call you a fag.

The Opposite of Fabulous: On my one night out in "gay Dubai," I felt nothing but lethargy and fear.

• Australian forced his 14-year-old son into
sex with a hooker - because he thought the boy might be gay.

First government-backed gay bar opens in China.

• But China is
shutting down gay websites.

• Mexico City votes overwhelmingly to
legalise gay marriage.

• The Hottest Brazilian of 2009 is
... WTF? Are they serious? Still, ka-os|theory favourites Carlos Freire (left) and Renato Ferreira (right) came second and third, respectively.

Children of God - a new film about widespread homophobia
in the Bahamas.

• Uganda: Anti-gay picketers
demonstrate in capital.

• Uganda:
Will the United States welcome gay Ugandan refugees if 'Kill The Gays' becomes law?

• Uganda: an
account of a gay wedding in Uganda.

• Uganda:
Main opposition party comes out against anti-homosexuality act.

• Uganda: Australia belatedly
condemns the bill.

• Rwanda Minister of Justice Tharcisse Karugarama: "The government I serve and speak for on certain issues cannot and will not in any way criminalize homosexuality; sexual orientation is a private matter and each individual has his or her own orientation - this is not a State matter at all."

• Ghana court
fines alleged male prostitute, 20-year-old Christian Boateng (left).

• New York the least happy place in America.

• Obama a write-off already?
Clinton for 2016?

• And as well as disappointing the gays, he's also
letting down African-Americans too.

• Sarah Palin the
biggest liar of 2009.

• Shame...
Toys R Us manager stole £3.7m to fund drugs and prostitutes lifestyle.

• Here's a problem I frequently had as a boy:

• Unseen, inactive reserves of Lego!

• Borders closes all of its UK stores
on Christmas Eve, following its collapse into administration last month.

Borders bookshop's final day has a forlorn feel.

• Teenage killings in UK drop 30 percent in one year; most of the 51 victims around the country were white males. In London, almost all of them were black males. Right, Salum Kombo, the most recent victim.

• The re-imagining of the Routemaster moves a step closer with the announcement of the manufacturer.


Technology predictions for 2010

• Innéov Fermeté: the one-a-day anti-ageing pill that
cuts wrinkles and makes skin look younger. They say.

• The last tiger in China has been eaten.

• They're gonna send a
monkey to Mars.

• The
biggest dog in the world.

• Thought polar bears were cute? Animals eating each other
(29 pictures).

teetering on the brink.

• Popjustice
on the new Chipmunk single.

• "This has been a very good decade of cinema: would that we had the chance to see a fraction of it."
Film: review of the decade.

• I am the Master: John Simm
talks to the Telegraph.

Doctor Who: The End of Time, reviews
here, here, here and here.

• Russell T Davies (Queer As Folk, Doctor Who)
predicts the Conservatives will destroy the BBC.

• Arnold Stang, best known as the voice of Top Cat, died on Sunday. He was 91.

• Alaina Reed Hall, Sesame Street's Olivia,
has died. She was 63.

• The
10 Best Butts on the Butt Blog 2009.

really, really old stuff from magazines that no longer exist and porn stars long gone.

• Choose your own adventure: the
next frontier in porn.

• Or how about
"a bold experiment in human depravity"? "It took us nearly two years to collect a gallon of human sperm."

50 of the best jokes of the noughties.

• Technology predictions for 2010.

Pictures of the year 2009: disasters - earthquake, flood, fire, tsunami and plane crashes.

• And lastly, a word from Timaya...

Issue 41 of World Outside My Window (The Week According To Garçon Stupide) refers to the week 19th-25th December 2009.

"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."


Eduardo Guize said...

once again, great job! I can't comment on everything you mention so I'll just say Viva Mexico and keep that dog away from me!

KAOS said...

I'd advise you to worry more about the polar bear, Eduardo!

Eric Arvin said...

That is one big damn dog! I LOVE IT!!

KAOS said...

He's absolutely beautiful, isn't he? :)

Anonymous said...

I love the Timaya video this week. I cannot support someone staying with a partner who makes them suffer in anyway (self esteem etc).
Move on with your life if these signs pop up. S/he may not be into you.

Trojan Gordon said...

the last word from Timaya was brilliant, loved it. Happy holidays (as the Americans say) and another great roundup on gay news!

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