And they die an equal death - the idler and the man of mighty deeds

Remembering those we lost in 2009: some well known, some less so, and all of them important.

Firstly, the brothers who were taken this year, all of them young, and mostly murdered in hate crimes. These are the faces who made headlines, but spare a thought for the countless young gay men tortured and executed under homophobic regimes across the globe: Iran, Jamaica and any number of African countries.

2009 was quite the year for celebrity deaths. Although many led full lives and passed away in their latter years. Many were snatched away tragically young...

Also lost in 2009: Bob May (the Robot in Lost In Space), Tony Hart (children's TV presenter), Jade Goody (the Big Brother star), Mickey Carroll (one of the original Munchkins in The Wizard of Oz), Farrah Fawcett, Patrick Swayze, Barry Letts (the Doctor Who director, producer & writer), Maggie Jones (the Coronation Street actress), and porn stars Dustin Michaels and Daxx Reed.

In 2008, 28 teenage boys were murdered in London. This year, that number more than halved - but the death toll still stands at twelve...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this.

Curious said...

Even in London I would suspect that non-whites are still in the minority and yet from the pictures of those murdered teenage boys they seem to attract a major share of abuse and brutality.

KAOS said...

Curious -

"By 2026 39.1 per cent of London’s population is projected to be from a Black, Asian or minority ethnic group. This compares with 32.5 per cent in 2006 and 29.9 per cent in 2001."

Source: GLA 2007 Round Ethnic Group Population

Unknown said...

Am I a coward for not reading this entry because of the way so many of the persons on the list died?

KAOS said...

TG-K - you're just a sensitive soul.

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