
a news compendium
with a gay bias
issue 103 | December 2011 | FREE

21-year-old Fredric, from California.
See more here.
||| The importance of covering global LGBT news. (Global Post)

||| How rebellion became suburban. "Today our prawn cocktail culture holds up Lady Gaga as the cutting edge," Patrick Strudwick writes.

||| It's time to drop the word "homosexual". "Words can hurt. The way we report on gay people has to move on from the distanced medical language of the bad old days."

||| More: "The word 'homosexual'. When those who despise us wish to denigrate us and get away with it, they never say gay. For it is our word." (GayTimes)

||| 2011's 21 Notable Comings Out... (The Advocate)

...It's The Advocate's list, not mine. What makes them "notable"? They are all famous, which is of course a big deal to The Advocate. (The Sword)

||| Why "refusenik civil servant" is Word of the Year.


<<< The plight of Chicago's homeless gay youth...

...And meet street survivor Mia Tu Mutch, right, who has toured the US to raise awareness of homophobic policies on college campuses...

...And the three people - including the mother of a gay teen who committed suicide - who are working to keep gay youth safe.

<<< Young, gay and homeless. Jeremiah Beaverly (second from left): "The day after my 18th birthday this year, my adopted parent kicked me out."

||| Watch A Day In Our Shoes, a new video examining the rising rate of homelessness among New York's GBLT youth:

<<< A mother and son stand up to bullying. 14-year-old Zach Huston was the subject of a beating, caught on video that went viral online.

||| Meet Kevin Epling, the father of a gay teen who committed suicide campaigning for a school anti-bullying bill.

>>> No charges over the bullying of 14-year-old gay teen Jamey Rodemeyer, who committed suicide in September. More.

<<< In October last year, 14-year-old Jamarcus Bell committed suicide after a campaign of racial and homophobic bullying. His mother has filed a lawsuit alleging the school did nothing to stop the harassment.

||| Larry King murder: Brandon McInerney gets 21 years in plea deal.

||| 116 transgender people murdered globally in the first nine months of 2011.

>>> Megan Phelps-Roper of Westboro Baptist Church: An heir to hate.

||| Secret conference held to save "ex-gay" group Exodus International from ruin.

<<< In Benetton's world, gay sex solves everything, FOX News complains of Benetton's Unhate campaign. And the problem with that is...?

||| Those pictures, in case you missed them. Here's the video for the campaign:

>>> Teacher's gay porn past "no big deal," say students. (The Advocate)

||| He's not the only porn star with a day job to be outed. Jake Cruise has also been busted.

||| Teaching and learning about gay history and issues: A collection of New York Times and Learning Network materials that includes lesson plans, Student Opinion questions and other teaching materials, along with Times multimedia and feature articles, including historical articles published since 1980.

<<< In San Francisco, marchers have commemorated Harvey Milk, 33 years on from his death.

||| WikiLeaks suspect Bradley Manning to have hearing next month.

||| Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell "a non-event", Marine Gen. James F. Amos - who famously opposed the lifting of the ban - has acknowledged. Marines have embraced the change, he now says.

>>> Gay soldier Army Capt. Stephen Hill speaks publicly about getting booed during GOP presidential debate.

<<< Meet Chris Dyer, the 18-year-old politico responsible for the petition to end same-sex marriage prohibition in the state of Nebraska.

||| Michele Bachmann: Gay marriage is merely a "sex practice".

>>> The repeal of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act is key to the fight for benefits equality.

||| Gay couples face stark immigration options in the United States under the Defense of Marriage Act.

||| Ex-Gay leader plays victim card — as do others on Right. (The Advocate)

<<< Why courts are refusing to help gays in abusive relationships.

||| Ah, the law. It's an ass. Example: in Vancouver, a 56-year-old man met a youth on Grindr, who told him he was 17. After three (consensual) sex hook-ups, the boy admitted he was 15. The 56-year-old must now spend 20 years on a sex offenders list. How this really sucks is in the fact that Canada raised the age of consent to 16 from 14 in 2009. Bummer.

||| Speaking of bummers, the state of Kansas still has laws prohibiting "sodomy" between consenting same-sex partners. GBLT activists are seeking to have the laws struck from the statute books.

>>> Did a United Airlines staff member call this gay couple "faggots"?

||| In Seattle, Danny Vega, a 58-year-old hairdresser, has been beaten to death by three teenagers in what his family has described as a hate crime.

<<< Jamiel Terry, out gay adopted son of anti-abortion activist Randall Terry, has been killed in a car accident.

||| Is fighting for gay rights unreasonable behaviour?

||| Wanted: Orthodox Rabbis to sign anti-gay declaration.

||| Atheists launch campaign to get unbelievers to "come out".

>>> Being black, gay - and an atheist.

||| Americans seem not just more religious, but more drawn to reactionary religion than ever before. That is, until you start to dig into the actual facts. If you poll actual Americans, you'll find that the trend is not towards more religiosity, but towards less. Much less, in fact. (Reuters)

<<< The Salem church that welcomes everyone: including the GBLT community.

>>> This is William I. Campbell and John V. Hilton. They met in the 1950's and have been together for 7 decades.

||| Home of gay rights activist Dr. Franklin E. Kameny added to National Register of Historic Places.

<<< High Line co-founder Robert Hammond on the Park's "gayness" and his nostalgia for a grittier NYC.

>>> New York City's biggest gay club to open in Hell's Kitchen.

||| The Pavilion dance club, a hedonistic playground in Fire Island Pines, burned down in November, stirring memories in gay communities in New York City and beyond. (New York Times)

||| CANADA: A gay immigrant who fled persecution in Iran has had his throat slashed at a Toronto college.

||| CANADA: The murder that changed us. Aaron Webster, 10 years later.

>>> CANADA: Meet Michelle DuBarry, Toronto's oldest drag queen, who's celebrating her 80th birthday.

<<< CANADA: Montreal's historic Le 456 Sauna closes after 33 years.


>>> Evangelical pastor - and homophobe - Agu Irukwu is Britain's most influential black person, apparently.

||| Asylum seekers speak of racism on London's gay scene. "Mahad, 25, and Yan, 21, are asylum seekers who came to the UK to escape homophobia in their home country. But since they arrived, they have been shocked to experience a different kind of intolerance – racism on the gay scene." (PinkPaper.com)

<<< Roger Crouch - the father who set up anti-gay-bullying campaign after his 15-year-old son Dominic's suicide - is dead. He was 55.

||| The Voice asks two writers with contrasting opinions, "Should we enforce gay rights in Africa?" Answering "no", Christinah Adegasoye says things like "homosexuality is deemed as a westernised concept", and "If everyone were gay, how would we be able to procreate?"

||| The "right" to discriminate? It doesn't exist. "You have the right to be homophobic - but not to put these beliefs into harmful action."

>>> Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe has branded David Cameron "satanic". And there was me thinking I'd never agree with the ancient dictator on anything...

||| Cameron's call to cut aid over gay rights is merely a play to a domestic audience. (Global Post)

<<< But UK International Development secretary Andrew Mitchell says the UK government has never threatened to cut aid to developing countries over gay rights abuse.

||| Peers take on gay church weddings days after they come into force.

||| So, should civil partnership ceremonies be allowed in churches? A poll by The Guardian sees 61.3% of people vote yes.

||| Homophobic crime: unspoken scourge within Britain's prisons. "Investigation lays bare violent abuse and exposes the taboo that reformers have still not addressed." (The Independent)

||| Gay security guard wins compensation after colleagues write "mincer" on his high-vis jacket.

>>> The London borough of Southwark has bucked the trend for library closures, opening a new super-library at a cost of £14m.

<<< NORTHERN IRELAND: Priest abused me four times, man tells trial. Fr James Martin Donaghy denies 26 charges of sex abuse and indecent assault of three males, including another priest. (Belfast Telegraph)

>>> SCOTLAND: 26-year-old David Nairne has been sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering a gay friend. He carried out a "vicious and sustained attack" on Alan Ross, stabbing him 11 times in the face and neck.


<<< RUSSIA: Anti-gay bill nothing short of medieval barbarity. "If St Petersburg gets its way, the state-sanctioned hatred of LGBT people could spread across eastern Europe," Nikolai Alekseev writes in The Guardian.

||| There's an interview with Alekseev - founder of Moscow Gay Pride - here.

||| This legislation essentially prohibits the public discussion of homosexuality. The British press is depressingly silent. (New Statesman)

||| The US expresses concern: "We are deeply concerned by proposed local legislation in Russia that would severely restrict freedoms of expression and assembly for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals, and indeed all Russians."

||| Russia is none too pleased about the American intervention, of course.

||| RUSSIA: Moscow mayor pledges no gay pride parades on his watch.

>>> POLAND: Gay equality campaigners have denounced a court ruling allowing the far-right National Rebirth of Poland (NOP) party to formally register a homophobic symbol as one of its logos.

||| SWITZERLAND: Politician compares gay couples to cocaine.

||| SPAIN: Church won't ask new Conservative government for U-turn on gay marriage equality, says bishop...

...But gay equality and abortion activists still fear a backlash from the centre-right Popular Party (PP).

<<< Following the party's election, TV channel Al Jazeera managed to catch a gay couple kissing outside the PP headquarters in Madrid.

||| SPAIN: Letizia, the Princess of Asturias (an autonomous community of the Kingdom of Spain) has voiced her support for gay marriage.

>>> The Danube is running dry.


<<< BRAZIL: This is Silas Malafaia, a television evangelist, and the self-proclaimed No. 1 enemy of the country's gay equality movement.

||| ARGENTINA: Blabbeando collects together some cool GBLT campaign ads from the country where equality is moving forward.

>>> Harvesting sugarcane in Guatemala.

||| BAHAMAS: Gay men who face discrimination qualify for free legal representation under the newly established Caribbean Social Justice Coalition. (JamaicaObserver)


||| Gay Africans flee persecution. "As Uganda revives anti-gay legislation, gays seek haven in other countries." (Salon.com)

||| GHANA: The brave few making a stand for gay rights.

||| CAMEROON: Amnesty International calls for the release of men jailed for alleged homosexuality.

<<< Talking to Alice Nkom, founder of Cameroon's Association for the Defence of Homosexuals.

>>> ZIMBABWE: The Zimbabwe Mail slams Robert Mugabe's "chief journalist" Robert Mukondiwa for enjoying immunity after being caught enjoying an "act of gay intimacy while at work and also on a trip with the president".

||| ZIMBABWE: Activists have written a letter of complaint to the Constitutional Parliamentary Committee over the rights of minority groups – especially gays and lesbians, which it said were being threatened by Zanu (PF).

||| ZIMBABWE: Police believe there is a nationwide syndicate of women raping men, possibly to use their semen for use in rituals that claim to make people wealthy.

||| Condom brand Durex has unleashed some schoolboy jokes on its Twitter followers, and in mentioning lady bits, they've been declared misogynists. An example: "What do the Mafia and a vagina have in common? One slip of the tongue, and you’re in deep shit." Lovely.

<<< NIGERIA: What the Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Bill means to gay rights... (Africa Review)

...How about a 14 year jail term for same=sex marriage?

||| More on the passage of the bill from CNN.

>>> Chude Jideonwo: I am ashamed to be Nigerian.

||| UGANDA: The retired Catholic Archbishop of Kampala, Cardinal Emmanuel Wamala, has urged African leaders not to give into pressure to cease the persecution of the GBLT community in return for aid.

||| UGANDA: Beyond the international outcry. Is Uganda as homophobic as they say?

<<< UGANDA: Activist Frank Mugisha weighs in on homophobia in his country and how the rest of us can help.

||| ETHIOPIA: Anti-gay sentiment flares in Addis Ababa preps for AIDS conference.

>>> NAMIBIA: Meet 29-year-old Wendelinus Hamutenya, who has been crowned Mr Gay Namibia. The news was hailed by the country's official opposition party, the Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP), of which Wendelinus is a member...

...Is this the same Wendelinus Hamutenya? Juicy...


<<< VIETNAM: A play about the life of gay men - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Turquoise and Violet - has opened to acclaim in Ho Chi Minh City.

>>> AUSTRALIA: The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras "goes straight", rebranding the parade and festival the Sydney Mardi Gras.

||| AUSTRALIA: This is gay marriage equality group GetUp! Action for Australia's new ad, A Love Story. Just lovely.

||| Why are so many Britons leaving Australia?

||| TASMANIA: Activists call for marriage equality.


||| INDIA: "Give him electric shock or cut open his brain but make my gay son straight." The lengths rich parents will go to to cure the sickness.

<<< INDIA: Delhi Queer Pride 2011 attracts hundreds of marchers. In pictures.

||| INDIA: In Bangalore, hundreds of activists have participated in a Pride March.

||| India growing in popularity as a gay tourist hotspot.

||| INDIA: Eunuchs mourn 15 killed in fire at remembrance ceremony.


||| Israel and "pinkwashing". "The growing global gay movement against the Israeli occupation has named these tactics 'pinkwashing': a deliberate strategy to conceal the continuing violations of Palestinians’ human rights behind an image of modernity signified by Israeli gay life. Aeyal Gross, a professor of law at Tel Aviv University, argues that 'gay rights have essentially become a public-relations tool,' even though 'conservative and especially religious politicians remain fiercely homophobic.'" (New York Times)

<<< Porn mogul Michael Lucas on the Arab Spring aftermath: "After decades in power, a brutal dictator in a Muslim country is dramatically deposed by a massive popular uprising. Sound familiar? Of course: that's what happened in Egypt and Libya this year... But it’s also what happened in Iran in 1979 — and that should make us pause for a moment."


>>> BRAZIL: The Christ the Redeemer statue is lit in red light to commemorate World AIDS Day.

||| World Aids Day: Victory is within reach, but cuts could spoil it all. Just as Obama announces "the beginning of the end" for Aids, funding is being slashed.

||| World Aids Day: The Global Fund is collapsing. No fund means millions more in sub-Saharan Africa and beyond at risk. (The Guardian)

||| World Aids Day: 20 years of HIV data mapped.

||| World Aids Day: Living with HIV. A man from London, and a woman from Kenya share their stories.

<<< KENYA: Boys attend a class at the Nyumbani Children's Home for children with HIV, in Nairobi, Kenya.

||| Bisi Alimi: Let's do the black talk – HIV and black gay men in Europe.

||| The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has launched a campaign targeting black gay men.

||| Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell has slammed the government for its efforts in HIV and AIDS provisions.

||| Why World AIDS Day still matters.

<<< An international design competition - headed by Michael Arad (designer of the 9/11 memorial) - has opened for an AIDS Memorial in St. Vincent's Triangle Park, New York.

||| AIDS: Why were the campaigns successful in the West?

>>> AIDS: First AIDS story published in The Washington Post.

||| AIDS-related deaths down 21% from 2005 peak...

...But in the US, few living with HIV have the virus under control.

||| Caribbean countries without "buggery laws" show significantly lower HIV prevalence rate among gay men.

>>> UNITED KINGDOM: The evangelical churches telling patients to stop taking their HIV medication. Instead, the pastor shouts for the devil to come out of their bodies.

||| UNITED KINGDOM: 3000 gay men were diagnosed with HIV in 2010 – the highest number ever reported. Cases of LGV and shigellosis are also surging amongst gay men.

||| Israel has also seen a steep rise in HIV rates among gay men...

...And China. Left, boys infected with HIV participate in a classroom performance at a special school for AIDS-infected children.

||| Meet Timothy Ray Brown, the first man "functionally cured" of HIV.

||| Avoid alcohol three days a week, doctors warn.

||| How exercise benefits the brain.


<<< Is this monster the world's biggest insect?

||| Should the law mandate animals be stunned before slaughter?

||| Boffins uncover a nest full of baby dinosaurs.

||| Octopus walks on land.

>> The Moon, as you've never seen it before.


||| TURKEY: A new Internet filter that blocks pornographic and separatist material online has met with demonstrations decrying censorship.

||| PAKISTAN: Similarly, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority now prohibits Pakistanis from texting more than 1,600 words it considers offensive or obscene, including "gay," "lesbian," "virgin," "homosexual," "condom," "intercourse," "breast," and "Jesus Christ".

||| A new website, dot429.com, has launched, aiming to help GBLT professionals "network and make business connections". Sounds thrilling.

||| Facebook, we need to break up - it's not you, it's your boring friends.

<<< Boffins invent lightest material on Earth.


>>> A roundup of new GBLT books for December, including, 10 years after The Brothers of New Essex, a new Belasco book, entitled Belasco's Boo and the Bruthas.

||| The Best GBLT Books of 2011: 92 authors select their favourites...

...Meanwhile, the NYT Notable Books List omits almost every GBLT favorite of 2011.

<<< For GBLT children's books, the times they have a-changed. "The homosexuality of the adult characters is no longer the paramount subject of the stories; indeed in some cases it is well-integrated into the story-lines and even taken for granted."

||| But where are the GBLT biographies for kids?

>>> Kevin Keller, the gay Archie character, is getting married! The wedding is in January's issue.

<<< This is Amelia Roskin-Frazeel, the 14-year-old girl heading up the Make It Safe Project, which "donates books about sexual orientation and gender identity to schools, school Gay-Straight Alliance clubs, and LGBT-inclusive youth homeless shelters which would otherwise do without".

||| Armistead Maupin confirms new Tales of the City novel.

>>> Review: Chulito, by Charles Rice-González. "This dazzling debut takes the coming-out, coming-of-age narrative and gives it a fresh landscape, namely, the Bronx urban scene, where the street codes are 'mixed into the concrete and asphalt that was used to build the neighborhood.'"

<<< Review: The Unreal Life of Sergey Nabokov, by Paul Russell. "A stylish and tragic confluence of histories, cultures, and languages."

>>> Review: Mad for Meat, by Kevin Simmonds. "Simmonds is more like Essex Hemphill, and the lesser-known Richard Ronan than any poet who's emerged in the last twenty years."

<<< Review: The Dubious Salvation of Jack V., by Jacques Strauss. "Almost an American literary novel of the Deep South, complete with racism and social change."

||| Hide/Seek one year later: The world moves on, and sometimes forward. (The Washington Post)

>>> VIETNAM: Khoanh Khac Cuoc Doi (Moments in Life), a photo exhibition displaying 120 portraits of gay men, recently showed in Ha Noi.

<<< SERBIA: An exhibition exposing Nazi crimes against gays, "Nazi terror over homosexuals 1933 – 1945", has opened at the Belgrade City Museum, and runs from 2-23 December. More.

||| Peter Burton, the writer and publisher who championed gay literature for over 35 years, is dead. He was 66.


>>> Talking to actor Sipho "C-ga" Masebe (far rightabout his new role in short film Imfihlo: The Secret, in which he plays a man who embarks on an affair with a married businessman.

<<< Zenne, a film based on the true story of a young gay man who was allegedly gunned down by his father in July 2008 after coming out, has stirred up controversy in Turkey.

||| The Martyrdom of Lawrence Brose. Avant-garde artist denies Homeland Security child porn charges. (Gay City News)

>>> Property from the estate of Joan Crawford is to be auctioned on 7th December. Wire hangers will not be available. Left, the Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award presented to Miss Joan Crawford for Outstanding Contributions to the Entertainment Industry 1969.

||| Daniel Radcliffe to play poet Allen Ginsberg in gay-themed thriller?

<<< Kellan Lutz strips off for his forthcoming lacrosse movie, A Warrior's Heart.

||| Can Martin Scorsese's Hugo save 3D?

>>> Review: We Were Here. "The sheer honesty and weightiness of these heartfelt testimonies is not only engrossing storytelling, but will undoubtedly have you in tears."

<< Review: Beginners. "A depressing exercise."

>>> Review: Weekend. "A gay relationship has never before been portrayed on screen in such a poignant and believable way."

||| Review: Harvest. "Like a lot of contemporary gay culture it has style, but not an awful lot of substance."

<<< Review: Judas Kiss. "Not great, but still a steady B+."

>>> Review: Close To Léo. "Powerful, poignant and utterly lacking in cliché."

||| Review: Longhorns. "It's fun, funny, full of needless nudity and wears its warm heart on its sleeve."

||| Lenny Kravitz in The Hunger Games, and The Social Network 2; trailers:

||| Ken Russell, the British filmmaker, is dead. He was 84.

||| Karl Slover, one of the last of 124 Munchkins from the The Wizard of Oz, is dead. He was 93.


>>> Is The DL Chronicles about to make a return?

||| Chris Meloni to join True Blood?

||| Ricky Martin cast as hot Spanish teacher in Glee.

<<< Suddenly I feel like I ought to have been watching Signed by Katie Price.

||| TV's latest reboot: The Munsters.


||| George Michael battles severe pneumonia.

>>> The Gay Men's Chorus strives to stay relevant.

||| Straight reggae artist - and GBLT ally Mista Majah P - speaks out. "I've been sent death threats. Some people have said I can't come back to Jamaica and that I'm trying to spread a 'gay agenda', Some close friends won't talk to me now... I'm not scared to be known as a gay sympathiser, because I am doing the right thing."

<<< Remember the controversy over San Francisco rapper Lil B's album I’m Gay (I’m Happy)? His new track is called I Got AIDS.

>>> Gays are over-sensitive about homophobia, T.I. tells Vibe magazine...

...But it seems Tracy Morgan just wishes T.I. would keep quiet on his homophobic slurs of the past.

||| And in any case, poor T.I. was taken out of context.

<<< Jennifer Lopez surrounds herself with beef at the American Music Awards last month.

||| Gay rapper Cazwell unleashes raunchy new video Unzip Me.

>>> In case you missed it, here's another shot from the JLS Attitude shoot. WOOF!

||| CD-format to be abandoned by major labels by the end of 2012.

||| Andrea True, who sang More More More, is dead. She was 68.


<<< Introducing the first annual ka-os|theory Top 20 Porn Stars.

>>> NOOOO!!! Matthew Rush has found love and is retiring from the sex biz. The Sword says it best: "Matthew Rush was both everything a gay porn star was supposed to be and like no other gay porn star anyone had ever seen before. He was, to put it simply, a God."

||| And Brent Corrigan, too. But he's not making it official.

<<< Readers of The Sword have come up with a blizzard of brilliant, bitchy captions to accompany the Matthew Rush/Michael Lucas pairing, and it seems like no one likes Lucas very much. Our favourite: "The beauty of your tit dragon makes me wanna cry. Sadly, botox has rendered my tear ducts useless."

<<< Ryan Idol - the 90s porn star - has been found guilty of attempted murder and faces 15 years in jail.

||| Falcon model Trent Locke gets mugged in Toronto. No other porn stars were injured, we hear.

||| How Francois Sagat has made the transition from gay porn icon to quasi-movie star and respected cultural icon.

>>> Meet Japan's answer to Elijah and Milo Peters.

<<< Dreamteam: Johnny Rocks and Sarge, anyone?

||| The change of pace, as studios reinvent themselves with increasing interracial sex scenes.

||| Help get Seed Money: The Chuck Holmes Story made.

||| George Michael's boyfriend also a random gay porn model.

>>> Speaking of which, which porn star's boyfriend would you like to fuck? I'm going to go with Matthew Rush's BITCH HE LEFT PORN FOR boo.

<<< And here's another hot porn couple! Trey Turner and Jessie Colter are boyfriends. (Information correct at time of writing.)

||| Randy Blue's Reese Rideout takes his gay-for-pay tale to conservative TV talk show host - and brings his wife along for the ride!

>>> Randy Blue's hotter stars - including giant Raphael Sedano - recently steamed things up at Cocktails With The Stars.

||| The last taboo in porn. Get your sick bag ready.


<<< The London Wasps have become the first professional rugby union club to sign the Government Charter for Action to rid sport of homophobic and transphobic abuse. Tom Varndell signs the Charter, left.

>>> Rugby union star David Pocock boycotts marriage until gays have same right.

||| Football fans arrested for homophobic chants.

<<< Three players disqualified from the 2008 Gay Softball World Series because of "perceived heterosexuality" have settled with the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance for an undisclosed sum.

||| Talking to Rick Welts, the president of basketball team the Golden State Warriors, who came out in May.

||| Gay pro bowler Scott Norton marries his partner Craig Woodward.


||| The Great Black Friday $2 waffle iron riot.

||| That's So Gay!

|||Visit the Miniatur Wunderland in Germany. Stunning.

Issue 103: 19 November - 2 December 2011

Remember what was going on this time last year? No? How about a reminder?
Read Issue 38.

ka-os|theory is not responsible for the content of external websites.

© 2011


Cup-o-Noodles said...

I do immensely enjoy these news bits!!!!

Unknown said...

Thought you gave up on this segment of your blog, nice it back.

KAOS said...

Thank you boys! It's not back permanently, it's a one-off comeback tour, as a friend put it... ;)

They'll appear intermittently, when I have the time.

Keep checking in, my beloved ka-os|theorists! x x x

Mike said...

Huge Emotive Smile

KAOS said...

Thank you Mike :) x

Mike said...

Zee Jai,

Why don't you have a twitter option next the FB options under the post?

So, glad you posted all this info. I'm off to Belize for the week, and I'll have a lot to catch sitting pool side!! :)

Hope you're doing well!!

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