Now available on YouTube (or on MySpace, embedded below for non-UK viewers) is Coming Out To Class, a Channel 4 documentary fronted by QBoy:
"Openly gay British rapper Marcos 'QBoy' Brito investigates the realities of coming out in Britain's schools. While he is now considered a brave man for coming out in the traditionally homophobic world of hip hop, he felt completely unable to do this at school.
QBoy finds that more and more young people are coming out to class, and at a younger age. But what has brought about this change?
He reflects on his own experience of school, and meets a new generation of young gay people. Together they explore issues around relationships, bullying and equality. QBoy takes his findings to Westminster, determined to ask questions of those who dictate policy."
The 50-minute programme can be viewed at YouTube, or just check it out below!
Don't forget to visit QBoy's official site. BeautifulMag has covered him twice, May 2009 and November 2006. You can see a lot more of QBoy (possibly) here.
Don't forget to visit QBoy's official site. BeautifulMag has covered him twice, May 2009 and November 2006. You can see a lot more of QBoy (possibly) here.
da video is blocked in da U.S. channel 4 international licensing issues, i’m guessing.
Oh no! That SUCKS! :(
I loves me some Qboy. Mmmm .... you should see my collection of pics.
Mike & Taylor - the film can now be viewed directly above, even if you're not in the UK. Enjoy!
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