It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness


From top to bottom:
1. Enrique Cruz models perform
4. Vodou ritual, Haiti, by Jan Sochor Photography.
5. Morocco, by Joe Hunter, Fotopharm Photography.
6. Unknown
7. Unknown
8. Unknown
9-10. DeAngelo Jackson performs for
11. A child in Spanish Harlem, c.1970s. © Jacob Holdt
12. I Don't Want to Sleep Alone (2007), directed by Tsai Ming-Liang
13. Airbus space shuttle, by Garçon Stupide (2010)
14. Wooden Animal USB Drive, by Marubeni InfoTech
15. British band MN8, c.1995
16. Unknown

Title quote: "It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness." Leo Tolstoy, 1828-1910, Russian writer.


Eric Arvin said...

Very interesting selection!

ManFoto Fan said...

I love the logic of the nutter in picture 8 — how are we supposed to visit the website on her placard if we destroy our computers?

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