I ain't a pussy-person. When people look at me, they don't think cat, they think dog

Why so uptight about calling male booty, boy pussy, boogina, et cetera?

For some, it just doesn't sound right. Fellow blogger and cutey
Toddy English is one: "I only call my ass an: ass, booty (my favorite. The word literally means ‘treasure’), bum, rump, golden humps, or rectum."

Rectum? RECTUM? Speaking as a devotee of the Breion Diamond cult of salad tossing, the booty is a thrilling sexual playground. "Rectum", on the other hand, is a stomach-churning clinical term. That might excite some freaks, but not your correspondent.

For others, boy pussy is something to get their holier-than-thou knickers in a twist over. "My bottom is precisely that - my bottom," they say sniffily. "A pussy is part of the female anatomy." You can bet they don't manscape, and no one wants to go near their boogina in the first place. They're probably the same people who say porn is boring, and that people who sleep around are just disgusting!

Let's get something straight, kids. Unless your name's Mrs Slocombe or Wanda Sykes, a pussy is something a dick goes in. If you're lucky, a really big dick (colour optional). Therefore, a boy that takes dick must have a pussy. A boy pussy, in fact. (I personally don't like "boogina" or "mangina". It just sounds too much like the "V" word, and that kinda makes me sick.)

With that being said, be care careful where, when and how you toss your boy pussies (or variations thereof) about. Like bukake gone cold, it doesn't always go down well.

Title quote: "I ain't a pussy-person. When people look at me, they don't think 'cat', they think 'dog'." Dialogue, Linda LaHughes, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme (1999).


tdot said...

If I'm talking to someone and they refer to their ass as a pussy or any of the mentioned variations, that's my cue to stop talking to them. One of my biggest turn offs

KAOS said...

I quite like it when a really slutty bottom boy begs to for me to destroy his boy pussy. But then that's me.

Prince Todd said...


I'm sorry but the idea of "boi Pussy" just turns me off...I can't ever imagine myself saying that...LOL

KAOS said...

Whisper it to yourself in the bathroom mirror Toddy, see how it feels. lol

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