The day the train went mad

Ordinarily, I like the calm, soothing, tones of the digital voice on Tube trains. It's the voice of sanity with impeccable vowels, unwavering, regardless of the company - be they grumpy commuters on the deathly silent morning slog, to loud, bawdy drunks on on a Saturday night.

But even the talking train has her off-days, as this video demonstrates. vinylpimpuk says, "I took the London Overground on 5th June from Hackney Wick to Camden, the voice on the train decided to announce everything it was ever told to say."

And when he says everything, he means everything. Oddly addictive - I couldn't stop listening. What will she say next, and where will it all end?


Trojan Gordon said...

How strange and quite amusing!

Eduardo Guize said...

God, I was waiting for the HAL moment when it goes crazy and self-destroys with people inside...

Talking about underground voices, I've always wanted to meet in person the guy who says "Mind the gap" in London. And one thing that annoyed me about NYC subway is the nap-proof announcements every single minute!

Cup-o-Noodles said...


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