To Whom It May Concern

Dear Sir
It has come to our attention that you have elected to terminate your relationship with this enterprise, here on in referred to as ka-os|theory.
We deeply regret your cessation of mutual association, and the repudiation of the reciprocal benefits of said association, manifesting as a meeting of minds, commonality and reciprocal traffic.
We don't perceive the absence of our venture, ka-os|theory, from your recommendations as a personal affront, and rather, an oversight. We would hope that you reinstate us forthwith, so that we can renew our affiliation and once again enjoy the benefits of shared endorsement.
Please be aware that we cannot continue to sanction your activities without bilateral collaboration. Therefore, reluctantly, we have no option but to withdraw our public support of your endeavours, until such a time as yours are reinstated.
Liberator Émigré Éire


Forbidden Light said... cold and sterilized...I feel bad for whomever this was intended for...I felt terminated just reading it!

I love the picture, I've had that picture in personal collection for some time...That's back when Thailand was really into the high quality shoots...

Good Luck(?)

Prince Todd said...

I apologize. I could not get past the picture. Now I totally want to go to Thailand someday.

Mike said...


Wonder Man said...


Eduardo Guize said...

Mental note: never to do anything to deserve one of those Double E's letters..

KAOS said...

I doubt you could, Eduardo x

Moanerplicity said...

Ummmm... to quote lil Gary Coleman:

"Whachu talkin bout, Willis?"


KAOS said...

M... People who don't return the love, link wise, or chose to withdraw it ;)

Unknown said...

I know the feeling all too well...had to remove a few of them the other day...

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