Get off the cross, honey. Somebody else needs the wood

Who said nothing good came out of Australia?

Australian painter Ross Watson has crucified (on canvas, anyway) living work of art François Sagat.

Says Watson, "I was motivated by the Vatican's position on homosexuality, and its ban on condom use, to create a painting which references Caravaggio's 'Crucifiction of St Peter'. Francois Sagat continues to play a valuable role in the area of HIV/AIDS prevention and education. I wanted to acknowledge that in the painting, whilst tying it to the Vatican. In contrast, the Vatican uses its status in the UN General Assembly to obstruct the promotion of condoms as protection against HIV/AIDS, and sexuality education in school curricular. Some will regard the painting as provocative, but I don't believe it is in contrast to the Vatican's position on these issues. The Pope's 2nd in charge recently claimed homosexuality and pedophilia are linked. That enraged me. It seems just and deserving to depict Francois Sagat as a contemporary saint, given he is helping to save lives, rather than contributing to causing illness and deaths for millions. The great majority of Caravaggio's patrons were from the Catholic church, and his paintings were sometimes rejected as they were viewed as inappropriate for a religious theme. I'm reminded here of my freedom as an artist. Imagine what Caravaggio might paint if he were alive today?"


Eduardo Guize said...

Love it!

Unknown said...


Prince Todd said...

Oh my god I love him! He's sex on legs!

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