The Fourth Plinth: You


The Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square will next be occupied not by a piece of sculpture, but by a truly unique piece of contemporary art: you.

Yes, dear reader, you.

The Fourth Plinth was built in 1841. Originally intended for an equestrian statue, it was empty for many years and is now the location for specially commissioned art.

The current incumbent is Thomas Schütte's sculpture "Model for a Hotel 2007" (right), an architectural model of a twenty-one storey building, constructed in specially engineered red, yellow and blue glass weighing over 8 tonnes.

When that is removed in the summer, it will be replaced by a living monument by sculptor Antony Gormley. He invites you to occupy the Fourth Plinth, an image of yourself, and a "representation of the whole of humanity".

You'll enjoy a full hour of public attention from your position on high, during which you can do absolutely anything (as long as it's legal). Orate. Dance. Get naked. The artist himself says, "I will be very upset if somebody doesn't take off their clothes when they get there."

So will I. Working near the Square means I'm going see a lot of what goes on. And with 2,400 people taking part in the project over 100 days, there's bound to be plenty of interesting, sexy, fun and controversial episodes.

The application process is open to anyone over 16, and who is resident in the UK for the duration of the project.

Elsewhere - Antony Gormley wants you for the fourth plinth

Elsewhere - One & Other

Elsewhere - Fourth Plinth


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