Win A Building

THEY CAN'T SELL 'em, so they're giving them away as prizes. Not just one, either. A whole building. Allegedly worth £8.25million (albeit on Friday; come Monday you can knock off another quarter million), the block is in Whitechapel, east London, and is comprised of eleven service apartments I would so love to win this. I'd fill each and every flat (that's apartment, if you're American, unit if you're Australian, and apartment if you're not American and just a pretentious smarmy t**t) with yummy boys and call it The ka-os Home For Bad Boys. In fact, I can see myself erecting (ha ha) a plaque with that written on it. Elsewhere: Winalondonpad


SGL Café.com said...

i hope you win. yummy boys need a place of their own ....

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