7/7 = BNP

TWO STORIES GRABBED my attention on Friday morning. One was the disturbing news that the extreme right-wing British National Party (BNP) had gained a seat in local council by-elections in Sevenoaks, Kent. Make no bones about it, this is bad news. Then I read another story, in which a teaching pack for primary school students asked pupils to look at the 7/7 terrorist attacks from the point of view of the terrorists. The pack was subsequently withdrawn at the behest of the education ministers who had initially approved it. Now, call me biased, call me simplistic, but might not the two things be connected? The BNP are utterly vile. But the BNP and I agree on one thing: Islam is a threat. To them, Islam is a threat to English values, English this, English that. To me, Islam is a threat to liberal, progressive society (ironically, something the BNP also abhors). The question is why are more and more people voting for the BNP? They shouldn't be. Tahir Alam, who represents the Muslim Council of Great Britain, had this to say: "If children are asked what the justification of bombings might be, they might talk about foreign policy or other grievances." Justification? For July 7? Meanwhile, the European Court of Human Rights has demanded that British taxpayers pay compensation to Abu Qatada, previously described by a judge as "Osama bin Laden's right-hand man in Europe". Islam is incompatible with the modern world. It is incompatible with the West. It is anathema to rational thought. The public at large is incapable of processing complex sociological and political ideas. They know only that they've had enough of Islam, and it is because of Islam that the people of Sevenoaks are voting for a right-wing political party. It is because of Islam that more people will turn to these abhorrent groups. If that happens, we're all in trouble. Elsewhere - Pupils study 7/7 attacks from bombers' viewpoint Elsewhere - Shock BNP by-election gain in Kent Elsewhere - Fury as Abu Qatada wins token payout over human rights


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