Head Off AIDS

SWEDISH BOFFINS HAVE concluded that giving head can protect against HIV - and that's jolly good news all round, I say. Now we can give head, to head off infection!

There is some science to all of this. The researchers studied couples comprised of one HIV-positive and one HIV-negative partner; the man giving head to his positive partner developed antibodies specific to his partner's virus, thus protecting himself against infection.

However, as The Wisdom of Whores points out (now that's a blog title to envy): "The couples who were recruited, an infected man with an uninfected partner, had to have been together for at least 6 months — beyond the most dangerous period for infection in most cases. Any guys who did get HIV through oral sex in that risky early part of their relationship wouldn’t be in the study, because they would no longer be in a “discordant” relationship." However...

Previously: Oral Sex Linked To Throat Cancer

Elsewhere: Justin's HIV Journal


Kriz said...

Well that's a thought! I never really would have thought that the human body could respond like that.

KAOS said...

The human body can respond in all sorts of ways. Personally speaking, mine is *very* responsive... ;)

Moanerplicity said...

Hmmmm... Interesting finding. Strange that it hasn't become worldwide knowledge, or that oral sex hasn't been proclaimed as 'safe' as say, frottage, if this finding is proven to be true.

While there have been many advancements over the years, so much about the disease still remains unknown. It would not surprise me if suddenly the docs did an about-face, and claim they were mistaken. OOPS!

Then what? More infected people due to flawed research &/or medical misinformation?


KAOS said...

Well to be fair the research had a caveat, that being that the HIV-positive party had passed the 6 month danger point where they were most infectious. And it's not saying "everyone go out and suck as much HIV-positive dick as you can get", it's about couples.

And I know what you mean about about-faces. It's not the same thing but this story really brought to mind the older one about oral sex being linked to throat cancer...

Ya just can't do right for doing wrong...

TheatreMad87 said...

So it's either suck off a dick and protect onesself from HIV, or get throat cancer. Let me weigh this one up: life is full of risks.

By the way, where's the oncology clinic...?

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