Not at all. It's Gumbo, a St Bernard the size of a Mini Cooper who made his EastEnders debut last week, who has to be kept heavily sedated in case he knocks over the set simply by turning around. The BBC stands accused of monumental hypocrisy, following its expose on the pedigree dogs industry Pedigree Dogs Exposed last year. It subsequently scrapped coverage of the Crufts pedigree dog show. The trouble is, Gumbo - a 200lb pedigree St Bernard - is the son of two former Crufts champions. Breeders, already up in arms over the documentary and the impact it's had on their cruel industry, are livid that the BBC's flagship telenovela is effectively showcasing an at risk animal.

The BBC have responded with, "There is no BBC rule to say St Bernards should not appear on screen at all following the decision to suspend broadcast of Crufts. A St Bernard appearing as a lovable fictional pet in EastEnders is very different in context to seeing them upheld as exemplary breeds in a prestigious televised dog show." So in other words, it's a case of do as I say and not do as I do...

Previously - Racial Purity and Deformed Mutants Previously - LENSED: Rolan Bell
As much as I agree on the moral aspect of this situation, ie the BBC really should practice what it preaches, we should remember that it is a massive journalistic institution spread out not only across the UK but indeed the whole world. Unfortunately, you can't expect EVERY aspect of it to correlate, or even agree politically. It's like asking rthe commissioner of the Metropolitan Police to appoint officers in the Midlothian Force...
I agree completely. But that doesn't mean the Beeb should be immune from criticism. Igorance of the law and all that...
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