Dancing With The Devil

"HIS SHOCKED EYES stared back, filled with an emotion I couldn’t put my finger on: fear, lust, anger, whatever, I don’t know. I tried to kiss him but he turned away, yelling something I couldn’t hear over my harsh breathing and thudding heartbeat. But I could see his lips moving, shiny, wet, bits of spittle flying. It made me want to kiss him more, with his shirtless, 501-clad frame writhing between my erection and the wall. By that point, I wasn’t Danté anymore, and he wasn’t my pale friend Ray with the cool-ass aquarium, silvery hair, and gecko toes. A sexual demon, a succubus, was in control now, making me do things... things I’d only dreamt about." —Excerpt from Dancing With The Devil Author Taylor Siluwé's hotly anticipated short story anthology Dancing With The Devil is released on Thursday, and can't come soon enough. A further electrying excerpt is available at the author's website, SGLcafé.com. Taylor's work has been published in the anthologies Tough Guys (Black Books), Law of Desire (Alyson Publications), and Best Gay Erotica 2008 (Cleis Press). The New York City boy also lenses for Out IN Jersey magazine. Call me biased, but he's also cute as hell. About Dancing With The Devil:
The phrase 'Dancing with the Devil' evokes images of fiery rituals where witches and demons cavort under the cold moonlight. But that’s science fiction. That’s the sort of craziness that led to innocent people being burned at the stake. In real life, however, the expression does mean cavorting with dark forces - just ones inside our own heads. Centered around a single protagonist, from Breeding Season where we spy a high school crush gone wild, through Beneath Paradise where sex and salvation’s all-out war leaves a young friendship on the battlefield, to the cautionary tales Pretty Young Gangsters, Dancing With The Devil and When Romeo Wakes, each of which peep into the darkest part of obsession’s needy heart. This collection of stories deal with those sometimes sexy, sometimes darkly disturbing moments when our inner Devils come out and dance.
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