BACK IN THE day, Blighty used to have its own all-male singing groups.

(I'm not talking about boybands. Remember the difference, kids).

MN8, Ultimate Kaos, Damage, Nine Yards... Those were the days. And then garage and grime killed them stone dead (TDot - am I lying?) However, all is not lost, and we could be on the verge of a renaissance. JLS were runners up in last year's X-Factor (the UK equivalent of American Idol), losing out to some wrist-slashingly banal clone of Beyonce/Whitney/Mariah (for the record, even JLS couldn't make me watch that fakery of a reality show). If JLS are half as good musically as they are picture perfect, then I can't wait. My favourites are JB (far left in the shirtless picture) and Aston (far right). If you ask me, Aston is the one who's destined to come out as gay. I mean, really... Everyone seems to like Marvin (second right), particularly my Jamaican friend Marley (but he's also obsessed with Barack Obama, and Marvin's a younger, better looking Obama). On the evidence of this picture, best chest goes to my least favourite, Oritse (second right). The boys also look good dressed up as schoolgirls. Ya so pretty, Aston...

Elsewhere - These pictures of JLS are HILARIOUS!
Elsewhere - X Factor's JLS sign record deal
Elsewhere - JLS: Official Bebo
Elsewhere - JLS star ends romance after Lytton rows


Unknown said...

I wasn't surprised that JLS lost out to Alexandra Burke, but I think they've still got potential with the right team behind them. Remember, Lemar lost out to David Sneddon, but went on to be much bigger.

Of the bands you mention, MN8's "I've Got A Little Something For You" and Damage's "Ghetto Romance" are still among my faves till this day.

tdot said...

Damage were so fucking dope. Rahsaan works at a youth centre in Harrow now. They were good.
But yes, I do agree, grime turned everyone into goons

KAOS said...

Urban Shotz - MN8's I've Got A Little Something For You holds a very special place in my heart. I'm going to write properly about one day, but I was a *very* young teenager.

tdot - Damage Damage Damage. Especially their second album. So frustrating that it ended there... And wow, interesting factoid about Rahsaan.

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