GOD HELP US. At least, that's what they'd like.
Following the British Humanist Society's daring campaign to spread some light on the murky waters of superstition, the Christian Party, the Trinitarian Bible Society and the Russian Orthodox Church have put their top spin doctors on the case. Alas, the genie is out of the bottle and they're running scared.
There's no God, say the Humanists. Yes there is, say the bible thumpers. And they're determined to get that crucial message out there for everyone to see.

"There definitely is a God. So join the Christian Party and enjoy your life," their adverts say. Well, I don't know about you kids, but that's convinced me.
I'm off to find the nearest ex-gay group. Who needs blowjobs when you can saddleback all night long, eh?
Previously: The Truth Really Is Out There. It's Big, Red and Square
But, its not as if we expected them to roll over and give up all their tithes and offerings and doe-eyed followers begging to be told what to do.
Silver lining: At least Christians haven't taken up suicide missions - yet. Even for the Poop, that would be a hard sell. Imagine opening your door and a Jehovah's Witness explodes in your face ....
This is pathetic. They got their best people to come up with...what, exactly? A direct inversion of two of the three sentences in the original statement advertised, and posting it up on buses, like a bunch of sad, unimaginitve copycats?
I've always said religion needs better PR...
Taylor - as a Catholic, I find your reference to the holy Pope as Poop deeply offensive. You need to check yourself or we're gonna fall out.
(HAHAHA... Who am I kidding? Poop is too kind!)
Sanya - you can bet your El Dorado DVDs that they actually think they're very clever.
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